Tuesday, July 10, 2012

PNAC - The Greening

Since William Kristol's PNAC – Project for a New American Century – has gone into hiding, and the ring leader's web-site of destruction is dull and now dead as a “K Street” opportunity door-knob, I guess it is OK to use the “PNAC” label for my own personal gains and goals. So today, I declare the “PNAC” reincarnation, alive and well, finally as a bonafide American Institution. See, it failed under Kristol because it never reached the status of a bonafide American “mission”, as it was a secret GOP agenda of destruction. So this time around it has meaning, as the “Project for the New American Combat”. Unlike Kristol's failed PNAC, this reincarnation is a “mission” with meaning, with a different kind of “combat” for our troops. Hey, the Bush Doctrine wars are coming to an end, so we must find new territory to conquer. As I drove across America this summer so far heated, wherein it appears to be a scorched earth affair from sea to shinning sea, it came to me that we have at our disposal the greatest of inventions - the greatest weapon “Mother of invention” and benefit to mankind ever. Sorry Miss Pelosi, it is not BOTOX. It fits right in right up there with “Beer”! It is called “Irrigation”. Now I don't know what culture invented this panacea, seems just a natural thing. And today, credit where it is due doesn't matter as much as what we should be doing with this miraculous ways and means to “Green” America. Look, the other “Green” movement has ceased to exist, so like the PNAC of old, we have to intervene with invention, with what has been time tested to take us as a nation into the “New Millennium” - it is called “Farming”. Wow, what a comeback, must have something to do with “Helter-Skelter” health issues and the organic movement. I finally found out what a “real” peach tasted like, from an organic farm. What the hell have they been feeding us all these decades – compressed colored cardboard? When I was a kid and school principle Irene, Sister of No-Mercy, would have the students take that yearly IQ placement test, the one wherein if “stupid” prevailed one's career defaulted to that of a “Farmer”, well that pissed my parents off to no end. Why were they paying huge sums of money so I could grow-up to grow corn? I always made the grade as a ”Farmer”. Test Pilot, forget about it, and the other nuns are still laughing at that desire! Yet “Farming” today, it fits the “Golden Globe Greening Award” opportunity. When I looked across America at the scorched earth surroundings, this idea came front and center for attention. It was rather odd when a road meandered through barren like lands, wherein on the “right” side would show a “no growth” policy like a “dead zone”, no trespass allowed, yet on the “left” side of life, well life flourished with you name it! Living life, green trees, green bushes, birds galore, bugs, worms, like a completely different universe, just across the street from apocalypse central in comparison. All from the fact that a piece of desert like deserted earth had been un-mummified, through a little hospitality by the application of a simple solution – called water! Yes, the miracle of two simple elements - hydrogen & oxygen - united in a 2 to 1 ratio and allowing for that thread of life's existence. And that my fellow American is wherein this nation can shine, with a new age movement to supply jobs and economic growth, along with a ways and means to penance our wicked ways and means around the globe. Yes, George Bush left us in dire straits, not only in the category of economic doom, but “His” wars were so ugly that we have been stained, we have blood on our hands - for what? There is hope. We live and thrive in the bread basket of the world. We have the knowhow, though science of adaptability, to grow things beyond bounds. We owe it to the world, beginning now to combat “hunger”. Sure this is a well known fact, that hunger exists and many a rock star has made it a goal to summon this atrocity to center stage, as a means to eradicate. But even with the power of the Mic, rock'n roll “Farm Aid” concerts, it still remains a gargantuan menace. But the eradication of hunger offers a whole lot more meaning today – it is called an economy stalled! We need a way out of the mess, caused by a “War Lord” mentality wherein the economy thrived through the “killing fields” while defense contractors made “zillions” and became very proficient at understanding the “Tax Code” loopholes, called “offshore”. In today's global trek, when we see that “war” is outdated, we need something else in the miracle category – it is in farming for the world we find a fix upon our pathetic economy. It is the only option, as if we try to maintain momentum with the “good'ol boy” approach, with the outdated military machine option, we will continue to crash our economy. It is that simple, “WAR” is a thing of the past. So being the “Brave-Hearts” we are, we must find something wherein we can strut the power, and what better option then to gain camaraderie with a mandate to feed those that are hungry? Think of the jobs it would create, the sustainable jobs infrastructure, to make “this land is my land this land is your land” the “cornucopia” of the world. It would mean upgrading the present road system in dereliction, fixing up the rail system in dereliction, modernizing the harbors in dereliction and not to mention the infrastructure required to “irrigate” this dream. It would take massive amounts of water, but that in itself also rallies the American knowhow 2nd to none, as we need to design and build “desalination” plants up and down the coasts, along with interstate water lines, to deliver this precious and re-newable commodity where it can be utilized for the “good”, as “goodwill”. Sure it takes energy to perform such monumental undertakings, but we are and will always be an energy institute, wherein everything revolves around “energy”. We are not about to give up our cars and trucks, we are not ready to abandon our highways and byways and our flyways, all energy intensive infrastructure. But if this country were to change its so far evil ways, means and so far destructive destination, wherein our leadership thinks it is proper to shove “Capitalism” down every throat including the unwilling, we will loose out. Take Russia for example, they saw that “War” was getting it nowhere, so they captured an interest in “global” energy. It worked, they have advanced away from a “war lord” mentality and their future looks bright. Look, WAR is an outdated realization that provides nothing, except a whole lot of un-neccessary bloodshed. Now “War” may have been something of necessity, like when Hitler went berserk, but things have changed, it's called evolution as modern man realizes that the “killing fields” are unfriendly. Hey, with “my belly full but me hungry” still heard aloud today, even here in the Homeland, we have before us the greatest opportunity and the weapon of solution, it's called “food”. No other nation can provide such a cornucopia of nourishment. This is our nation's calling, and we must act now, with a Farm Community agenda. Imagine, all the masses eating well, being full when at the end of the day they can fall asleep, enjoying a smile of relief, that the next day will also find a promise of fulfillment – no strings attached. This is the greatest necessity of invention! And this is what we could do with our troops, instead of carrying weapons, carrying baskets of bread! Not on a mission of destruction, but a mission with meaning. It would be “mission accomplished” on steroids. The troops did their job, now coming home to a dilapidated economy. We owe it to their dedicated “service” to provide jobs, not in the “killing fields”, but this time around duty in the “Fields of Plenty”. But maybe we have a GOP that believes that you cannot feed the masses, as when hunger is no longer an issue, that could bring those once under control through famine, bring them into power. Blasphemy it is, that we have leaders that feel it is necessary to allow hunger to exist. Look, if it were not true, it would have been eradicated already! So as the leadership looks for ways as a means to promote an economy with a future, the solution is looking us right in the face! An opportunity of a lifetime for a lifetime, along with “Proud to be an American”, a nation that cared about others. Call it “Brotherly Love”, it is! And we could earn and own that reputation, only if... we didn't mind sharing, and that is too close to comfort “socialism”. So, it is a sin that we as a nation would rather forgo the “Brotherly Love” concept when involvement means that “S” word. Why is it, that so many Americans are afraid of “socialism”, something they don't understand? Look, every-time we see a natural disaster, what is it that gets us through? It is people giving things up to help others, it is “socialism” that gets us through. It happened following 911. We shared the grief, we shared the pain, we shared the agony, and we shared the rebuilding efforts. I realize it is hard to comprehend, that it is socialism that is acting as a “gel” during tough times, get over it. Bottom-line, when individuals want to perform, for “Brotherly Love”, it is socialism that defines that relationship. And to defend against the merits of “socialism”, it is but a cheap thrills Rush Limbaugh disengagement upon decency. Now it isn't the type of “socialism” as it is so well defined by the “Beck on Palin” fantasy, with the threat and thread of “Communism” infiltrating reasonable thinking. What I am talking about is simple, lets share our wealth from the “farmlands” with others. We get the jobs, they get the benefit. It can be paid for through the , and I would pay more taxes with such an endeavor. This kind of undertaking is inherent our heritage, we as Americans would share not only during tough times, but as the right thing to do. Difficulties from the “Right” interferes, yet we can see co clearly that it is something that is wanning, but it is still with us. Socialism through “farming”, lets try it out, and if it doesn't work, then we can ban its existence forevermore. So why is a Raven like a writing desk? Both are forevermore! So will hunger be, if we turn away an opportunity when we have the solution, have the power, but what may be missing in action is born again and again through a sinful recommendation, that called “Greed”. And that's what gets in the way, time and time again! The seeds are calling, for all good men to come to their senses and come to the aid of their countrymen, shovels and rakes in hand, the PNAC Greening of America. Now this is indeed a “New American Century” dream: “Food at last, food at last”!

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