Thursday, November 29, 2012

Anchorage Daily News

Dear ADN's Lisa;

The $80 million vessel, named the Susitna, was born out of a unique partnership between the U.S. Navy, which wanted a prototype for a fast military landing craft, and the borough, which wanted an ice-breaking ferry to transport commuters across Knik Arm.” ~ ADN 2012, November 29th

The U.S. Navy never ever wanted this craft, not for modern day military exercises or for research. It was an already shelved design before the “crocks” went involved and it has turned out to be yet another waste of U.S. Taxpayers' loot. It was Ted, Don and MoanaLisa that wanted this “waste”, and as many Alaskans have come to acknowledge, another “Bridge to Nowhere”. Ted's legacy? Waste in a state that finds laws upon “waste not want”! Imagine, animal rights above human rights! Your story is very well written, very clear, so clear that one finds no confusion with respect to concluding that nobody is voluntarily taking point-blank responsibility for this $Mega-plus-Million$ boondoggle, so “the U.S. Navy” becomes a very convenient “scapegoat”. The water brass have better things too do then bother themselves with this mess. I have been following the “Susitna” since the money strolled away from the U.S. Treasury, realizing that this was just another Alaskan political project with not so promising a future. But I thought maybe this time around I would be wrong, that it was a viable project that would cerate jobs and then find a future, especially upon its original intent – as a ferry! But delays in the vessel's delivery schedule seemed to be painting a familiar face, failure was imminent. But I was not yet ready to give up, this was our hard-earned money at stake! When the Tohoku earthquake hit Japan in early 2011, I realized that the MV Susitna could be used “right now” to aid rescue in that devastation, as its design fit perfectly with the situation at hand – a coastal disaster wherein the Susitna could provide quick landings and recovery. But I could find no interest from the Mat-Su borough folks I spoke with, as if they had no interest in the hull's use then and must have realized that it was a dud. Talk about frustration! It was a very “laissez faire” response, like they cared not about this “right-now” opportunity. Imagine, this Navy vessel built by and for the U.S. Taxpayers which had already passed “sea trials”, it could have been used to save people, a good Samaritan deed, but those up north in the valley didn't care. I received “zero” help, even though at that time the vessel was seaworthy and only hours away from the scene. Pathetic, as more likely then not, had the people involved with this craft cared about our neighbors, well maybe the MV Susitna would have found a “good home” already! And had it been freed to utilization in Japan, with our relationship with that nation, the FTA burden would not exist, as this is something that could have already been erased. And it would still be in use, as the rebuilding efforts continue today. Imagine how much “rent” money could have already been collected. When one researches how much money EXXON gave out to rent boats in Prince William's Sound during the “Valdez” wreck, well it is possible that the cost to build this now “Ebay” special, maybe today it would be in the “Black” for the Port Authority instead of a steady bleed. Of course, this is the side of the story that goes without merit, as it is truly an embarrassment. Just ask the Mat-Su officials about it, but don't expect the truth about my requests to use the craft when it had a humanitarian mission, a possible future and a meaning! Now, how about “scrap” metal?

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