Monday, October 7, 2013

Bang, Bang...

Appears Alaska may have shot itself in the foot, maybe the groin. Our economic prosperity is limping along on empty and may get worse in the near future as this state realizes cut-backs in military spending – cuts orchestrated by political castration. A natural gas pipeline could fix things, maybe soften the blow, but even today affordable energy is still only a suggestion for the 49er. People ask me why so, as this is Alaska the land of “Big Oil” that finds the largest “Stranded Natural Gas” reservoir in the entire North American continent! How many trillions? Well it is an easy 1,2,3 answer as to why there exists no “natural gas” pipeline “For the People”. Drum roll please...Some learned very well from the “Corrupt Bastard Club” mentality and how too stymie and frustrate the “Public Good” doctrine. Look, we have to remember Uncle Ted for something as he believed in the trickle-down theory – award his corrupt buddies with the “golden goose” egg and the trickle down will deliver the leftovers too the peon class – the hard working salt of the earth. In the case of a gas pipeline to deliver affordable gas to residents in interior Alaska, it is profitable for a few to NOT have cheap gas once “stranded” available for distribution. Look, the state owns the resource and owns a Royalty-in-Share volume of gas enough to satisfy us all for a long, long time. But those in the mood, those in the know practicing the CBC “Omerta”, they realize that building a peon sized gas pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to Fairbanks along a Right-of-Way already cleared and certificated for such an endeavor, it may devastate their cushy position. Yes it is an easy thing to bring gas where it belongs, as we have 30+ years behind us in the field of constructing pipelines in roughed terrain, in inhospitable lands where they said it couldn't be done. But when and if it is ever built, the seat warmers that have delayed this much needed economic savior, they loose out! It is estimated that 1/10 the Alaskan population is some how or another involved in this “Do Nothing” natural gas pipeline scam – and retirement is included? See, it has become an inspirational hand-me-down generational hoax, dad to son or daughter to their next generation kids. Why give up such a good thing. Just like teachers, a good thing that provides nothing in return. OK, it's a tough job with rewards! Just trying too get your attention this serious matter, as when the military goes bye-bye, schools loose enrollment! It is too good a thing to disrupt, those employed in this state supposedly trying to get natural gas where it is needed! Said again, it is not rocket science! Buy some pipe, rent some trenchers, open up the “Union” halls. We did it before, we can do it again. But when the gas flows, many “Do Nothing” jobs will become a thing of the past. That is why in a nutshell we see no pipe being trenched into the tundra today. We have the gas, we have the knowhow, we have the financing as the Alaska Rail Road Corporation has $15-billion in “natural gas pipeline dedicated” leverage it can sell as bonds, guaranteed bonds, yet we see a legislature that refuses to budge. It has nothing to do with nothing except the more jobs that are created by the “Gas Pipeline” dysentery dynasty and funded each and every year through the legislature, the less of a chance we will ever see “cheap” fuel. And I'm serious that this “cush” do nothing job scam has entered phase III, wherein children of the founding fathers - Ted's cigar smoking clan entertained by Bimbo up the pole - they are gearing up to take over – with the same mentality to get paid very well to produce nothing. So let's keep polluting the air we breath with Usebelli coal smog along with electricity that costs 400 times the national average. Now this is something the military brass looks at when it decides which bases to throw darts at. OK, maybe it was a reckless shot from the Alaska delegation trying to play bully against the military brass when due to economic reasons the F-16 squadron from Eielson was on the chopping block – being transferred to JBER down in Anchorage. It was a good move, as the state wasn't really loosing much, in fact it was a gain with respect to the overall “Big” picture show. See, we are now hearing that the F-16 fighter squadron from that base will stay put, after months of crappy negotiating by Mark Begich, MoanaLisa MurCowpie and Don “Snot Head” Young. So is it a good call by the brass or did we go over the edge – that political castration thing? Well it appears the latter is what caved in on the brass to give second thoughts about the move. See, the Alaska delegation was successful in a only “delaying” this move as it was a done deal, based not on politics but sound reasoning. Now what has transpired from the time the squadron move was announced back in 2011 and the most recent “stay put” order, that delay tactic is and will be devastating to the future of the military existence here in Alaska – the bread winner for many civilians that find employment keeping the aging military infrastructure running. See, in the time that the “Three Stooges” used to delay not derail this move based on pure economics, that delay has frustrated the entire military outlook for Alaska. What came into being and is instrumental today in keeping the F-16's protecting the Tea-Party class that resides in North Pole, it is the fact that the JBER cost of service had increased substantially, so it is that factor alone that swayed the brass into leaving the status quo and allowing the Eielson F-16 squadron too stay put – for awhile! But that is not good news on the horizon, as in the end we will loose the entire squadron to a base in Utah. See, during the political castration delaying, the cost of electricity quadrupled for the JBER when the military was forced to buy “Green Energy”, this occurred during the time the “Stooges” saluted the brass with that “middle finger” salute. Look, the brass now what they are doing with respect to our armed forces and deployment coverage to protect us. Interference through political castration – it will backfire. And yes, “Green Energy” is highway robbery these days when it is forced down the military's throat. Down in Anchorage, for JBER, it was the “Green Energy” syndrome that will become and economic dead toad dead blow for keeping the military mission alive and well here in the 49er. Brace yourself, as it is about to cave in. Now this “Greening” rip-off, it all started when the town dump manager teamed up with a native corporation to build a “Green Power Plant” and approach the military with “an offer it couldn't refuse”. Now even though the people in charge are claiming that the “molding baby diaper crap gas” will cost less and save the military “big bucks”, that equation is flawed. The garbage heap gas is sold by the MOA to Doyon Utilities at the cost of “natural gas”, the same price Enstar charges its customers for energy to boil water for brewing morning coffee. And before the “trash gas”, the MOA through ML&P furnished the power to JBER based on the same energy economics, which is based on the price of natural gas! So there is something terribly wrong in the equation of things, as it doesn't compute to equal out what the proponents are saying with respect to cost savings. It's another pipe dream. Something is fishy YES. So the brass have caught on, as when energy costs skyrocket and a military base finds no other option then to purchase inflated electricity to keep the runway lights on, well the energy budget cuts into the stuff needed to protect the troops – and this pisses off the brass. And to make matters worse off, when the brass realized that due the cost of electricity and heat quadrupling warranted a stay for the F-16 squadron, it really put Eielson in a dilemna. See, in 2009 the EPA and the state DEC demanded that Eielson change out its aging coal fired polluting boilers, used to heat the base and generate electricity for its runway lights. So that was one of the reasons for moving the tactical wing fighters, as EAFB was too be shut-down. A mainstay of a base is power costs, and without a “natural gas pipeline”, there came no alternative for Eielson. And try getting a coal permit today! So even though there came Congressional approval for replacing the EAFB boilers back in 2007, due “se-castration” that money has dried up and no way in hell will the inept Congress of today entertain spending another $300-million for new power plants, at Eielson. And today the base is operating under a state “shield” air quality permit, which means it is only a matter of time before it gets an eviction notice, too either replace the old polluters or shut it down. And in today's realistic realm, shut-down is imminent. Said again, we have blown the chance for economic prosperity, due the fact we have assholes making the call for “No Affordable Energy”! Imagine how much good a small diameter natural gas pipeline could have done for our future – soon it will be too late. As bases shut-down, jobs are lost, people move out. Dear EAFB, thanks for keeping us safe, entertained with those summer air shows, as an emergency landing base for the space shuttle program and all the jobs that were created. We could have done better, please don't mind our short-falls or the political castration that you put up with – from this state's delegation.

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