Sunday, September 23, 2012

Not Easy Being Green

Ann of Gold Stables

It's so easy being gold
Having to spend each day the color of the gods
When I think how horrable being green
Or anything much less more colorful then gold!

It's so easy being gold
It seems you blend in with the elite
And those of lower class tend to piss you off, when you're
Standing out like flashy golden sparkles on Wall Street
Or flying in the sky on private jets

Yes, gold's the color of this Ann
And gold can be cruel and unfriendly-like
And gold can make me & Mitt so important
Like a Brinks truck, or bold like an offshore

When gold is the only way to be
It could make you wonder why, but why wonder why
Wonder, I am gold and it'll do fine, it's beautiful
Me, Ann of Gold Stables
Move over Ann of Green Gables

And it's all I want to be, gold!

1 comment:

  1. The wheels on the bus are going south
    Going south, going south
    The wheels on the bus are going south
    Cause Ann can't shut her mouth..
