Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Trial of the 113th

Sure enough, there are many expired cats that would attest to the dissatisfaction over the numeral 13, that “luck run a muck” thing. In fact, Donald Trump the high rise mogul known around the world as a “birther” jerk-off, well according to Charity, he still looks for the 13th floor on his way up to the top of his daddy's gold pill. Sure it's a “pill”, as wealth is the evil addiction pharmaceutical. “Can't buy me love” ring a bell? Look normal people “despise” Trump, and how much has he wasted away trying to “buy” humane respect? Honestly, would there be “The Donald” if it were not for his daddy's success in the New York skyline real estate business? How many times has sonny boy been down that road to file for bankruptcy? Is this guy for real or just another estate baby, like we see with Mitt Romney's clan, kids that will never ever sweat a days worth of work to experience the true grit American way of life - only to exist and transpire through life of luxury wherein never ever accomplishing anything of merit. What legacy? Has Trump a legacy besides a buffoon and bumbling idiot personality that has helped ruin this country? When outsiders laugh upon this once great nation, they are not laughing with us but at us, due the influence of 1st Amendment destruction from ED – no not MSNBC's Schultz but a.k.a. Explosive Diarrhea - emanating those vocal orifices bent on such destruction, like we get from Trump. Yes, it is a right to be heard protected by the 1st before the 2nd, but like in Alaska through the state's constitutional convention bylaws, it is a “right” wherein those enjoying such freedoms are responsible for such speech and its fallout. Bottom-line, I can be heard but if my speech incites a riot, I can be held responsible! The 1st Amendment is a self-policing freedom, basically think before speaking, else we end up with ED. With the 2nd, shoot before you.....? This is where a state's rights trumps that of the U.S. Constitution and all states with similar “responsibility clauses” should be using such power to hold responsible ED that possesses an outcome with victims, the lawman should act upon the “responsibility” verdict. Look, I am all for free speech, all for the 1st above the 2nd, but I also believe with modern day technology and the speed at which news travels, the speed at which bloggers can get out a message, mistakes can be costly as there are many that are walking around like a loaded weapon with a loaded weapon ready to evict tranquility. When Sarah Palin was affiliated with an on-line published map targeting U.S. representatives through the cross-hairs of a hunting rifle and it provoked an attack on Gabrielle Gifford, Palin should have been arrested and charged with contributory negligence – even if so minute that it found her under house arrest for a spell – it would have sent a message to think before sending. And since we are on the subject of lunatics, name one thing Trump has done for America, except make fools of people with less money - talk about intimidation and an UN-American way of life. Look, Trump can't even crap out a smile, leaning towards the proposition that all men are not created equal. And it appears said again, money “Can't buy me love”! I would wager that Trump would like to be like us, a proud member of the proletariat class, the salt-of-the-earth hard working middle class which is what this America is all about - so help me God! Trump may be wealthy, a piece of that 1% pie, but is he happy? Fuck NO, it's a cow-pie mentality we find behaved by the wealthy in this country without fair taxation and unfair representation! Wow, what a motto for the American proletariat class to which I am a member in good standing my fellow working class heroes: “Without Fair Taxation and Unfair Representation”. Now pardon the language barrier mishap, using the “F” word ridicule. But in some instances more often today then when “All our troubles seemed so far away”, it so emphasizes the rage caused by an un-fair system. Yes indeed and without any doubt, in today's world it takes money to make money, but when that start-up loot is handed over on a silver platter without any strings attached accept an attachment through birth and kinship, give me a break. Maybe Trump will eventually find the elevator stopping at the 13th floor, and when that door opens, please jump! Today, the numeral 13 finds significance, as it is close to the commencement of the 113th Congress – whoopee doo-dah-day! In fact, one of those fast food-fast to the grave-fast to take away your appetite joints, it is celebrating the 113th Congress, with a piece of crap on a bun called the “Angry Whopper”! Now the “Angry” could be from the fact that with Bain Madness – akin to a deserted island rat infested disease pandemic – this taking over by corporate indecency, displacing workers rights with slave like work institutes, maybe the anger comes from the cook. A guy who thought maybe he had a career flipping mad-cow burgers, now having to work twice as hard for the same pay, or in other words, the way Mitt Romney does business - taking away the wage to make a buck. He's a bonafide thief! Remember, “we never meet the man whose name is on the label”! I hope that cook's sweat of anger finds its way into the beef, and that salt you taste, it ain't sea salt - but brow salt! Yuck, imagine wasting your taste buds with crap on a bun! Now back some years ago, the 13th Congress went into session with 181 representatives, 36 senators and 4 non-voting members. It was a time in American history when the call to serve this country's representative needs meant something, those that served did it on a volunteer bases, being paid not a salary but a per-diem amounting to a measly $6.00 a day! It was representation based on a volunteer enthusiasm, feed me and I am content. Now that was before “Angry Whoppers” hit the scene. A whole lot different today with a modern day Congress still dysfunctional, more like $989 dollars per day, paid out without any work-logs, work ethics MIA, without any documentation supporting something delivered in return, not even a time clock in efforts to document if this taxpayers' money went well spent - or washed away as yet another losing proposition. I believe the latter meets all the criteria of wasteful spending, as we all realize that the 112th has accomplished only a single goal, that automatic pay raise. And about the only thing on the “volunteer” radar screen with today's Congress, it is voluntarily turning their backs when lobbyists show-up to rape the Constitution. In fact, many in Congress assist in the rape, by holding down the kicking legs of Miss Liberty so her vagina can be held wide open, gang rape style and when the fun is done, restraining her from making waves this abuse. Damn Miss Liberty, you could have avoided that rape! Sure its rape. So the 113th Congress is about to spend another year doing nothing. I am sure the Cantorbelles – the team made up of House Speaker John “Tan Man” Boehner, GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch “KKK” McConnell and Eric “I'm Their Waterboy” Cantor – I am sure they plan another coup d'etat d'gras against Obama, as four more years has become a reality and no way in hell are the Cantorbelles going to make it easy for Obama. And since they care not about this country, care not about their sworn duties as representatives of the Constitution and care only to act out their desires as traitors with prosecutional immunity, I guess “total destruction the only solution” seems likely. Look, it is stalemate city at that House on the Hill. And being this session has that numeral “13” associated with it, maybe we would be better off as a nation to have not a Congress, let the next Commander-in-Chief handle matters that matter. In fact, here is the reason we need not a Congress. First and foremost, political hypocrisy ruins even the weather, just ask Sandy and Chris. With Obama's re-election cast in concrete by now, and officiated by Karl Rove seen entering a nutcrack institution for substancial loot abuse, soon we will see Barack smiling as he gets out that Executive Order” pen. And it's OK, as Romney had pledged that on day one had he been elected as the 44th, he would have signed into law 854 “Executive Orders”, more then Bill Clinton and George Bush combined! Yes, number one would have been a tax cheat law for the wealthy so the funding of his campaign could have been forgiven or recovered – how many $billions$ did Rove waste away? So what good is a do nothing insane duck Congress? When sworn to office each and every session, they take an oath that signifies very important responsibilities, like “Support and Defend the Constitution” against “all enemies” foreign and domestic, to “bear true faith and allegiance” without reservation or the purpose of evasion and in a nutshell, to “faithfully discharge the duties of the office”. So what in Grover Conquest hell has happened? This is a sworn oath, not an illusion or suggestion? “Support and Defend” the Constitution, by trying to destroy Obama? But that “Purpose of Evasion” is of interest. According to the Bing Dynasty; “Evasion is defined as avoidance of something, avoidance of something unpleasant, especially a moral or legal obligation, a means of escaping or avoiding something, especially one that involves cunning or deceit, avoiding of issue, failure to give a direct answer to a direct question, usually in order to conceal the truth”. Sound suspicious? Is it any clearer, as the entire Congress is in violation that oath, as it is evasion on steroids. Honestly, the 113th should show up, swear in and take care of the 1st day's important matters - like roll call and like giving themselves a “pay raise” - then retiring away. After that, the entire Congress should be held in contempt, under the “Purpose of Evasion” clause. So I have formed an exploratory committee, to place in motion a ways and means petition to hold the Congress responsible, to act as adults and not as morons or else, face the wrath of a bipartisan blitzkrieg from the right and from the left, that the masses are tired and weary of unfaithful shenanigans and we can abolish their patheticness with such a petition. That in modern times, we need not a Congress and can volunteer to represent ourselves – through twitter-ville technologies.
We the People, do solemnly proclaim that the entire 113th Congress, after being sworn to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that (members) will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that (members) take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that (members) will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which (members) are about to enter. So help me God. That this oath will become official on January 20th, 2013, and by the sounding of the midnight choir and the ride of the headless henchmen, those so deemed sworn will have already violated the responsibility to “Support and Defend” the U.S. Constitution by and through “Purpose of Evasion”, and shall be dismissed immediately to the confines of Broom Hilda's Dungeon – a.k.a. Dick Cheney's underground escape tunnel. With this decree, John Boehner along with Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor, they shall be required to wear tutus and travel around this country under the auspices of the “Cantorbelles” and go on public display and subject to cow-pie throwing events designed to collect money for liberty and give the “People” a sense of “PEACE” with “Justice” for so many years of Congressional neglect.

And the Trumps and the Palins, they have already found the true meaning of the numeral 13!

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