Tuesday, October 15, 2013

House of Aboo Dobuy

They are NOT stupid or cheap! I am talking the government of Aboo Dobuy that offered only $2-Million for the M.V. Susitna, Don Young's day-dream day-time job wet-dream. OK, I stand corrected as Don passed this wet-dream down to “ALL Alaskans” as he is the Congressmen for “All but the Poor Alaskans”. What a motto! Look, here is a way out for this “Boat to Nowhere Nobody Wants”. We should have the Alaska legislature float a bill so we can hire pirates. Yes, pirates! Give them a wage and a boat so they can raise havoc upon the safety and security of the cruise ships calling on the the ports of the “Inside Passage”. Think about it, “Pirates of the Cruise Ship Crap Passage”. Maybe we can even employ the expertise of Keith Richards, as the “Pirate Extraordinare”? It doesn't have to be real, just a “Disneyland like fantasy, wherein pirates start to attack a cruise ship because of illegal toilet flushing while in “port” and then comes to the rescue the M.V. Susitna. Hey, this “ship of fools” finds a design which follows that of an amphibious assault vessel, so it fits well with this kind of staged saga. And the film industry, it would go crazy over a stage like this, for the “Film Tax Credits” industry, in efforts to show-off another embarrassing moment about Alaska. Yes, it is pathetic as to what comes across the “tube” these days with respect to Alaska. Like the “Ugliest Catch”, “Alaska's Bimbo X-Governor Goes for the Gold”, “Alaskan Drug Dealers Deal Blow to the Politicians”. And those prefabricated “Hate Mongering” shows that highlights the History and Discovery Channel, it is all about prejudice upon the Alaskan Native society. Why the Alaskan Courts allow this type of rhetoric, from men and women in uniform, it goes to show we are a failed state. Yes, there should be no “Tax Film Credit” for hate! And how can those goons in uniform call themselves “Alaska State Troopers”? I can't wait until the next phone call comes in from the “troopers” asking for a donation! I will donate a piece of my mind! But my idea of letting the pirates loose so we could try and find gainful work for the Susitna, my idea has merit. And the entire crew would finally have work, as many have been receiving a paycheck for nothing in return! Look, since that ship tried to leave port down in Ketchinpox, the crew has been on paid “Standby”. Sounds like Congress! We could – that is the U.S. Taxpayers that footed the $120-million dollar bill for this pork boondoggle – we could recoup some of that theft from the U.S. Treasury. And look at the possibilities, as Don Young could finally have a job that must perform something other then utter “Beanie Bag” nonsense. See, he maintains his marine vessel license endorsement, so why not let Don do the driving? See, he has been using that “endorsement” to shipwreck this nation, so is well qualified for this helmsman's position. OK, his perssona fits that of a pirate over that of a law enforcement officer boat captain. Yes, when Don was representing this country, he was instrumental in allowing American liberty walk that plank, allowing a furlough upon what the U.S. Constitution was supposed to uphold. Look, we gave Joe community service for wrecking his ship on Bligh Reef, so why not let Don live out his fantasy, continuing on as a “pirate” for the vessel he wanted but had no future – except as a science project proving that rust still rules. Look every other bad-hair brain idea for this ship has failed, so why not use it for something worthwhile, with this “Pirate” thing? Else, maybe the Army has a drone looking for some action...And while they are at it, why not take out that “Bridge To Nowhere” that Don finally built, that ridiculousness across the Tanana. That “bridge” has no apparent use, accept it is a get-away route for the Tea-Porty that has taken over Alaskan politics with the likes of a Shaffer Cox thug like militia mentality, the coalition that Don signed onto as a signatory – to overthrow Obama. Damn, call in those drones, but wait until the flea-bag monkey couch-roaches are fishing off that bridge....and Don is there visiting his twisted constituency. Off course? Of course, and way off!

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