Saturday, September 13, 2014

Arrogant Bastard(s)

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, as on 9-11-2014 America declared War on America! Ignorant and arroganttt bastards, those that continue to take shots at Obama, un-called for un-American like attacks upon the way he is handling the IRAQ conflict – with ISIS. But the escalation of unruliness in that part of the world and “here we go again” in that theater, it means we are at War with ourselves! And to those ruthless arrogant bastards with creative-loss-of-memory that seem not to find ever any respect this Commander-in-Chief because he is”Black”, he was handed that “WAR” torn debacle by his predecessor Commander-in-Thief! If anything, we should be demanding the return of Dubya to face a “WAR” crimes tribunal, or at least punishment under U.S. Taxpayer “Fraud” for using our money for his father's gain! When America gets to the point in time it is afraid to demand action against the perpetrators, like indicting the Bush Dysentery Dynasty for crimes unbecoming the American way of life, we may as well join ISIS. It is no different, as ISIS came about due distrust in government due corruption of politicians! So instead of rising to the occasionn to support the Commander, John “In Vain” McCain was on MSNBC and the FOX following Obama's “Get Tough” speech, this guy that can't let it go that he lost a chance at the presidency due “Bed Bugs” - a.k.a. Sarah Palin's family - he has a real problem when it comes to arrogance and ignorance! He's a failure and cannot let go of things. He has all the money in the world, yet he has nothing but a “grudge” he will take to his grave – the sooner the better for America. Have any idea how many jets under his command were destroyed during the Vietnam conflict? You don't want to know! And Hannity tried to engage Rand Paul to side with placing all of the world's troubles on Obama's shoulders, even trying in vain to place blame on Obama for Hannity's “Erectile Dysfunction”. But with Paul, Hannity wasn't gaining traction trying the bribe technique, as it was all lies – and at least Rand isn't an ignorant arrogant bastard. And when Hannity cannot get his own way, he is like a little cry baby and goes running to Sarah for a facial. I would hate to live a life of such dire confusion, no matter how much the FOX wanted to pay out, as lying all the time must take its toll on the house! And I must admit even though I disagree with Paul's political philosophy, he is one Senator that doesn't have diarrhea of the mouth. And I must agree with what Bernie had to say with respect to Obama's “Get Tough” talk, we need to stay home and fix America first! Yes, instead of Kerry gallivanting around that island owned by rich American terrorist – Martha's Vineyard – he should be at home demanding the return of Geronimo's skull, another Bush family secret! Now McCain was on “over-load” following Obama declaring War on ourselves, his face was red, and he was about to blow an artery! See, McCain cannot get over the fact either that he is a “Black Prisoner”, under Obama's reach - it makes him angry. Anyway, we must place this current upsurge with the insurgency in perspective. See, we have come as a nation to the cross-roads of decline with doom the future unless we stop and come to grips as too what is causing so much hate and discontent for “American”! And this behavior by others is not only because of assholes like McCain! And there is only one way of turning this hatred around, to get back to who and what we really stand for as a nation. Yes, America in a War with America! And herein is the real problem we must stop evading and denying the consequences. When the WAR machine dictates a mentality away from what America truly stands for – it will agitate and cause the other side of the coin assholes to attack us. The WAR machine is a $Trillion$ dollar business – courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers. So, here is what I don't understand unless it was all preplanned parenthood. ISIS or take away the “S” and replace it with “Levant” - everything east of Italy - it was merely a neighborhood ghetto blasting band of misfits, not too long ago. In the beginning of this year, maybe 4000 followers in the desert of IRAQ, equipped with guns that didn't work – and foot soldiers only, as this faction had not even enough loot to buy motor gasoline for their rusting armada of left-over war torn vehicles. Now, that force has quattuordecupled like overnight with estimates of 60000 strong in IRAQ and throughout neighboring Syria. Yes, and we now see this coalition drumming up fear, new vehicles, new uniforms and guns that still smell of fresh bluing! So, where did all the guns and stuff come from to arm such a force? Where is all the training coming from, as to take a gang of bullies and turn it into a force to be reckoned with overnight, that takes not only will-power, but money, guns and professional foot-shoulders on the “Private”! So who and what is funding this effort to once again de-stabilize IRAQ? See, when Obama said enough was enough, the troops came home. But at the time, for every “troop in boots”, there was a 1 to 5 “Private Military Mercenary” presence left behind, yes soldiers for hire working for American Warlord Corporations that have taken in $billions$ in ransom, yes ransom. And when the spigot went dry, what does one do? You cause disruption, to bring back the destabilized neighborhoods. That in turn fuels the fire, of the American Warlord Corporate Greed – the War Machine! Just last night, it appears the “Private Military's” plan worked, as Obama is asking for more funding! That means the War Machine goes on over-load, just like John McCain. When you look at the corporations – many with Bush Cheney roots – that hide behind the shield of the WAR MACHINE”, war makes money, huge humongous like profits. So, are these warlord corporations the ones that are backing the ISIS threat? Of course they are, and when kids are coming home from war and cannot find a job, except with one of these “Private Pirates”, if there is peace around the globe it means unemployment and soldiers cannot collect that loot – so they are screwed over with again. We have created a “Monster”, the “Pusher”, pushing the goods of WAR around the globe. The WAR machine has become a perpetual motion monster like machine and our economy has become addicted to the infusion of Daddy War Bucks! Obama was on the correct course, by bringing an end to “WAR”, as he knows who in hell is to blame for more bloodshed over there. But the entire Middle East theater - the Levant - reeks of corruption, and with corruption we find “loot”, and guess who is first in line to reap the rewards and benefits of “Corporate Corruption” – Corporate America! So yes, with the War Machine pulling rank and destabilizing things, we are at “WAR” with ourselves. Obama tried, it's just not what some want even though it makes all the sense in the world, for peace – IMAGINE that, that War be exterminated. Maybe this picture gets the point across, when enough is enough!

More WAR?
When is enough truly enough?

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