Monday, October 1, 2012


Dear Patty Sullivan/M.V. Susitna PR Person;

Ha, Ha, Ha. Just read the press release from Jan. 30, 2008: “Ridership, no problem for Susitna ferry”. What was even more hilarious, “Unlike most public ferry systems, the Susitna won’t require a subsidy.” IT”S GROUNDED! Honestly, this waste will go down as the “biggest ever waste” of U.S. Taxpayers’ loot, topping the Healy “Clean Coal” Plant, so at least you have something of a legacy future generations can have a laugh over. But here is way to get rid of the waste and kill two birds with one stone. Sail it over to Kodiak Island, call it the maiden voyage and invite the dignitaries, like MoanaLisa MurCowpie, Sean and others that enjoy good champagne. Attach the hull to the Kodiak Launch Facility tower along with a few solid-propellant booster rockets, surplus from the space shuttle program, then with “T-minus” and counting, blast both off into space, as junk! Just think, it would make for a great fireworks display.

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