Saturday, September 6, 2014

Mutiny on the America

In the latter part of the Bush/Cheney administration, there came a “Mutiny” and America was under siege and on the verge of claiming all out “Bankruptcy”. Was this a planned fallout, not in efforts to actually fail this nation but a ways and means through fear mongering to distribute unevenly even more of America's wealth? Was it a premeditated attempt to cause fear, so such fears could be calmed only by Uncle Sam's intervention and infusing $billions$ into the economy - courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers? The incoming administration under newly elected Barack Obama had to react from under this attack and performed what any U.S. President would have done under the same circumstances, in-act a “Stimulus” program - this time around called the “American Reinvestment & Recovery Act”. This was a natural response, Bush would have done the same if the same depression era like nightmare were to occur upon his watch. But was this “Mutiny” planned well in advance, as a going away present for Bush supporters and culminating on the eve of a “Black Man” taking over - as all seemed pretty healthy on the Home-front, until it was time for Bush to pack up his belongings and move back to that “Town in Texas Missing an Idiot”! Was it planned well in advance just in-case the GOP missed out sending Romney to the turnover ceremonies? Was this loosing moment by the GOP a trigger point for this pre-approved plan? For two all important reasons YES this scenario of economic doom and gloom was prefabricated. First and foremost, it would make Obama look bad right off the bat, that the nation had done a horrible wrong onto itself in electing this man, regardless of the outcome of the so-called economic looming disaster. And since there was no doubt “$Billions$ of infusion loot involved in efforts to recover, was it a scam that would promote not only “hatred” upon future voters but more importantly arouse wealth gorging opportunities for those in the know this “conspiracy” was to happen? Killing two birds with a single stone? I have just spent hundreds of hours reviewing the final “Recovery” report and money distribution that followed this infusion, from its inception when Obama entered the White House until the last inning of the game - in February of this year. It was an infusion of close to a $Trillion$ dollars and created thousands of jobs, with a lasting effect that will help survive the economy for a few more years – hopefully until future generations have found enough time to pay back the loot borrowed. So why the “Conspiracy” thoughts? For some reason, this program created more “New Businesses” in the course of the program from 2009 through 2013 then would seem imaginable even under the most favorable of business climates, like businesses that never before existed were soon overnight successes. Not really a problem that supports a conspiracy theory, as the opportunity came a knock'n and was taken advantage upon – one could say the entrepreneur spirit lives on with justifiable excuses damning to silence even the brightest of conspiracy theorists. And with so much money let loose in such a short period of time, oversight even though tough, it was a monster effort to keep track of where the loot was being carried off to, where it was being utilized. But even though most of the new businesses that were recipients of $billions$ in grants, today these business are gone, yes retired, vanished without a trace except listed in a state's archived licensing section under “Inactive” or “Expired” category? One would think that with the opportunity, a business could begin anew and with steadfast management and seed money from the “Stimulus”, stay a viable entity even when the Obama magic money wand was a thing of the past. But there were thousands upon thousands of start-up businesses designed to take advantage of the “Stimulus” then, the disappearing act erased a majority of legitimate businesses? Doesn't make sense, like it was designed as a ways and means only to take advantage of the program. So that legitimacy finds a questionable mandate, and we must come to the conclusion that is was a “SCAM”. And why there may exist a plausible conspiracy theory that supports a prefabricated economic slowdown, many of these businesses without a single contract, reason or viability to actually be in business came into being, in the early part of 2008, before Bush abandoned the White House! “I think I'll start a business, what for, who knows, just in-case”! So it appears that many of Bush's cronies and in concert with the trickle down cronism theory, many close associates may have been made aware that an economic “Mutiny” was about to hit this nation smack in the face. Was it a gamble, by putting $50-bucks upfront for a license, talk about a great investment! So quick and dirty came the “Mutiny” that there would be very little time to do anything else but stimulate the economy – with a “$Trillion$ dollar infusion – no questions asked. Like already said, time has proven that an infusion of loot into the economy works wonders, by creating jobs. This is what any Commander-in-Chief would be faced with. Borrow for today, pay back after the smoke clears. It worked with Hoover, it has now worked for Obama. So, Bush/Cheney may have known this to be the case and realized the only outcome – cash in cash out! Fabricate an economic mutiny, sneak preview it to their trusted republican friends, in turn that would be sneak previewed down the line and in the end this nation recovers, on the backs of the culprits that took advantage of a money making situation! Those that knew this was about to come down made all the profits, by preparing for the worst conspiracy ever of our times. See, it is demonstrated through military war machine contracts that profit margins are huge when dealing with Uncle Sam, by simply following the government's approved contract architecture – basically, about 1/3 of that money actually goes towards the labor pool – the rest is absorbed in the fundamentals of business necessity, like administrative costs, over-head, a ways and means to hide profits unjustifiable. So I am now convinced through my research that it was a “Mutiny” based on a proposition that it would re-distribute the treasury wealth in the tune of $700-Billion to the already wealthy. And with the existing “Highway Robbery” allowed the wealthy with respect to business income without reasonable taxation, that amount TILTS the scale when it is all said and done with. Yes, Obama signed away close to a “$Trillion$ dollars to make sure America maintained its standing of economic superiority. A majority of that loot ended up in the hands of sub-contractors that had no business reason to be in business but for some reason were waiting in the wings for something to happen. They knew it was about to happen, if the GOP was forced out of Washington! In Alaska, many business names were already reserved before the “Mutiny”, businesses already incorporated, because Alaska was already earmarked to get well above its fair share of “Stimulus” wealth if that trigger caused the economic doom “Mutiny” to be in effect, as it was so designed if the GOP failed. Some knew this “Mutiny” was a possibility, based on the election results! When most of the nation realized $800 per capita, Alaska realized $2000 with the “stimulus” in full effect. So those in bed with Ted, must I go there. So there were people in the know – that something ugly with an economic fallout was about to wreck havoc on the nation, give or take a few months all depending on the election results. That was the trigger! So the doom came and the money rescued our economy. Those in the know were ready, and handouts were theirs for the taking. With projects instituted by state governments which allowed for coattail sub-contractors with shirttail sub-contractors to the nth level, even with all of the “transparency” through oversight, it was a mind-boggling exercise in efforts to keep track of it all. Said again, these projects cerated jobs, were legitimate, but what amount of U.S. Treasury wealth actually went towards jobs was shy of what should have been sent that way, as the job market was not that bad to begin with! So shore up the weak market, and those that knew about it took the profits and have now run for cover. Nothing illegal with it all, except the fact that the entire fiasco was prefabricated, as a get even agenda and some were in the know of that possibility becoming an overnight reality. And during this time, it wasn't a matter of seeking to destroy wrongdoers, like Bush and Cheney, this was a national crisis - so just mind your own business was the sentiment. It worked, and today we see the final report that the “Stimulus” worked and this nation is somewhat buoyant. Just one question I have, how many millionaires did this fabrication of economic doom fabricate? Yes, it was a conspiracy with two all important agendas. Monetary pay-back for Bush/Cheney cronies and an all out premeditated attack against Obama, against decency. Now that money stolen away by those in the know is funneled to sabotage government, sabotage Obama. Pitiful, that the “Town in Texas” has not held...a court appearance for the mutineers! But picking on the “Idiot”, that could be grounds for “Harassment”.
"Bush shows off new crime-retardant jacket"

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