Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dear John

Dear John McCain
Please return to the Hanoi Hilton and resume your solitary confinement as a POW! The way in which you conduct business today as a member of the U.S. Congress is pathetic and violates that “Code of Conduct”, that which is supposed to guide your actions and responses - to deliver “For the People”. Like occurred in Vietnam, you seem to enjoy conduct that violates the “Code” for your own personal benefit, not good this mindset, supposedly with one that should know better. Be it today, your action or your inaction akin to holding the citizens of America “prisoner”. It is painful the way in which you conduct business, especially with the most recent attacks of interrogation upon Ambassador Rice, trying to pry out a “forced confession” and these daily attacks are leaving evidence of abuse upon decency, and torture rings a bell – not of freedom but of premeditated propaganda attempts. You have always been a turncoat, ever since you made that all too famous speech, one that should not be forgotten and re-iterated just to get the point across: “I am a black criminal”. Even though you have voiced frustration your weakness to “break” at the demands of the Viet Cong, that you dishonored America by giving in to Nguyen Lan's demands, it appears that you cannot let it go and feel that America should feel the same pain - enough is truly enough John. Bottom-line, you belong back as a prisoner whereon your pathetic ways and means are incarcerated. You are a poor, sore and sour looser, a carry over from your pathetic military career culminated with a failed attempt to run the presidency. John, you were beaten by that “black man” and I am sure that in your reality, Obama is the “black criminal”! The only reason you were ever elected to represent this country is based on the fact that you used the “feel sorry” card during a time in history this country was trying to get it back together from the after affects of that ruthless “jungle war”! It worked, but your legacy will be one that should be forgotten about, as it is basically a bunch of pages “Intentionally Left Blank”. So please, return to the Hoa Lo Prison and leave us alone for a change. You have done enough damage over the years when all of the time you were sworn to protect the Constitution - only to be part of the misfit Cantorbelle cowards that have a single vision of “MY country T's of Thee” destroyed, which is not what it is all about. So, take your Budweiser riches along with your age-old frustrations, take your trophy wife and please turn in your medals of honor due dishonor and go away. America deserves NOT cowards but mentors! One last thing, it appears that your frustrations today may be prejudice based? And are you really trying to start a campaign to “Impeach” that “Black Criminal”? Why are you smiling....

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