Saturday, October 5, 2013

Being Green

Now for the rest of the story. When the MOA realized that the garbage heap off Highland had matured enough for a “trash gas” fired power plant, with excitement it paid attention to what move to make next. The gas was being vented into the atmosphere, so why not capture it and utilize it to produce electricity. Time to Go Green! This was a trend finding favor all across America. I was all for it, as some of that gas belongs to me, from “MY” garbage. Hey, I never signed a release that said the trash belonged to Mayor Dan! And lets face the facts, after raising a family with 20-years of curbside pickups, hey, I do believe I am a stakeholder this resource. So the city spent the time and money to research the feasibility of using the “trash gas” as a viable alternative fuel source, to generate electricity. The city's research figures indicated that it was pretty good deal if the city were to build and operate the power plant, with indications that it could make about $1.5-Million in yearly profits after capital expenditures, operating and maintenance costs were deducted – by selling the electricity to ML&P, the city owned electrical utility. The MOA was already in the power generation business, so this was right up Dan's alley! What a concept. And the city had looked into piping the “trash gas” to the George Sullivan plant down the road from the dump and use it to fuel the turbine that generates electricity for JBER! And since ML&P already maintains an “electricity sales contract” with JBER, all around this project was a win all proposition. The “economics of scale” was based on a plant that would cost $7.5-Million to build or about the same for a pipeline along with turbine/generator modifications to burn the “crap gas”. Now due the city getting ripped off in the past by unscrupulous business dealings – privatized housing at Elmendorf – it was smart to get a second opinion on this “Trash Gas” extravaganza. So an RFP was generated. The city received a proposal of interest from an Alaskan native engineering corporation that said it would build, manage, operate and maintain a landfill gas project for pretty much the same figures found by the city's bean counters, wherein the city would see somewhat reduced profits in the arena of $680k each year – about half as much realized if the project were an in-house venture, which is in order when considering there is less liability and someone else has to deal with employment issues. What “Union”? So the proposal was sound and in-line with what the city management had expected executing forward this kind of project for the “Greening of America”. But we must realize and never forget that this state along with the municipalities and city propers have been tarnished by the after-effects of the “Corrupt Bastard Club” mentality. So instead of going with a sound ethical economic approach, something got in the way of decency. In steps Doyon Utilities, need I say more? And this misfit outfit didn't bother to deliver an RFP, just somehow cajoled the city into “Sign Here”! A too good too be true scam. Soon we see a project that finds the cost to build-in-place a power plant escalating to $22-Million, along with a $6.5-Million grant from the U.S. Energy Department along with a $2-Million grant from the state coffers. So what was supposed to cost about $7.5-Million, it is now up to $30-Million! So someone had done some pretty bad math, as the cost of such a plant and the payback, it just didn't make economic sense. Well, Doyon is known to have a very mean spirited relationship with the U.S. Military. If you don't believe me, this is what Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said most recently in filings with the Regulatory Commission of Alaska, wherein Doyon Utilities is trying its best to rape over the coals the American Taxpayers. The Secretary of Defense, through duly authorized counsel, on behalf of the consumer interests of the United States Department of Defense, hereby opposes Doyon Utilities. The underlying basis for Doyon's prejudicial revenue delay is caused by Doyon's own omissions and its choice of the regulatory process over the clear and timely relief path of the valid federal contracts governing the Doyon-DoD relationship.” And here is what has happened with this “Trash Gas” thing, which should and could have been a good thing all around. See, the military is forced into buying into this “Green Energy”, something that is forced down their deep throats by the inept U.S. Congress. It is a do or die scenario of sorts. And in Alaska, if the brass upsets Mark Begich, he is quick to stop a military individual from getting promoted, basically Begich knows that holding hostage a military finds the cry baby getting his way in the end. Imagine, holding hostage a man or woman in uniform their chance to advance in a career that is challenging to begin with. Because Mark uses this tactic, he will never ever see my vote his way, unless it is a vote for “Idiot of the Year” award. Look, this “trash gas” folly can only occur by one sad state of affairs reason, how and why did Doyon receive preferential treatment from Dan “Tennis Court” Sullivan. Here it is in a bomb-shell! The electricity that Doyon makes from gas taken from the garbage heap, it is sold to the U.S. military at a premium so outlandishly inflated that it would make your “Grinch” with hate & revenge. There are rumors that in some instances Uncle Sam's military has paid in excess of $68 per gallon of something designated as “Green” fuel. Yes the “Going Green” is a great concept, but in the end the good'ol American taxpayers are getting shafted. Greed has entered the “Greening” picture, and that is what is happening here in Anchorage. Yes, the military is under the gun to buy green, no matter what the costs of doing business demands. It cuts into the local military budget, which allows our troops in boots less of a chance at survival in the theater of WAR! “Sorry, we couldn't afford...” So this was a bad deal all around, as the city is getting money that is above and beyond what should be expected, that is why they signed on the dotted line without a blink, the carrot was just too inviting. The city knew better, as the numbers indicated what was economically feasible and sustainable – and now the city has a lawsuit to contend with. Yes, the city is making too damn much and a neighbor has taken notice. So of course the Eklutna natives are pissed, as Doyon is making a killing also in the Eklutna's own backyard. It boils down to a turf battle royal and with native corporations in competition these days, what else could we expect. The sad thing, why doesn't Eklutna go after Doyon? In fact, all “True Americas” should be concerned about how Doyon Utilities is behaving and trying to rape the ARMY, which in the end if they succeed, we will get shafted again. And with the look of things so far, this ”White Man” run corporation is getting its way in court – a “White Man's Court” chaired by bonafide members of the “CBC”! Yes, the RCA is starting too find in Doyon's favor, and this can only occur if the “Commission” is in Doyon's back pocket, sad it is. Once again, “We the Taxpayers” will find out how it feels to get shafted, by men that smile all the way to their offshore banks! The one good thing about the Eklutna lawsuit against the MOA, we may find out how much Doyon is bilking the military, for “Trash Gas” generated electricity! Please don't laugh.... In ending, it's not easy being "Green"

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