Friday, September 5, 2014

Eric “Shorty” Cantor

 OK, so Eric “Shorty” Cantor finds that he must go to work for a living, now that he has lost his cushion seat in the Untied States Congress. What a life they have up on the “Hill”, as non-responsive mementos of the “Do Nothing Congress” - getting paid for nothing in return! Taxpayer loot in, hot-air out. Makes the saying “crime pays” take on an entirely different dimension. But everybody is taking shots at Shorty's “New Deal”. Hold on a second's chance! See, $3.4-Million as a CEO of an Investment Bank Lobby is not a whole lot of money in comparison to what had been doled out in the past for preferential treatment legislation – a.k.a. there is life after serving, in bribery! Yes indeed hear me, hear me, as once released from the “Hill”, there is payback in accordance with the “Devil's Advocate” creed. Yes, a code-of-horror that allows those once sworn to uphold the Constitution now an obligation to help build, a bigger and better “Wall” for the 1% Satanic faction – or is it “fraction”? When Reagan called out for “tearing down that wall”, didn't he mean “Wall Street” also? Yes, one day there will come a revolution, us against them, the American worker heroes verses the American Titans of Greed. Then we will “Tear Down that WALL for Good”! When we look back in history when “K” Street was at its height of political corruption career - a.k.a. Tom “The Plunger” Delay's bowel moment - it appears that “the times they are a changing” and Cantor must have been forced to take in the leftovers. Sure it's a lot of money in comparison to his U.S. Taxpayers' endowed salary, but still it's peanuts from what other pin-stripers raise in similar executive positions – even upon those without political payback clout. Did you see Cantor's wife, when he was announcing this new job from the podium – she was not at all happy. Oh, that was Bob McDonnell's wife! What the hell happened to her, looks like a blotchy botox virus in retreat. Then again, maybe Obama has been playing a bad round of golf, all those divots are starting to show! In fact, that kind of loot Cantor will garnish for doing something still not apparent, with that kind of lifestyle, well it is probably already evaporated. In the past, most X-Congressmen that had reached the TILT power spectrum, like Cantor, they could have easily demanded a sign up bonus of $10-Million plus! See, with Citizens United allowing unabated contributions to flow into politics without an agent - a.k.a. “Enemy of the People” - the lobby is loosing out in some respects. Where once it required under-the-table bribery, the U.S. Supreme Court has allowed some of that practice to become today not a hidden crime, but a perverted crime perpetrated right out in the open! Yes, the power is still there but has lost it's humph, which may be good sign - a trend changer long overdue. Here is how I see it. With the passage of time our members in Congress may realize that there is no one to run too except the constituency, then maybe we will start to see a change towards the “Good of the People” instead of an all out lousy lobby effort to disrupt our passion for that pursuit of happiness. Maybe the “Do Nothing Congress” has shot itself in the foot, maybe the lobby has lost faith in “Doing Nothing”, wherein our representatives find it isn't worth succumbing to bribery and “Devil's Advocate” legislation. Wherein we finally get representation through that taxation. So we should be looking at Cantor as a sign of a weakened Congress, wherein those that are booted out may soon find, well there is no life left after a “Do Nothing” career! My sentiment, give them a broom at retirement, let them start to clean up the mess they have left this country in. And with respect to so many years being taxed and NOT represented, how about a damn rebate?

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