Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ringside Seating

Congress had the month of August off and collected a salary of $14500! Imagine what kind of vacation you and your family could enjoy with that kind of loot? But still not enough to wine and dine in Martha's Vineyard with the Kerry Ketchup Dynasty. And what does it feel like to have an entire month off? See, most Americans nowadays get unpaid vacation, so why in hell does...wait, hold that thought. I was boob-tube surfing and watching Major League Baseball from sea to shining sea, and every damn lobby seat was filled by a member of the U.S. Congress – and it's September 2nd? “Lobby Seat”? Right upfront, the kind with cushions attached and large enough to hold Christies big butt. See, they have no real hurry to get back to do nothing, so they take detours and get free invitational seats – courtesy the lobby. Look at the effect the lobby had on Eric Cantor, who lobbied for Wall Street as a member of the “Do Nothing Congress”, he just received a $3.4-Million dollar job – on Wall Street. And we will pay his Congressional retirement and medical benefits – for life! So forget it, as it was not a “Do Nothing Congress”, depending on what side of America you find respect. In this case it is disrespect, from our representatives. So, even though they have had an entire month off, with pay said again, they are not due back to a traditional “Do Nothing” work schedule until next week! Doing nothing has become the normal course of non-events, which means the work schedule gets thinner and thinner. A day shed here, a day there. Imagine a job that had “Retirement” written all over, a job with “zero” accountability, a job with benefits, a job wherein you vote yourself a wage increase? So yes, they had more then a “month” off, which means they lied again! The 113th Congress, where the lie tells the legacy. We live in a day and age of a “Corrupt Congress”. The perpetrators know it, they stow it, they show it off and laugh all the way to the bank. Bastards, yes bastards. Not because of the money, but selling their souls to the highest bidder. And in the end, we loose. What is good for Wall Street is not good for the “Salt of the Earth” American workers. It is the investors that want to rob you a decent wage. We have been roped, we have been raped, we have been taken hostage, and only a revolution will once again free us from such manipulative slavery. That's what it is, slavery. Don't you get it yet? The next time you head to that voting booth, before pulling the trigger of choice, think – just how free are you today over days gone bye? If that pursuit of freedom, that right to liberty and happiness has not advanced and made it a better place for you and your family, then you see what I am getting at. In a recent poll, 99% of Americans said it was no better no worse on the freedon front, status quo...while 1% said they were far better today then yesterday? Yes, the 1% lost the election yet have succeeded in getting their way, through the lobby taking a hold of Congress. It has become their gain and mounts upon us a deliberating “disadvantage”, but if we keep voting the “Turncoats” in, we have no one to blame but... We need a revamping of the way government is influenced by “Congress”. Basically, we need no longer a “Congress” that is stalled in a “Do Nothing” holding pattern of abuse, as I don't find any excuse to vote yourself a raise for doing nothing – it is that simple. But we feel good when we exit that booth, something about doing our civic duty – when all it amounts to is tightening the noose, as we have become a political suicidal society, dishing out to ourselves a slow-death deliverance – yes Deliverance, bend over some more – the Congressional motto that seems to keep on giving less of a rat's ass with respect to caring. Ask yourself this, who is too blame? Them NOT us....think again as something is causing your thought process to misbehave and act like one of them. And here it is in a nutshell of just how bad it is in the “Homeland”. “Teach your children well”? Well some schools are forgoing the requirement to teach the youngsters political history, as it is too much of an embarrassment when the Chapter on “Congress” is reached! See, with no ramifications for committing Congressional crimes, there is no fine and we still find those of corruption smiling like it was OK, to cheat, lie and steal from the Americans. Just ask Tom Delay, a felon still free today and the list of egregious wrongdoers hiding behind the “Congressional Shield” goes on and on. Immunity, to bad all Americans were not treated the same! And when we finally vote in an individual that understands the “Corruption”, like Bernie, what a burden it is to not surrender and heed the warning of the lobby, “Do as We Say” or else. Imagine, an “Independent Democratic Socialist”, that understands what is wrong and trying to fix it! Get the point, as how in hell do we teach our kids the wrong and right of governance, when a the entire cast of corrupt characters with a few exceptions dominate the landscape of “Congressional Corruption” with no reason to act civil?

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