Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Under a “NEW FORMULA” adopted by “Weenie NOT, the People”, Congress will from now on be paid according to the “Real American Turncoat Salary Adjusted by the Sober Scale” - a.k.a. RATSASS. This “RATSASS” will be calculated at the end of each quarter. With this new formula enacted, it will allow our voice to be heard, not just on re-election days, but as a reminder that they work for us, as a just and viable ways and means to pay the representative body based on “No Taxation without Representation” criteria and in line with “Waste not Want” laws. We will now get to pay for what we get in return. If Congress finds a 100% approval rating by giving a RATSASS, then they will get the Congressional approved salary, to date $174,000. This RATSASS salary based on a rating criteria will not affect other benefits, which will remain whole, such as retirement accounts and health care plans. The latter will still be based on the 100% approval rating, or as already identified, giving a RATSASS. The RATSASS rating will be by voting, wherein each state's citizens will become involved, casting a vote of approval, disapproval or in between. This is the only way forward we see plausible, by hitting them where in counts in efforts to aid and abet Congress getting out of the cesspool and performing its “sworn” duties. If Congress does not fulfill its Constitutional responsibilities and that rating drops below an accepted RATSASS rating, so will the pay as a means to deter further dereliction. So their salary from now on will be commensurate with giving a RATSASS. Based on the “New Formula”, a 50% approval finds a wage of 41-dollars per hour, or a wage that finds a yearly salary of 87-thousand bucks. At 10.75% rating, it is in line with the “New” minimum wage requested by the White House – more specifically $9-dollars per hour. With the minimum wage as it stands today and approved by Congress, this body would see that same wage at an approval rating of 6.5%. Since the existing approval rating today is at 6% - due dereliction in office – under RATSASS they would be basically taking home a wage based on less then minimum wage, or to get the point across, the same dough that the burger flipper at McDonald's enjoys. Wow, talk about a way of getting the RATSASS point across! If for some reason the rating goes negative, the RATSASS formula suggests “Community Service”, like handing out food at soup kitchens. And since a negative rating finds no income, they will already be hitting the soup kitchens, so the RATSASS formula kills two birds with one stone. And NO, with a negative rating they cannot apply for unemployment, food stamps YES!

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