Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Cruz Missile Launched

Wow, wow, talk about a shot across the bow! According to “sealed” affidavits on file with the Canadian Provincial Courts and made available to the United States Department of Denigration, a Mrs. Claudette St. Pierre of Calgary, Alberta, has sworn to testimony that she switched babies on December 23rd, 1970, claiming that Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz is her daughter's baby. She supposedly performed this switch as she wanted the daughter's out-of-wedlock baby to become an American citizen, as the Cruz's were working in Canada and it was easy to make the switch. According to this testimony of record, Mrs. St. Pierre worked at the RGH, so knew the local medical staff on duty and was given permission to gallivant about the “Baby Wing” without an escort. Which means Ted Cruz is NOT an American nor a bonafide U.S. Senator, so no wonder he is trying to single handedly destroy the American dream machine. He's a CANADIAN! Maybe Ted knows this fact, is ashamed at his heritage and the fact that he is NOT a true-blooded American, so to him it means total destruction is the only solution – to destroy America. That is why he rushed to judgment to deny his Canadian citizenship when it was discovered that he was born out of this country. The U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms has placed Cruz under a “Citizens-House” arrest until such time a DNA can be performed. This is serious business, goes to show this nation has let down its guard as we have terrorists invading our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. The damage that Cruz has done since he was elected to represent the fleabag monkey couch-roach party of imbeciles – a.k.a. the Tea-Party, it is like the launching of a cruise missile at ourselves. This is a developing story, so stay tuned.....

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