Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Grid Lock

Long hot summer? How about the long and so far heated presidential campaign, now in the home stretch. So look for major power outages to hit America before the November 6th election. As desperation sets in with the GOP, cutting power will cause people to start to pay attention. And the “outages” will be directly attributable to the sitting president, as this goes with the territory. When it happens, blame will be handed to the Commander-in-Chief, that Obama had a weak record in dealing with “planned” attacks. Hitting the “grid” is possibly the easiest way in efforts to summon the fact that “terrorists” are here in the “Homeland” plotting against us. And in reality, it is an easy task to accomplish the disruption in power across America from sea to shining sea, as most “utilities” have been “privatized” and are held by venture equity interests – so they have the ultimate control. The wealthy are getting desperate so will use their influence to get some fruitcake with a little knowledge to hit the grid, cause a domino effect that will close schools, close the industrial infrastructure, cause gas pumps to stop and remember, without electricity those ATM machines are on “Tilt”. So get cash now! A major “grid lock” – not talking the 112th Congress – a major failure could take days to fix, especially if the control systems are compromised, and like already mentioned, shutting down sub-stations is a very easy thing to accomplish. No details provided herein, but anybody that knows anything about IEC coding, once into the grid anywhere along the way, all it takes is a single command that could cause havoc. Once again, if you want to survive the next 40-days, get cash now and stock up your kitchen cupboards.

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