Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Upon this ROCK

DateRape: January 24th, 2013
U.S. King President Mitt Romney and Queen First Lady Ann of Gold Stables have submitted plans for their “new” White-House fortress – The Romney Castle. In keeping with Mormon tradition, the” kingdom come” will be constructed at the confluence of the Colorado and Green Rivers, down at Dead Horse pit in southern Utah. Supposedly the building of this “fortress” is written in the “Book”, whatever it is called. “Upon this Rock” is pictured below. 

In efforts to have the “House” finished in earnest, it is anticipated that King Mitt will create over 470000 jobs, fulfilling his campaign promises, wherein the slave labor will come not from outsourcing but from locally owned “sweat” shops. Construction workers will be provided picks, shovels and water bottles. There are no age limitations and families are welcome, especially the down and out along with those homeless. Tent cities are planned to house the workers, to be located in the nearby Canyonlands - once a national monument but sold to China a day after Mitt's inauguration. For those busy running for cover following the 2012 presidential election, the “White-House” and all the national park lands went on the auction block as part of Mitt's outsourcing addiction. The “parks” will be turned into “slave labor” mines and the White-House used as a stone jury venue upon those with debt, as MItt re-instated “debtor's prison” in keeping with tradition that wealth rules. And in keeping with the Bain tradition that made Mitt famous, the wage for workers building Mitt's “Castle” will be three squares a day consisting of soda crackers and water. This is part of King Mitt’s plan to get the lazy deadbeats back to work. Workers will be required to get a loan to provide their own workmen’s compensation and heath care, since these worker right fundamentals were outlawed as the cost of doing business 2-days after Mitt's inauguration. The King Romney administration will cover these loans, which will require a day's work a week for free, no food. But beware, as the loan follows the Nexum doctrine. You give up your body as collateral, if you can't pay up you become a slave to the loan shark. During the construction season another 470000 workers will strive to dam up the rivers, so the surrounding area will act as a moat once the “castle” is complete, which will take 4000 days and nights - trumping the Noah's ARK project. There are other jobs available also. The “Mitt-House” will require a staff of 4700 maids. The “Ann of Gold Stables” horse corrals, 4700 horse groomers. The list goes on. It is anticipated that when construction is at the peak this project, it will be able to employ 47% of America's “other class”. Remember, on day three, Mitt outlawed the “middle class”. Plans call first for construction of the gold room, wherein King Mitt & Queen Ann can store all the gold they have acquired over the years. OK enough is enough. But it is time for something to be said about the Romney’s gold fortune. Reliable sources believe that the Romney’s wealth is closer to the “$Billion$” mark, a whole lot more then what Mitt has divulged as his true and honest worth – of record somewhere in the arena of $250-million. Hey, it's his loot...or is it? It is believed that Mitt has his “other” fortune tied up as gold, most likely hidden “way” offshore. Rumors testify it is not a paper relationship, but there is believed a “Fort Knox” out there that secures the gold of the wealthy, with armed guards and security trumping that found at the “Knox” compound. Mitt is part of a “club” that realizes the value of gold, as this precious metal has risen to all time highs over the past 5-years or so. Gold prices go hand and hand with the economy. When the outlook is gloomy, gold prices escalate, as the “gloom” could mean you know what. So here is my point! If the economy were to pick up strength, the price of gold would “crash”. Gold value in relationship to the economy still follows the “golden rule” of supply and demand, it is a very simple relationship – call it “Health verses Wealth”. If Mitt has $750-million in gold, with gold retreating back to normal Dow/Gold ratios, it could amount to a loss of half that amount, and Mitt would no longer be in the “billionaires”class. What would Queen Ann do? Stop it, it's hard! Mitt and Ann could loose out their status in society golden! Now remember, this is a gold hoarding club, so when said and done, when the economy sees a better day, it could mean wealthy seeing an end to their wealth – maybe in reality a “fools gold” investment. So the wealthy are trying to block any and all efforts by the Obama administration to shore up the economy. This hoarding of the gold came about when George Bush caved in and provided yet another tax break for the wealthy. They already had all the breaks they needed, had all the tax hoop loops and shelters, but one more investment interest their way invited the gold frenzy. And when the wealthy have nothing better to do then try to find ways to make that investment pay off, it was in gold that there came an interest. But the only way to make gold the “King” was to make sure the economy started to limp along, and that is what happened toward the end of George Bush's dysentery dynasty. It was all planned, as the wealthy do indeed control business, control Wall Street, so it was very easy to get caught up in the “pot'a gold” syndrome. Sure it caused the housing market to faulter, but the wealthy didn't care! They were in it for themselves, with their gold. And it paid off, as the economy continues to tank and gold is breaking historical records. In fact with the lower class caught in the frenzy, pawn shops were making a killing, buying jewelry just to melt it down for the gold's value. And that my friend is the delirious dilemma we face today. Do you really believe the wealthy tied to this gold bullion plot care about the U.S. economy over their gold wealth? Of course not, not unless Mitt can find ways to introduce “loopholes” to protect that investment, as the economy is starting to find some breathing room back towards a recovery. Look, if the wealthy weren't tied to this gold caper, the economy could be springing leaks of recovery today! But if and when the recovery so long overdue happens, guess what? Here's my take on Mitt's mission, his message. He has not a vision for this country accept guess what? He is being “puppeteered”, not by the crazed neo-conservative, but it is money behind wealth that is trying its best to get Mitt to that “castle” in the sky so protected. The same occurred with George Bush, but at least the “neos” were insane with power, herein with Mitt and his followers, we have a cause for concern their “mission” that is based solely on wealth - that is why we are treading on scary times. The power brokers failed, as this group thought it was looking after the best interests of America, for all. Wealth is a different, it is the evil villain and the wealthy give not a rat's ass about you, I or this country. And the fact that Romney still has a chance towards unseating Barack with only 40-days until the polls open, what the hell is wrong with America? Look, the guy cares more about what's in his wallet, what's in his buddy's wallet then whether or not you have food for today. Sure, blame the fact that Romney still has a chance on “Citizens’ United”, but bottom-line, we as a nation cannot be that naïve. Sure money is trying to score a selfish victory, but it is not in America's best interest to elect a “King”! If we do, we deserve to be taken over and pay the price of “all” fredom gone forever. And when slavery welcomes you pursuits for survival instead of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness so outlawed, then maybe we will get the point. Fool's gold? Sure sounds like we have also become addicted to something that glitters. Maybe it is true, that you can fool most of the people all of the time! AMERICA, wake up! This is your land, not theirs entirely to control because they have control of the wealth. What right does an offshore looter have on the sovereignty of this country? None! When a nation gets to that point in time wherein outside interests invade, it is the ultimate in terrorizing weaponry. With them or against them from the likes of the wealthy, them are fighting words! The “fight” is ours to win, but we must be prepared to take this country back to normalcy at any cost. Obama's words reflect in those of the mighty words of John F. Kennedy: “Ask not what you country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” And it doesn't mean taking over civility through wealth, it means being an American, think you understand what that means Mitt? Your record doesn't show any semblance of being an American, as your business practices are more in tune to ancient rituals of devil worshipping and should you succeed, then you have succeeded in helping us find “Atlantis”. AMERICA, it is time to wake-up and smell the stench of wealth trying to take over the “American Dream”, and should the Romney following succeed come November 6th, our “Dream” will become just that – blown away like dust in a hurricane. So count your blessings, as 40-days goes by really fast, and furious will be the sentiment if Mitt gets elected!

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