Thursday, September 18, 2014


Main Cast: George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States. George H.W. Bush, 41st President of the United States. Prescott Bush, father of George H.W. Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush – all members in “Good Standing” the Skull & Bones Club. George H.W. Bush Skull and Bones' nickname was "MAGOG”. George W. Bush, though not official, may have taken on the nickname “GOG” for this operation.

Of all the lame excuses or reasons worn out by now as to why the United States went back to WAR with IRAQ under George W. Bush, not one of those excuses or reasons has stood the test of time. And today, many reasonable people along with scholars here in the Homeland, and abroad also, still are looking for an answer - especially now as the United States' military gears up to enter again that theater of turmoil and bloodshed. Here we go again how many times? What “charm”? Yes, once again the fingers are pointing and those trying to maintain a legacy without affiliation to “Treason” are speaking out with “Don't Blame Me”! Last Sunday, the old “War Lords” were resurfacing on the airwaves, Cheney and Rumsfeld to name a few. But not a word from George W. Bush, even though ridicule has often followed his retirement away from office along with a legacy of an embarrassing war campaign remaining a thorn in the side, and for that matter very quiet on the Bush camp – like this “silence” upon this matter is, well a “golden” opportunity as a “right to remain silent”! Yes, the stench of guilt for premeditation seems to render a powerful verdict! And to those war and Constitutional scholars that spoke out long ago that any “unnecessary” invasion of IRAQ would forever destabilize that nation and possibly grow like a cancer to neighboring nations, that “cautionary” did not stop the invasion fervor and we can say today that may have been words of advise to respect. But under the auspices of “OPERATION MAGOG”, we may finally have reason to believe that the IRAQ war effort “after-the-fact” following the Desert Storm was a clandestine operation, directed by a “secretive mandate” found within the ideals of the Skull & Bones Club – a “Mission” to ouster Suddam Hussein for selfish reasons that had nothing in common as an American interest. Yes indeed, George H.W. Bush as the 41st had reason to send troops to fend off Hussein's attack on Kuwait back in 1990, and did indeed heed that “cautionary” that enough is enough – by bringing the troops home when the “Mission” was accomplished. Said again to re-empathize, the re-entry into that theater under George W. Bush as the 43rd Commander-in-Chief, it had nothing to do with anything “American” - it was not a military effort infuriated by “yellow cake”, nor was it due continued threats from IRAQ as Suddam had said enough was enough when pictures revealed a highway of burned out vehicles, rubble and charred corpses of his troops trying to retreat, after George H.W. Bush sent in the Tomahawks. And let us not forget an all important aspect upon the craze to invade Hussein's kingdom, there was “zero” Al Qaeda presence in IRAQ! So it had nothing to do with 911 and Bin Laden. Read on, as this is very revealing information that should have repercussions upon the cast so involved. So why my sentiment that the famed “Skull & Bones” had something to do with the mess we have before us front and center today facing Barack Obama as a Commander-in-Chief? Look, to its credit, the controversial “Bonesmen” don't just start wars without a reason. Even with all of this club's elite membership, which finds unabated wealth and political clout that could overthrow many nations, it doesn't entertain using that power and might to invade other nations. It doesn't try to play out a role as a behind the scenes “government” and is basically a “club” of big kids still craving adolescent behavior from time to time - innocent fun for the most part with this notion the “club's” secrecy is something to be proud of from the inside and feared upon from those on the outside! Sure its membership has an influence on the political scene, but I still vote my conscience and it appears that with Citizens United, this “club” may find some of its clout sidetracked! But it is a “club” loyal to its membership, until death do they part. Like “Skull & Bones” 1st, power with money 2nd, family then country? And this clandestine operation – OPERATION MAGOG – it was most likely not condoned by the S&B. Yet this “power elite” club may have become the beneficiary of this “Operation's” success, a coup d'etat hanging arranged by the most powerful and influential American family with deep roots in the Skull & Bones club – yes be it known this club has also an echelon of elitists and the Bush Dynasty tips the scale! I mean who in hell is Dana Milbank? Yes, a member of the “club” just like John Kerry. And this “beneficiary bonus” may be today a reality as when Hussein was captured and hung out to dry, it meant for the operation's perpetrators bringing home the ultimate prize – Suddam Hussein's head! With the possibility that it is now an artifact in captivity alongside Geronimo's stolen skull remains, kept hidden away in the secret “CRYPT” at Yale University – home of the Skull & Bones! Also known as the “Tomb”, it is an impenetrable fortress that is even inaccessible by a legal subpoena search warrant. I ask, what are they hiding? But that was the “goal” acknowledged by “Mission Accomplished” when George W. appeared on the bridge of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln, he made a fool of himself in the eyes of Americans as we asked “Is he Serious”? But we were not getting the message as that message was not for us – this was George W. signaling George H.W. in front of the world the accomplishment of toppling Hussein and realizing that the “mission continues”! Yes, continues on, not for any American interest, but to finish the goal of “OPERATION MAGOG”. When Hussein was run out of town the ransom for his capture spoke out loud, American $Bush War Bucks$ found closure upon his fugitive aspirations and what followed was a short-lived incarceration and subsequent hanging at the gallows. Even though the release of Hussein's body was proper in a fashion consistent with the Qur'an, money speaks and those that had participated in removing Suddam's head for delivery under “OPERATION MAGOG” are now living in secret locations under a protective custody program, as that was part of the “Deliverance” deal. But those that helped secure the “skull” are also sworn to secrecy or else, they would disappear overnight without a trace and their families sent back to IRAQ to face justice for violating the Qur'an – which means only one outcome! A head for a head. So here it is in a nutshell. Yes, like father, like son and like son again, we may find out some day that right here at home on this American soil another “Skull” of controversy is in hiding. Sacred remains no longer laid to rest in its rightful home but on display, used in initiations and rituals played out in the “Tomb”. During an initiation into the “Skull & Bones” and that afforded only a select few, supposedly kissing the “Skull” of the enemy - like Geronimo - finds the ultimate passage, more powerful then a salute to our flag and more powerful then a swearing of oath as that found with the U.S. Presidency. The “Skull & Bones” is a highly secretive club, like already mentioned most of the time minding its own business. But the bylaws are also “secretive” and from what little is known about through “loose lips”, those on the outside have come to realize that it is plausible that “OPERATION MAGOG” did indeed enlist exactly what is covered herein, a clandestine operation to invade IRAQ, to get Hussein's skull in captivity as part of the continuance of the Bush family dynasty recitals – to stay in “Good Favor” the notoriety of this “Club”! See, George H.W. failed the opportunity, as he is supposedly one that had been given the privilege to the “skull kiss”, as was George W. by virtue their relationship with Prescott Bush. Said again, this “kiss” is preferential treatment for a select few that are asked to join the “Club”. But due Prescott's history with “crooking skulls”, it is a pass it down the family bloodlines ritual and tradition without compromise. Not something that is a maybe, but a mandatory sentencing. So when George H.W. failed at “crooking” a skull of a terrorist, an evil, the Bush family was facing the possibility of “Club” disbarment – something that has never occurred! So we find wherein this clandestine operation was fabricated to arrest a graver situation facing the Bush dynasty, so started was George W.'s 6-year war with Hussein – from the time the invasion started up until Suddam's hanging. The reason we hear little or nothing today from George W. Bush, as it was indeed the ultimate “Mission Accomplished”. It all really started when Suddam Hussein attempted an assassination attempt targeting George H.W. Bush, after the Desert Storm was said and done wherein IRAQ's attempt to invade Kuwait failed due to the United States intervening. At the time, H.W. said a protracted war into IRAQ was not on the agenda. Like for the time being and justifiable so, Commander-in-Chief H.W. had placed “Country” before “Club” enthusiasm and honor. Let's face the facts, why use American troops-in-boots for a selfish agenda? And that refusal to invade IRAQ found scrutiny amongst his “War Lord” administration, like a job not yet complete. As being an ex-CIA commander and familiar with the religious factions in that arena, H.W. realized it was easier said then done – so postponed any escalation attempts. But that righteous deceision may have violated the “Bonesmen” code, as it is rumored and more likely then not a true fact, that Geronimo's skull was stolen away from the grave by none other then Prescott Bush, George H.W.'s dad and George W.'s grandfather. That “crooking” may have started a family tradition that under the “Skull & Bones” must be upheld at any expense or else! So the rules are simple, which means when H.W. decided against going after Hussein, he broke the Bush legend, and with the assassination attempt “OPERATION MAGOG” was hatched – after a day out fishing along with a few beers and some of Barbara's potato salad, when the Bush family had gathered out at Kennebunkport on the coast of Maine. George W. Bush was then in a position to finish the “crooking” tradition. So, once this plan of action was approved by the family – namely daddy George and boy George only – and taken back to the Oval Office, it would be only a matter of time wherein Suddam Hussein would be overthrown, incarcerated and put to death then supposedly laid to rest. This all makes sense out of the nonsense that we have lived with for the last few years trying to see an end to the turmoil and bring the troops home for good. It ain't going to happen because of what you are reading into this operation's intent and success! So why the escalation that is facing Obama to react? ISIS is a Sunni Islamic Jihadist following, they want Americans to return as they want revenge for what George W. Bush did – the “crooking” of Hussein's skull. They want to engage the infidels at home, as that is the honorable choice under the Qur'an. Look, the Native Americans have tried forever to get the return of their worrier's remains, yet have failed all legal attempts and the only way forward would be through a declaration of “WAR”! To his clan, he was a worrier not a terrorist – it all depends on what side of the fence one sits. To the “Skull & Bones” an evil. The ISIS regime that is well armed realize that asking for the return of the “Skull” is a worthless attempt, so they will continue to behead, until the “Tomb” is destroyed or George W. Bush faces a trial that would have to find the same consequences as that of Suddam Hussein. Scary, isn't it! What we know. George W. Bush has gone on record that “GOG and MAGOG” were at work in the Middle East! These are the nicknames of father and son, what meaning is anybodies guess, but could be questionable. The grave-site of Suddam Hussein was under tight security, and when rumor surfaced about a possible grave “crooking” attempt, the authorities refused to exhume as that is considered a “haraam” under the Qur'an. But with ISIS, supposedly the beheading of Americans is in retaliation and that American is now a target, because of the “Skulls” disappearance. And this has placed Secretary Kerry in an awkward position, as he is also a “Skull” member, and the secrecy behind what he knows tops that of his Secretary of State responsibility. Yes, Kerry may know about the whereabouts of Hussein's “skull”, but to speak up could be disastrous – said again, no member has ever been evicted, the Bush family came close. So we may see that a crank called “Crooking”, stealing stuff as part of the “Skull & Bones” initiation, well it may have started out as innocent behavior but when Prescott “crooked” the heads of Geronimo and that of Pancho Villa, it was then up to the son and his son to keep up the tradition. And today, that may have invited an evil pawn upon that game. So that's the reason George W. went back into IRAQ, to topple Hussein, to finish something his dad failed to do but a mission that had to be accomplished at any expense – even that of our troops in harms way for something of no value for American interests abroad. This is how America finds conflict along with pain and suffering, due selfish agendas, just a big fraternity at work and play. So yes, the whereabouts of the “skull” of Suddam Hussein may be in hiding, but when it is known about, that will bring even dire consequences. But the best that can happen is this remains but another “skeptical” Bush Family Conspiracy theory, else we may be in the cross-hairs of a faction that wants more then beheadings abroad. In closing, this all makes common sense. Especially with George W., as he was in a position to invade IRAQ, topple Hussein and reap the benefits for his family's name. That's it, don't try to look beyond this for any reasonable doubt as George W. was a simpleton, never grew up and with the assassination attempt on his dad by Saddam, if there is a better reason behind his madness, well I welcome a plausible excuse. There is none! Then again, maybe we “can't stand the truth” and with the secrecy behind the “Skull & Bones”, we may never know the truth of the matter except the fact that Arlington is getting full!

 "GOG & MAGOG" rock formation in Colorado. 
Supposedly for Prescott, George H.W. and George W. Bush
 "GOG", a.k.a. George W. Bush. 

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