Monday, February 25, 2013

Romney Conspiracy

Remember when right before the 2012 presidential election went “critical” and Romney found himself on a “secret” video making rude comments about the 47%'ers? Now many pundits have taken the liberty to take credit for dropping that bomb, that the delivery and publication of this out-of-touch with reality upon the American middle class caused Romney to loose the election and loose big. Books are now coming out of the wood work, in print about the 47%'ers bomb and what affect it had on Romney's bid for the Oval Office. Everybody wants a piece of the action that failed Romney. Matter of fact, when the results hit the vote counters on election night back in November, it still amazes many political analysts that it came as such a landslide victory for Obama. Up until that time, the polls showed a completely different outcome, polls that had been tested over time and could not be so far off predicting the winner take all! This was not garbage-in garbage-out polling, but scientific which finds algorithms with data inputs much like what is found in predicting the weather. Even with the statistical “margin of error”, which accounts for inconsistent data manipulation, it still showed a mathematically accepted response – it was anybodies race! “Mission Control, we have a problem”, ring a bell of suspicion? Romney was too close to have in the end such a defeat – and he walked away smiling and remained somewhat quiet and out-of-touch since then! Something in the last inning had gone terribly wrong for the GOP mission to fail Obama away from a 2nd term. But now it appears that the leaking of that video staged at some exclusive billionaires' affair, it was purposely leaked – by the “secret” Romney campaign executives. In fact, reliable sources say it was a staged speech all along, as not one individual present that night has come forward to criticize the secret delivery of that speech, as the actors have taken an oath for pay. And when the election night came closer and closer to reality, it appeared that the Romney camp was doing everything purposely wrong, when all along it appeared to be doing things quite well and almost signaling “victory” - not counting the eggs before the hatch, but a bonafide confidence level that Mitt was to be iinaugurated the winner of the White House. Until, well something got in the way of the GOP's progress to take back the country. It wasn't due lack of money, nor lack of a campaign strategy formulated to win as many realized we needed a “businessman” to get this nation through tougher times. See, what many don't realize is this fact not fiction. Romney was never in it for “Mitt”. Yes, there is enough circumstantial evidence that Romney “threw” the election, as part of a grand slam conspiracy plan that dates back to his association with Bain Capital, and its parent law firm Skadden – the largest, most prestigious and highest grossing law firm in the world. Talk about power for influence, so much power that it could have something to do with the results of the 2012 presidential race! Look, you can't buy votes and disfranchising the vote was finding itself under ridicule and legal scrutiny, with some individuals behind this GOP attempt finding jail time. So why not just “buy” a candidate that would smile for your side all the way to the end, tell them what they want to hear, but be a “Trojan Horse” in disguise and stiff the election at the last minute? If anybody could pull this off, it was none other than Mitt Romney! And Mitt being his own man that can get things done without a whole lot of extra manpower, this is right up his alley. Which would limit those in the know this conspiracy to throw the election in favor of Obama. Of course you are laughing, but what do you know, about the relationship between Romney, Obama, Kerry and Skadden/Bain? And I am sure that there exists not a single republican that will attest to this madness, as it would be an embarrassment to capitalistic liberty of the GOP message, to have such a “scam” a reality. It happened, the race was purposely sabotaged in the end to favor a win for Obama! And history proves that this may be not so far fetched an idea bordering on a theory of “Conspiracy”. Yet, it is NOT a “Conspiracy” as there is nothing “illegal” about it! When Kerry ran for president in 2004, in a last ditch effort to stack votes against the GOP establishment, the massive office building in downtown Boston became an over-night phone tree in support of Kerry and it is well known that Skadden was behind those efforts, this entity that gives generously to the democratic side of government and to likely candidates during the campaign seasons. This occurred at the same time that Mitt was still by decree General Partner with Bain, basically the guy in control of what was to go down. He was also the Governor of Massachusetts – historically a “Blue” state that could not have won that seat for the “Red in Disguise” without help, from Skadden. This was the beginning of a well seasoned plan, with time on their side, to rig future elections that threatened the liberal agenda, by getting a mascot in office to fake another party's agenda if need be. Looks good, smells fishy! Look, as governor of a liberal state, Mitt signed then sealed and delivered to that state, “Health Care Reform” and closed many corporate loopholes. Doesn't sound like a GOP agenda at all, as it is more in line to what the democrats stand for, isn't it? In fact, Obama is following what Mitt accomplished, and if this ain't fishy business, well please pass over the lobotomy scissors. Skadden controls Bain and Bain controls Skadden - which means Skadden/Bain controls Romney! Basically speaking, Mitt Romney was a Kerry supporter. And in 2008, the same damn support occurred on Super Tuesday, in support of Obama – when Mitt was still in charge of Bain. Even though Mitt was a potential contender for the GOP but lost that race to McCain, it was all part of the plan, to get someone to go against Obama that was part of that “Trojan Horse”. See, this “Conspiracy” to throw the election didn't start over-night by the likes of Karl Rove sleepless due the “little guy” syndrome and possibly suffering from erectile dysfunction! Yes, the “secret” Romney campaign wanted Mitt to throw the election in Obama's favor. Nothing wrong here, just power and might using what it can for the results it wants and needs! Look, it is pay back time now for Kerry, as he is well aware of the relationship between Romney and Bain, through Skadden. Yes, Kerry knows, but will keep his cover, just like occurs between members of the Skull & Bones. Sure Kerry knows about the disappearance of Geronimo's skull and its present day whereabouts – but keeps his promise to the Skull, talk about a kiss of death! This club is so evil, it should be banned for anyone that wants to take up office in this country. Yes, it is the Bush dysentery dynasty at work that is behind the theft of the worrier's skull. So I would not put it past them any ways and means to get who and what they want in today's government. And when one dissects the Bain and Skadden relationship, it becomes evident that the principals of this “takeover conglomeratete” have been and continue to be very liberal based. How Mitt got his foot in the door of this organization, well it happened only because Romney is in reality a closet democrat, and was recruited long ago to “throw” the GOP's run for the presidency should it get to that point. It worked, so this well planned attack finds merit and rewards those behind this plan, including Mitt. Look, of all the candidates that came before the GOP commission and went through the debates and fumbled to the finish line, Romney was the least to succeed in the category of a “U.S. President”. It is that simple. The money honey was adamant in sending “good” prospects to failure - like John Huntsman – and in the end Mitt prevailed above and beyond even the “Dough Boy” - Herman Munster or whatever his name is. Look at the facts, if this was not a stacked deck election and the GOP remains silent this “Conspiracy”, then the GOP be that stupid! But that doesn't mean they didn't see the writing on the wall as they thought that Obama was going down for the count, is was that simple a case so made it easy for the Romney conspirators to make it happen – with Romney part of the formula to throw the election to Obama. And since then, Romney has gone underground and may speak up at a near future CPAC extravaganza, only to keep up the fake scene image, to make it look like he is still a republican when all the time this is a ways and means for the opposite side to keep tabs on the future of the GOP. Yes, the GOP has been infiltrated by a “Spy”! Yet Mitt was polished all the way to election day central, when all the time it was plan of attack that worked, as it was power and money from behind the scenes that provoked the conspirators win, even out of touch and reach to Rove, and it worked. This is how history works and keeps things interesting! Massachusetts, were it all began is still the number one contender for liberty, civil war and Independence and today the home of the biggest presidential conspiracy ever. Thanks Mitt, but please don't blow your cover!


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