Friday, October 4, 2013

Eielson NOT a Victory

Now that the Alaska delegation has “Temporarily” stopped the Air Force from moving its Eielson F-15 squadron to Anchorage, originally a smart move orchestrated by the brass in efforts to save the U.S. Taxpayers money at the expense of a few jobs loss for the North Pole Tea-Party goers, here is my take on this issue of importance. It is a short-lived victory! That base outside of Santa's Land, it will soon be on “Lock-Down”. See, the power plant at Eielson is going to shut-down due the fact that it pollutes the air, then the move of the F-15's will take place not by thoughtful penny pinching men in uniform, but through premeditated reasoning followed through by an eviction notice from the EPA. Without polluting power, no runway jets. See, that power plant is operating under a “shield”, for its air quality permit. That “shield” allowed for continued operation of the power plant to heat and electrify the base until such time a new plant could be built – the only reason the “shield” permit was issued. That was 5-years ago! And in this day and age of less spending, do you really think the Tea-Party mentality will fork over $300-Million, to build a new power plant. Hell NO. And even so, if money were to become available by Don Young turning on the beanie cap, Obama has said NO MORE coal plant permits. And since we still have no natural gas due the fact that our state political leadership has looked upon this type of resource like a wet dream, a new power plant is DOA. So even though our delegation – through bribery and underhanded disgusting political maneuvering – called the military brass' bluff, just wait a few months – as now it is up to the EPA. And MoanaLisa MurCowpie along with Young, well good luck working with the permit folks. See, MoanaLisa and Don, they think Congress could do a better job at permitting then the EPA, so have made no new friends in that arena. If they had it their way, just write a campaign check and get a permit to pollute the universe. Look, it is only a matter of time wherein we hear once again the news, that for Eielson it means “Lights Out” and many Tea-Party workers will have to look for gainful employment instead of the daily grind of, “Bill the military, deliver nothing” sentiment. That party hates “government”, but when talk comes about taking away that paycheck...mind your manners. They show up for work with this “hate government” attitude, which means they perform like a bunch of slackers. This type of attitude would last about an hour on the “slope” in the oil fields, then it would be a one-way never return ticket home. I guess that is why the Toilet Paper Party likes civilian jobs at our military bases, its the only job they can get. And we will soon hear about another base getting a whack down job. Due the fact that an Alaskan Native Corporation is trying to rape Uncle Sam over the coals – Doyon Utilities through Doyon Limited – by reneging on a $1-Billion dollar contract and insisting it must increase operating costs by 100%. Not a typo, increases in the tune of 100% to be paid for by the U.S. Taxpayers in the tune of an extra $30-Million each and every year for the next 50-years! Well if Doyon gets its way, it will mean “Lights Out” for at least half of Ft. Wainwright. Honestly, why this “battle” has not got the attention of the Alaska delegation, I guess they know what battles to pick sides with. It is a no brainer that the delegation would have too side with the military on this issue and that would promote negative political backlash for the Congressional jerks. Imagine, Don having too work for a living after loosing out his seat on “K” Street because he doesn't get the native vote! Look, there is only so much money to go around these days, so if the jurisdictional courts of Alaska allow for this ridiculous increase requested by Doyon, the brass is already willing to cut out half the foot traffic at Wainwright, send the troops down to an economically friendly base - in Utah. And this will happen like overnight, with C-150's landing and hauling away the troops – as they are always ready to get out of harms way. See, Doyon entered into a lucrative 50-year contract with the DOD wherein it guaranteed “price stability”. That was just a ways and means to trick the DOD into believing Doyon was serious about helping out the U.S. Taxpayers. When the military ran the base infrastructure now owned by Doyon, it estimated that civilian non-privatized labor was about 7% higher then what could be realized under “privatization”. When one realizes the entire U.S. military base utility infrastructure costs, 7% savings means $billions$ in the long run. So it was a good thing – this “privatization – they thought. Today, with Doyon, it is highway robbery. But when you look at the management of Doyon Utilities, you find that it is managed by the Fairbanks “No Real Balls” Mafia. Yes, a small group of pigeons that think they represent the Cosa Nostra, and have delivered to the military “a deal they CAN refuse”. And if you thought a decrease in funding for Eielson was to have adverse effects on the economy, a hit at Wainwright will indeed be devastating. And Doyon's laughing matter request for – once again a 100% increase over what was negotiated through a contract – it is based solely out of greed. The dealings that went on with Fairbanks Sewer & Water – owned by the Fairbanks pigeon mafia and Corix, it is nothing less then rape – beyond blood out of a turnip. And the DOD has tried to work with Doyon, but Doyon continues to use every available political back-door tool of bribery, to pull off this D.B. Cooper style burglary. Why they continue on this doomsday path, it is for their own personal greed – as the mafia stands to make $millions$ no matter what happens! Those that are running this scam are not true "Americans"! Here is my take-down on this out-of-bounds attempt to rape the American Taxpayers. There is a contract in force – and that word “force” has meaning when you are dealing with the ARMY.

Dear Doyon;
Please realize that the ARMY has drones, and if you continue to wage war upon the DOD, you are a target I have no qualms about on the ARMY's hit list!

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