Thursday, September 27, 2012

Out of the Closet

All this media “crap” about Paul Ryan being a super-duper over-achieving hero of an athlete? Let him go one-on-one with Obama at the hoops, then we can see if Ryan meets the muster. I do believe Ryan is a politician on steroids and is heading down the same path of political destruction as did Sarah Palin, good riddance is my sentiment. Maybe McCain is frustrated that he is a “black prisoner” still, so gave Ryan that Palin book, “Going Rushy”, whatever that waste of paper was all about. Yes “black prisoner”, in case one forgets McCain's acceptance speech when imprisoned by the Vietcong. Look, McCain sold out and violated the military creed of honor that may have placed other prisoners at risk. Someday we may know the truth. Politicians, what a waste of...what talent? Look, how many years did it take for humans to domesticate the cat? How many more years to domesticate the “dog”. One day we will succeed in domesticating the politician. Heel! Anyway, it appears that the Romney campaign is as bad as it can get for an opposing party. Matter of fact, many GOP brats in tight races are finding it time to retreat, to head for them thar hills. But maybe we are missing the vote totally, of what Mitt stands for. Could it be that he is indeed a “closet” democrat? There exists evidence that may support the case. Romney gets a whole lot of heat from his affiliation with Bain Capital. But when one researches that affiliation and the history behind Bain, the “liberal” behind the scenes is striking. Bain is affiliated heavily with Skadden, a very powerful law firm that was instrumental in discovering that “hostile” takeovers - a.k.a. “private equity” - was a way to make a whole bunch of money. In fact, it appears that Skadden followed the dealings of Al Capone, the neighborhood bully tactics, wherein the mom & pops had to pay for protection or else get bullied out of town. Skadden was so successful in takeovers that many businesses paid out retainers, just to be on the safe. This is where Romney got his start, with Skadden and during the time in its infancy the “hostile” takeover was going worldwide - with Mitt as the “Godfather” here in America. Yes, $billions$ made on takeovers, wherein debt would be compounded on once successful industries, then that debt - as an asset on the books - would pay out dividends. When enough debt was burdensome, then it was time to be at the mercy of the Federal bankruptcy courts. It was in essence a Ponzi scam, as somebody would end up paying for it all. See, that debt doesn't disappear. If a bank gets shorted at the court hearings with pennies on the dollar settlements, “We the People” pay for it, as interest somewhere along the way. But all that “takeover” money floating around the John Hancock building in downtown Boston, it found a political affection with the democrats. As a matter of fact, when John Kerry ran for the presidential seat back in 2004, it was Ban that supported those efforts, dolling out megabucks for adds and phone-tree support, when all the time it was Mitt Romney who held the position as “General Partner”. Basically nothing went out the door without Mitt's approval. Mitt supported Kerry's run at the presidency! When we see that Mitt has not a plan in his bid to un-seat Obama, is wishy washy and flip-flops on issues of importance, is he purposely trying to “throw” the election? And today, we see Romney is in alignment with Obama on many issues like health care! As the polls work in favor of Obama with only 40-days left until V-Day, instead of narrowing the lead, it is widening away for Mitt and whittling away his aspirations as Commander-in-Chief, this gap something unheard of in modern day politics. The “neos” are fed up with Mitt, so are the many “in-between” voters. Many would-be GOP votes have jumped ship, already abandoning Mitt's efforts for the 2012 election. It won't be a slam dunk for Obama, but it may go on record as the poorest turnout in history. Matter of fact, it is like voter disenfranchising for the GOP! Imagine, if it is were true that Mitt is a closet “Dem”, and Rush casts a vote Mitt's way! I can see it know, Rush would erupt with airwave rage like never before, probably leave this country in discust. Hey Rush, take Palin and McCain with you! Bottom-line, we may thank Mitt one day, for coming out-of-the-closet, and helping the GOP finally to ruins.

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