Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Alaska Corruption Update

Wow, this is unbelievable! Even though the government is in a shut-down lock-down mode of operation, it still has its finger on the pulse of things. Which may be a good thing. See, I have been using my GCI cell phone way outside its intended “Coverage Foot-print” and have violated the “Contract”, which means the “Butt Heads” can take action – like re-arranging my sim-card memory so the alpha-numeric keypad generated “Texting” message gets all mixed up. Anyway, the GCI “Butt Heads” - name for the technicians that listen in on your conversations by using a hi-tech “butt plug” undetectable by any FBI eavesdropping equipment - well they were not keeping track of my “Contract Violation” spree and this was costing the GCI stock to crater. See, they can't really disrupt my service if they are derelict in their own eavesdropping & spying, and thus must purchase “bandwidth” from another carrier to make sure the “contract” is not breached on their part - which costs a fortune for them as it is sold at a premium. It is part of that age-old law, if you let something slide, it keeps on sliding and the courts will not address the issue, you knew about it and let it go on. So remedy is moot! Just like the Congress of today, the longer they play and we pay them to play, we have no re-course. Hey, not my problem this “contract” land slide with my cell-phone provider! All was cool and I was getting my money's worth from this “Bundled” Alaskan monopoly until the National Security Agency warned the “Butt Heads” about my activity, just a heads up from the “furloughed” questioning how I could be in two-places at the same time. Wow, talk about a storm on the horizon! I started receiving “hate” calls and harassing calls, from the “Contract” administrators of GCI! It was like that department had been invaded by a bunch of wannabe “Sarah Palins”. Really, talk about an attitude of “Thy shat doesn't stink”! OK, so it was s snow-day in Anchorage and some had to go to work! So GCI shuffled my keypad, and when I sent out a text about Cyclone Philian, it came across the wire as Cyclone Palin. Imagine, a wicked storm named after our dear Sarah! I like it when Palin comes alive on the comedy stage, or when we hear she is part of the Traveling Circus, the “Mad Lady with a Russian Brain” attraction. Yes, laughter is the best of prescription medicine. I do believe that part of Obama's “Affordable Health Care” finds a ways and means to keep Palin and the Cruz missile in the news, for the laughter aspect. Anyway, GCI is a shabby business entity, but unfortunately for the voting consumers, the “Telecommunication Regulators” have decided it is OK for a monopoly to rule. Regulation in Alaska, it is just a suggestion, just like obeying an Anchorage traffic light. For those not in the know, this GCI outfit is a “Master Pimp”, and has over time engaged the costliest of high price hookers'n whores, like Ted “Hulk” Stevens. Look, please get mad, as Ted was killed performing as an “escort whore” for the owner of GCI. Some call it lobbying, I call it selling your soul. Remember, every call you make, every text you send, you are contributing to a political process that has made Alaska the laughing stock and branded the “Last Frontier” the “Corrupt Bastard Club” state. I don't need to provide a “historical” of how the Duncan Yo-Yo used his wealth and influence to ruin Alaska's political climate – and today we have the Tea-Party coming out of the wood-work, like couch-roaches on the attack. Look, we used to have a “democracy” in Alaska! Honestly, if it were not for Ted, that yo-yo mon would still be performing tricks in his garage instead of buying up remote fishing lodges so he can wine & dine destiny. And “let me tell you this about that”. See, Ted was run out of town on a bad deal, which culminated with his plane crash death! So sad, as that premature ending could have and should have been avoided. His friends did him in, shoveled the dirt on his coffin while it descended towards rat-hole hell. He was innocent of any wrongdoing, except trying to perform his sworn-after duties as a U.S. Senator. When we compare Ted's track record with that of Begich or MoanaLisa MurCowpie, we see the reason as too why “KY” should be outlawed. Look, Begich used his “Little Runt” attitude to violate and stoop lower then a “turd on the run”, by trying to use his muscle to harass the military brass, because the Tea-Party went upset that the Eielson AFB was closing down and their cushion jobs were about to vaporize. Imagine using the “Little Runt” syndrome to hold up the promotions of our men & women in uniform – to keep the Toilet-Paper Couch-Roach party at bay? Yes he did, used the “Bully Pulpit” to delay promotions, of men & women placing themselves in harm's way to defend liberty, only to be turned down a pay raise because Mark was upset that the “brass” were not telling the truth! And MoanaLisa, she's a “Cowpie”! Look, I was never a real fan of Ted, let's get that point front and center. Especially when in his office in Anchorage many years ago, he made it clear and convincing that he was upset, at the way people - supposedly his sidearm friends - mistreated his generosity. Yes, generosity, because he was adamant that when a proposal was sent through his office and came across his desk asking for appropriations in the form of $$$, that it was a sound investment, that it had no strings attached, so he would go to bat for the requestor. Honestly, when Ted was on this subject of “friendships”, he went verbally upset and I thought he was about to jump out the window. Yes, pissed he was, as he knew all too well that many of trust abused that generosity and used the money for, well personal gains and fun stuff. He made it clear to me, that when the money arrived, it was out of his hands. Especially bothersome to Ted was the money that he earmarked to study the penis size of the Musk-Ox! Who in their right mind...never-mind as the money was abused and used to build a hunting camp. That is what Ted's friends did, I call it grand theft larceny fraud. Ted was trembling when we discussed this subject matter, upset beyond the trembling that occurs when son Ben accepts donations – suspicious loot I am talking about. Like father like son? Ted had a job too do, and tried to keep it ethical and regardless of how his “friends” screwed him over, he still believed he was doing what was necessary for Alaska. He was, but the advantage takers were out for blood, not camaraderie. Ted died, for their sinister.... Yes he was a “whore”, as he was run out of town and needed to do something so found a job with the yo-yo mon. Now what is there to celebrate, as his friends know they screwed him over – like Don Young passing the bad buck and blame for the M.V. Susitna as Ted's baby. It was Young that wanted that boat to nowhere, and now that it is a rust-bucket heap, he tries to throw the blame at dead Ted. Talk about throwing a friend under the bus. This is what we have representing Alaska today – brats! Here is another thing of suspicious interest that needs attention. When did the “Rail-Belt” get natural gas? See, for some reason or another, Enstar convinced those state regulators “Missing in Action” that it needed to store natural gas in-case it gets colder then normal, to “Supply the Rail-Belt”? Another remarkable project we have not paid attention upon, that is about to bite us in the ass – ouch! Here is the take on that matter, huge profits are in store for entities engaged in gas storage, but not from a sleaze-bug outfit like Enstar. Profits can be realized from the entities that produce the gas like “Big Oil”, not some podunk gas company out of Michigan. See, gas comes out of the ground all year long, it is hard to vary that outcome. So in the summer, when gas is abundant because it is used less frequently, compress it and stow it all away in an abandoned cave – like an old oil formation that has a dynamic barrier to keep the gas contained. Then when that cold spell hits, like magic, there is no gas shortage! It basically follows the “Buy low in the summertime, sell high in the wintertime” formula. But Enstar is a utility, that can only hide away so much in profits, I know as I used to work for Enstar and I also worked for GCI, so I understand the ins and outs of these two fine ethical Alaskan corporations. Good laugh, you betcha! Why in hell is Enstar's fathership incorporated in Delaware? If you know anything about the American business climate, Delaware is where “Citizens' United” had its beginning. So this project, it is a “Big Joke” and in the end we Alaskans will pay dearly while humongous profits tiptoe through the Benulips to SEMCO. Yes, Ben had something to do with this mess! See, Enstar used to be a good community citizen, now it's all a front, as the Michigan management committee hates unions but must contend with a union force of able-bodied workers that have the backing from the “Plumbers & Pipefitters Union”. When it was under the wing of the Seagull, it was a very good part of Alaska's untarnished history, before the inception of the Corrupt Bastards' Club – during the Non-Corrupt Bastard Club history era. But corruption gets in the way of decency, as why in hell did Enstar pay Ben Stevens $70k when he was a sitting state Senator. Oh, it was when the senate was on recess, good answer. And I have a bridge, I mean ferry for sale cheap. See, this state has corruption written all over it still. As things political in nature went compromised back then, when the Stevens-Young-MurCowpie clan was trying to mow-over the Three-Stooges dynasty, wherein that success still finds it has a foothold today. Just look at those attending the masquerade party the other night in Felonyville, something called the Mayor Sullivan's Dysentery Dynasty Disenfranchising “We Hate Unions” Ceremony. Yes Bob Penney, need I mention anybody else as this guy was another one of Ted's dearest of friends, and he taught MoanaLisa all about land swindling deals too good to be true - but we are the elite and we have Ted, so go for it! I could go on, and on, and on about how corruption ruined a good thing here in the 49er, but why go there, as all we want is a fix - a clean slate for a chance at a clean state - so our kids can maybe get back a sense of pride, of what Alaska was all about and supposed to be all about. It will take a whole lot of time to clean out the house of whores and the filth left behind, as for some reason that dysentery continues to pave the way for many of today's politicians and there aspirations – to be like Don. They are all whores, prostitutes, pimps, perverts and gang-banger gangsters. Anyway, GCI wants to be my friend, as they reneged on their own contract and now want to buy me out. Amazing, and try to get out of a contract on your own accord and the bill collectors will be at your front door trying to get blood out of a turnip, just like Ted's buddy-fuckers thought they could get away with, by befriending a decent man. They drained the life out of Ted and in turn drained the life out of this state. But it ain't over with yet, as we have a real dismal future with a Sarah Palin leftover, as that guy Parnell, well let's hope he is the ending chapter of a bad scene horror like book, and Alaskans finally wake up and smells the lingering stench of corruption, as it is as rank as a dead corpse! Ted, R.I.P.!

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