Friday, September 19, 2014

What Crime!

So the Denali Park rangers are about to arrest some hunters for shooting a moose in the Denali National Park Preserve, just wasting their time and U.S. Taxpayers' loot. See, a guy shot a moose at the visitor center, a few years ago - no crime. And there has been “Legal Precedent Set” here in Alaska that will set these idiots free. Yes, just find the lawyer that saved the “Runt” from going to jail for the same “crime” and then enter a “Grounds for Request” until you get the same judge. I'm talking Jeff King, as he was caught red-handed killing a moose in the same damn area then dragging it out of the park, and was basically acquitted. Why? Juries can be hyped by the romance of things, like dog mushing, culling and free-loading Senators. See, “Precedent Set” sucks, and is a ways and means to, well “cull” corrective action when a crime has been committed and the perpetrators afraid to live up to expectations as trustworthy citizens. When did "I'm Guilty"....Here is the take as this will be an interesting story to follow, as to its outcome!

FAIRBANKS -- Two Alaska hunters reportedly shot and killed a moose nearly a mile inside the boundaries of Denali National Park and Preserve, according to a news release from the park. Park rangers were notified on Sept. 14 by a hunter in the Stampede Trail corridor that two men on an off-road vehicle had crossed the boundary into the park, and had shot a moose. - ADN

Iditarod champion musher Jeff King was ordered to pay a $4,000 fine and another $750 in restitution to the National Park Service on Friday for illegally killing a moose just inside Denali National Park and Preserve more than a year ago. King, 52, was found guilty of shooting a bull moose 600 feet inside the park boundary by a federal magistrate on Oct. 24 following a two-day trial. He faced a maximum of six months in jail and a $5,000 fine. With tears running down his face as he addressed Federal Magistrate Judge John D. Roberts near the end of the 4 1/2-hour sentencing hearing at the federal courthouse in Fairbanks, King described himself as humbled and emotionally spent. "I'm ready for it to be over, this has turned my life upside down and has caused me countless nights of sleepless worry. I am deeply embarrassed by it all.” Defense attorney Myron Angstman called Cooper's recommendation for jail time preposterous. "This is a petty misdemeanor and should be treated as such," said Angstman, who asked that King be allowed to serve community service in lieu of a fine. "The only way you go to jail if you shoot a moose in Alaska is if you waste a substantial part of it or you are somehow commercially involved in profiting from that moose." In the end, Roberts sided with the defense. He said there was not sufficient evidence that King lied under oath and that shooting the moose inside the park boundary was a case of poor judgment, not blatant disregard. "This is not a case of failing to notch a harvest ticket or taking more than one moose in a season," Roberts said. "Basically, it's about taking a moose in a national park."
King said; “The support of my character came from Sen. Lisa Murkowski...”

So, to those hunters now under arrest for the same crime. Hire the same damn lawyer, learn how to cry, have King be your expert witness and send MoanaLisa MurCowpie a donation....Freedom, Freedom, Freedom!

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