Monday, February 25, 2013

Who Cares?

Since February 25th marks the day Congress is due back to that “House of Dishonor on the Hill”, there exists an issue of utter importance that requires this body of government's undivided attention – and it has nothing to do with the “Se-castration”. If ever you want a good way to get into that “postal” mood, just look at the 113th Congress and its “Work Schedule”. To date this year, they have worked only ONE day! OK, I stand corrected, as one can no longer easily navigate the “Congressional Calendar”, as the thieves are smart and have made it difficult for righteous citizens to track what they are up to – which appears to be nothing! See, instead of “Non-session(vacation) days”, it is now called a “State Work Period” for convenience. Isn't there a law against how Congress finds “inaction” such a viable tool? Too bad we could not pay the “B&B” on something produced and delivered, instead of this “inaction” pandemic, as today we taxpayers pay out while they gallivant around the country doing nothing except causing more pain and suffering upon Ms. Liberty. What are we really getting in return our investment of $225-Million – the estimated yearly waste to run the Congress which is having some fun running this country into the ground? “B&B”? Bitch & Bastards Club! If you have a better name for todays dysfunctional Congress, then please deliver so I can hijack it for future use. But please, NO “F” words! And since on the subject of Pain & Suffering from the “B&B”, something has come to the attention of Congress, call it the litmus test, to see if they really give a rat's ass or have indeed sold their souls to the “Lobby”. What you mean “lobotomies” are a per-requisite for Congress? When did they pass that “Private Law”? Believe it or not, Congress now has the authority to engage and pass “Private Law” and voted on in “Private Session”, stuff we will never hear about or know about, until such time it hits us right where it counts - as this type of obstructionism by secrecy can only mean something in “their” favor and not in ours, basically “freedoms” lost! I believe this behavior from the elected officials finds a hint of “Fascism”! But please Mr. Congressman, remember what Woody said: “This Machine Kills Fascists”! I guess we should all pick up a guitar. Sometimes I think Congress believes we have entered the “End Zone” and don't care, with the sentiment bring it on and when the dust of destruction clears, we can start over! Anyway and onto serious matters, a release from the New York Times listed as a possible accomplice a crime in the making still, it finds Wells Fargo, Chase, JP Morgan and Bank of America - the banks “We the People” bailed out, all in line today truly “out-of-line” and getting a kickback for allowing illegal “Pay Day Loans” to flow through their checks and balances system. This is a problem steering Congress in the face, upon those that could tomorrow at the sound of the Boehner gavel pounded to order call it quits, and enact laws that would make it a felony for the banks on the “Bailout” list to assist, to aid or abet this illegal activity that targets a segregated population. That population so segregated with respect to this crime spree enlists our men and women in uniform! We pay them “crap” for what they do for a living, so many must resort to the “Pay Day” loan sharks just to make ends meet! How can it be that Congress gives away money – our money – to private military contractors that can pay their “troops” 3-figure salaries, bonuses, an actual schedule with time off for “bad behavior” and the recipients then get an 80% income tax break? That is it in a comparison nutshell. Said again, Congress treats our troops like “crap” and turns around to pad their buddies wallets for performing the same damn job. But watch, as Congress doesn't really give a rat's ass about our troops once in boots now in prosthetics and will not budge one iota to bring this “Pay Day” loan scan to a screeching halt! Hey, if the privatized prison system has vacancies, Wall Street still harbors crooks that need a little time off in solitary confinement! Fill those beds with the real bums! And yes, if any vacancies in those cells for profit after the paddy wagon makes a clean sweep those that made the economy sick, “K Street” finds many more criminals still on the loose, ex-members of Congress that had their fingers in the crookie jar – like Tom Delay. The fact this felon finds no jail time yet was sentenced to spend time behind bars, what gives! Congress today is so totally broke, I doubt if there can come a fix. So, Congress will not act to help our troops with this scamming associated with the “Pay Day” loans and its affiliation with “Banks, Too Corrupt to Follow the Law”. And what do they care, those with a Congressional name card, as they continue to rape and get the golden goose as the troops come home to “Nothing” in return – like Congress enjoys the sentiment that the kids knew what they were getting into when they signed up so what. Yes, Nothing in return for loyal service! No jobs, and what really sucks, how come they have to fend for themselves when it comes to medical coverage? One of the reasons they must resort to “Pay Day” loans is to cover the bills, including medical costs. Look, the worst thing that can occur to a countryman in uniform's career and his future advancements in rank is for a base Commander to become involved in these Congressional approved “Debt Collection” scams. These idiots that purchase “bad debt”, they know who to call and upset, as this is just another failure of Congress. Yes, it is well documented that “debt collectors” will call a base commander, just to get a troop in trouble! Hey, if the Tax Code was civil, there would be no incentive to purchase “bad debt”. How can corporations sell the “bad debt”, write it off when at the same time it goes on forever, taking advantage of tax breaks sometimes for numerous times. The U.S. Treasury is getting robbed by this manipulation. Look, the list of how Congress has let down this country, that “book” worries NOT about any “Pages Left Intentionally Blank”. If this were not a true statement, then why is the “Wounded Worrier Project” going door to door to get some leftover loot to help our kids in need upon their return back to the states? “Where have all the soldiers gone, gone to a graveyards every one.” That “graveyard” of debt which has allowed for a whole new “scam” industry that takes advantage of Congressional “loopholes”! It is sad when the moms, dads, spouses and children have to get volunteer donations to help those that fought for this country, when called to action for a war that is today finding only a single success story – it's called “War Crimes” and Bush should be held accountable, as should the Congress be also held accountable. Anybody that voted for these “wars”, even if through misinformation, please follow that yellow brick road to the gallows! But today's Congress has learned that “Accountability” is but a suggestion. And I wonder if the Bush family wealth or the Cheney family wealth or the Baker family wealth have contributed to this 3rd party attempt to help our wounded worriers cope with life, liberty and that pursuit of happiness taken away by a war that never should have found a single U.S. troop so engaged? I see it all the time up in Fairbanks, outside the Hospital, kids with Pretorious limbs. They seem to get by, only because they can wear shorts when it is minus 50, as the new age metal limbs have no limits to feeling and failing to such “cold”. Plus being removed from the mainstream so far north, it aids in some semblance of a retreat away from the “Failed Nation”! But that doesn't tell the rest of the story! What is more devastating and gets the point across is the condition of the assault vehicles that became the death trap for so many young kids. Even though not on display but secretly held in a secure bone yard on a base outside of Fairbanks, what kind of bombs do the insurgents have at their disposal? That's it, maybe it is time to place these on display, like sometimes occurs with vehicles devastated while loosing control while under the influence. We need to place these war torn contraptions at intersections across America, to show the American public what our kids have gone through, just so Dubya could enjoy his “yellow cake”! And for those unfortunate and not arriving home in a box, a whole bunch of years realizing what it is like to be handicapped! Jobs are tough these days, even for those without such burdens. And do you really think an amputee has a chance at a high-paying job in the Prudhoe Bay oil field? Guess again, it ain't going to happen. So just get in line, and in the meantime if you need money to feed your family or for that auto with a hefty unpaid loan that gets you to the base detail on time, just step in line to get a loan that asks you to sign away a 500% interest rate agreement or else. What you mean Lizard Lips already towed the car away? Look, if we can build a moving bomb shelter for the president with armored this and armored that, can't the same technology be used to keep safe our kids when engaged in desert wars? The technology is here, but to make things safe, it means those defense contractors can't keep building the stuff that breaks. See, no matter which way one turns, fault upon Congress and its evil ways and means is....And drug runners have better security today, as the vehicles used to bring heroin and cocaine across the border, the same guy that builds the White House limousine builds the same stuff for the dope addicts. In all honesty, drug dealers have better protection when engaged in combat then do our troops. Anyway, not to get off on a tangent, but the “Pay Day” loan situation which has found John Law consequences mounting in favor those taken in by such scams, wherein at least 15 states have taken it upon their own law abiding statutes to quit this illegal scamming and caused more then one loan shark to shit his pants – No not Ted Nugent – when the law started bringing on the “heat”, what did they do? Went offshore and are now using U.S. banks to help continue on with the rape and pillaging. Another Congressional failure, with this “offshore” crap. See, when the war started, Bush didn't give a rat's ass about some young kids from the middle class, as cow fodder found more respect from the dysfunctional dysentery dynasty then did this America's pride and joy salt of the earth generation. And since Bush was bored, he decided that war would make the “mission accomplished”, that he was an evil idiot. So kids went off to war thinking this was the right thing to do, when all the time back at home families made sacrifices, not only with family affairs, but with trying to make ends meet. So at every military base that saw young kids dressed to kill and heading out to defend “something” still out to the AWOL jury to decide, “Pay Day” loan outfits started to spring up on every corner adjacent to where military men still maintained some sense of security with machine guns, our military bases. Mr. Loan Shark started a feeding frenzy franchise boom, with “Pay Day Loans” advertising an easy and fast way to get a few bucks. But these crooks – which today has its own lobby and wherein many senators have made a bundle so engaged as shareholders these conglomerates surrounding this activity – well when a troop was hard-up and needed cash, the small print was not of interest, which fooled one into huge interest payments that are truly “criminal”! And some of these sharks, well it makes Al Capone tame even when he was swinging a bat. So states started reigning in on this activity, as the interest rates were without doubt, “criminal”. Now Congress has been aware of this problem, but to date it has failed to even look into the matters that have caused more suicides upon returning troops then any other cause. Yes, it is something they are silent upon. Look, a kid comes home with two artificial legs and two artificial arms. He can't get a job, he can't stay in the military and he is facing a debt scorecard that can never ever get resolved. Sure he can get another loan at 500% interest through a well known bank working with the “off-shore” crooks, as the banks get their fee, and since this is a widespread problem, a few cents fee here and there, it adds up and has become a very profitable sideline venture for the “Big Banks”. And that kid gets roped into buying an insurance policy, followed by “debt collectors” threatening him and his family, to the brink of you know what. He thinks, one bullet can take care of it! And with an insurance policy, the “debt collector” gets his, and the banks make a killing also. What's left for the family, hardly nothing! So now that John Law has become engaged in this scam, the local “Pay Day” loan sharks can release money based on state regulated interest rates only, but they make that not easy and those in need a little boost must resort to the off-shore affiliates – wherein “Big Banks” have found another fountain of gold. Look, maybe the U.S. Congress could help out our troops so depressed with issues of debt on overload. If Congress can give themselves “zero” interest loans, why cannot the military work the same? I am sure that if secret law were enacted to help out those in need that have given time and effort to protect this nation, why keep it a secret as it is something “All Americans” would say “Yea” upon. Fact of the matter, just give them a raise! But Congress will not even touch this dilemma, as like before there exists more than enough evidnce that their “mission accomplished” has caused a total disconnect not only with the citizens, but also upon the military that is supposed to protect our liberty against foreign insurgent destruction. Dear Congress, please put on a uniform and serve your country in a capacity that counts. And when you get back, keep that uniform on as it will be a bigger battle getting on in a society that really doesn't give a rat's ass that you went to war and came back weighing less, as your limbs were blown to smithereens. Sad it is when this is the fallout! Who to blame, there isn't a lot too go around, but what is allowed to go around to its rightful owner finds only a single dereliction, a conviction to do NOTHING! Dear Congress, please recite before this day begins and you go out of your way to screw us over again and again and again, as today is a day in which we will get up and try to make a difference, but we realize that you have no intention of doing anything right for this nation:
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the young men gone?
Gone for soldiers every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Gone to graveyards every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Covered with flowers every one
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?
Thank you Pete!

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