Thursday, September 4, 2014

Dog In Heat

So U.S. Senator of the Nation's Highest per-capita Welfare State - a.k.a. Alaska - Mark Begich is in “Heat”! He's a U.S. Senator in the “Do Nothing Congress”, so what do you expect? As if constipation isn't enough of a burden. But the “Heat” is on, as Begich “I approved this Lie” that was filled with Congressional fibs, well he is under attack and has pulled the lie from the airwaves. So what is my sentiment, as I wouldn't “again” vote for the “Bastard in Heat”. He is not an American! See, I revoked my “Vote” long ago and said that I would never again vote for a “Bastard in Heat” like Mr. Begich, for a reason that should be a lesson to all credible Americans. See, he used a forbidden tool at the disposal of Congress, a tool that should be banned and worse off then that tool of “Immunity for Rape”, the tool up upholding the promotion of a military officer – for something this man deserving a promotion had nothing to do with! Yes, innocent - but guilty by association wherein every damn morning this man of honor woke and placed on a uniform in efforts to protect this nation. With Begich, it was like the ISIS rage taking a hostage and threatening to behead. I am serious this matter, as what Begich did should have warranted an outrage and riots in the streets of our military bases. Imagine if there came riots and the “Guard” were called in, guess whose side the military would have been on? “What you mean no more promotions, I have a family to feed”? Imagine, using the promotion of a soldier to get your own way with the brass – talk about innocent victims assassinated. Really, due Mark Begich in the Heat of the moment not getting his way with the brass over some base reassignments in Alaska, this man that supposedly was sworn in to uphold the Constitution, in a rage he randomly picked on a troop up for a promotion. This innocent bystander that just happened to be on the list that must be approved by Congress, usually a no-brainer with all YEHS - as why in hell would someone stoop so low as to attack our men and women in uniform? And when I filed an “Ethics Complaint”, as this was unbecoming a member of Congress, unbecoming an American, that is when I found out how the entire “Congressional Oversight” had been taken hostage and today is much like an Anchorage traffic light – to “STOP” on a red merely a suggestion! The “Ethics Committee” was at one time a fundamental institution that provided some semblance of accountability. But when the Congress started loosing touch with reality – about the time Don Young entered the House – the ethics establishment had come under attack, by frivolous jabs from its members upon colleagues “Across the Isle” and was bogging down the system – as each and every complaint required resources in efforts to investigate the allegations and many complaints were filed anonymously. So to fix this dilemma, due the fact that Congress makes the laws of the land, the “Ethics” treatment for serious complaints today finds that nobody can file an ethics complaint except the perpetrator! Yes, it is a self-policing policy, and if a member sees that he or she has discouraged this institution through unethical behavior, then they can turn themselves in and then a jury of peers will consider action and make the decision, for “censure”. Yes, you get to turn yourself in! See, it is based on the theory that “no one” will turn themselves in, even for rape, and then it is up to the “Voters” to decide the fate come a re-election time. But how soon we forget, so this has no deterrent power or policing effect whatsoever. It isn't ours any more, Congress! We have been robbed of the basic necessity of government, called “representation” and transparency, why bother. And isn't taxation without it, Grand Theft? With Begich, in my book he is already “History”. And I as an American beg to be pardoned that a representative of the U.S. Constitution would behave in this manner, by holding hostage the right of being a proud soldier. My apology to those in uniform, that I voted for this “Jerk in Heat” that has set a premeditated precedence that allows attacking our soldiers for no apparent reason or benefit, except political selfishness! Never again....and others should take note and vote your conscious, even if it means a republican taking over in Alaska, as it really doesn't matter when we have no recourse for actions or what is more familiar today, inaction! Why in hell is Alaska the biggest recipient of Federal dollars for “Welfare”? Not that people in need shouldn't be allowed a helping hand with assistance, but doesn't the State of Alaska have $45-Billion in reserve? How come we cannot feed our own, we do have the resources, but with “Bastards in Heat”, what do you expect accept more pilfering!

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