Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Go Nome

Just when I was a micro-breath away from loosing forever all hope that the non-reality side of the “Last Frontier” still held some semblance of “True-Grit Frontiersmenship” not yet shipped out, Nome, good'ol Nome is about to stage a revolution that could change the America way of life for the “Good” - from the mountains to the prairies, from sea to shining sea! Yes, a small town on the coast of the Bearing Sea that comes awake each year as the end of the Iditarod sled-dog race, a town way far and away “mankind” is about to test “Mankind”! Yes, Nome's city council is about to pull the “Tax Exempt” status from “Religious Organizations”! This could be the catalyst that gets America back on track, as it is religion – not the Koch Brothers – that have instituted the demise of separation through Citizen's United - “United” to KILL Hippies! That “Separation” no longer exists, once a “Good” practice, and without it we have witnessed the biggest corruption upon the CONSTITUTION. It may have backfired on the whore-lord whore-house preachers of doom, those that have said there may be “separation” between state and church from a political standpoint, but not between church and state from a religious stand and they have been adamant to destroy this notion of a “separation” required – so have opted to spend as much as possible to erase that “separation” in efforts to pursue their agenda – of taking over “government”. For years, the “Tax Exempt” status has fueled such challenges through a trickle down morphism: “Thank You for Giving to ABT for the Work of the Kingdom of God”, and “don't forget your charitable donation receipt to defeat government”! You are forced to give in, so as a defense mechanism it makes you feel good that you have given away your hard earned income, then they use your money to attack the Constitution. It is “Religious Treason by Torture”. Yes, it is about time that “Religion” pays its way. In Anchorage alone, if the Anchorage city council follows suit with Nome, it would mean an extra $500-Million that could be collected to pay for city services – like road construction, road maintenance, ball fields, hiking paths and inner-city transportation upgrades. For way too long, we have been crucified by such a tax exemption, wherein that money taken away from the patronage is collected on a tax-free basis so it can be “blessed” and used for illegal opportunities. Since taking away that status then disallows “contribution” deductions, this is a tax increase for most Americans, so there is no way the Federal Courts will turn down an opportunity to defend Nome, in its efforts to rid society of snake oil promises. And we need a tax increase, to pay for mental treatment for those leaving Congress – like MissHelll and Eric “StareWeid” Cantorbelle. Imagine, Jerry Falwell-Prevo no longer getting a free ride, now having to get a “real” job instead of a one-day a week fantasy, “I'm God, queers beware” sermonite and maybe by getting his hands dirty through the experience of a “Dirty Jobs” reality he will then see the light and realize how important equality in employment benefits is to the working class heroes he bashes from the pulpit. Why the “Pit”? So this Nome thing has side attraction benefits. So GO NOME. IMAGINE, no religion too! I for one cannot wait, as then maybe we will also see an end to WAR!

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