Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Conscientious Objectors

OK, so I wind forward the political time clock, ahead in time to the evening of the 2012 election, November 6th, and it's 800pm Anchorage Daylight Time. With the polls closing, it appears the “AYES” are going in Barack Obama's favorite, the NAYES to his opponent. Such an outcome is indeed a reality, that Alaskans will vote back in the incumbent. And why so, that which would turn around a long standing tradition? Red to Blue, like Alaska was at one time in its political career following “We're In”, with statehood - before political corruption intervened. Just this past weekend the infamous “Koch” brothers held a fund raiser for Mitt, at a cost of $75000 per couple and plan to spend $400-million of their own money to defeat Obama. And it was at this same gathering that privileged and preferential treatment invitees voiced concern that they are “VIP and the common working man doesn't understand how the system works”. Maybe the latter sentiment is so true to some extent, that we don't understand as to what is really going on, especially behind closed doors with our representation in tow the heavy hand of the “Lobby Man”. So tell us, what kind of champagne and caviar does one get for $75k? And I am sure for anybody that can afford this kind of luxury, it is money spent from out of an offshore tax shelter, as they all play the same game this circle of friends. If it is not Obama that garnishes the 49er vote, to win the 3 electoral votes, then we Alaskans have been blinded by the might of the Right. The “Koch” brothers have a lot to do with what is happening here in Alaska, with loss upon what was supposed to be sustainable jobs. Positions being cut today by the “brothers” have not seen a downturn for well over 30-years! And it is not “outsourcing” that is at play here in the interior, nor is it a fallout of a weakened economy, as so far Alaska has found some semblance of immunity the “crash”. So what gives? The “brothers” own the Flint Hill's refinery, in North Pole, some 12-miles east of Fairbanks. With this area bracing for possible military cuts, the fact the “Koch” brothers are playing with fire, by firing workers, we need to send a vote that sends a message. As of this writing, “Koch” is furloughing 30-workers, some already having their security clearances pulled, which means no paycheck this week, or the next, as the jobs market is not so healthy this far north. And these are jobs that have seen “gainfully employed” security for eons! Now ever since a refinery was established in North Pole, this industry has enjoyed record profits. The refinery operating under ownership of MAPCO and then Williams, it saw gargantuan profits, the “poster child” asset it was for these reputable business entities. So why so poor a performer for the “Koch” guys? The layoffs have nothing to do with a downturn in the refinery business. The “Koch” owned refinery still maintains long term contracts to supply jet fuel to the military. It sends low-sulfur diesel by the thousands of gallons north, to Prudhoe Bay where it is used as “freeze protection” in the oil fields, during exploratory drilling work. So the reason that 2 of the 3 refining units have been shutdown at the “Koch” Flint Hill's site, thus the reduction in force, it has nothing to do with refining obligations, as the amount of finished product required to be delivered by contract has not changed. The delivery trucks come and go as always, day in and day out. There has been no lapse in activity with the commodity, refined products being sold to consumers. The difference though, the train cars are not coming in empty, filling up and delivering fuel to Anchorage, a ritual that for years saw upwards of a hundred cars per day sent south, with jet fuel to serve the air freight “hub”. Today we see just the opposite, empty cars heading south, with full car deliveries at the loading racks over on H&H drive? Puzzled, you shouldn't be, as this is the “Koch” dysentery dynasty at its best. Because like has occurred while sending “Made in America” jobs overseas, Mitt's triumph and the main reason these freak brothers are in tune to a Romney presidency, it means no accountability to the American infrastructure, of helping Americans staying employed. It is all for wealth, or nothing at all. See, the “Koch” brothers have figured out that it is cheaper to buy refined products from outside, like the Asian rim markets and make a whole lot of extra loot to fuel their shenanigans, the ultimate disenfranchising of the America spirit. It is that simple, out of greed and a grave mistake. The local market demands remain the same, which means the same amount of refined products are required, to meet demands. So by securing long term contracts from outside entities, to secure delivery accommodations for this malfeasance through the state run Alaska railroad with tax incentives courtesy of Alaska Congressmen Don Young, to hell with the American jobs market, as decreased jobs means that they get what they want and not what they deserve – which equates to more money to paint a negative picture of what Obama stands up for. It is not Obama that is strangling the jobs creation statistics, it is guys like the “Koch” Brothers. In fact, it was much colder in the interior last winter, returning back to temperatures more in the norm – cold! That trend is supposed to continue, which means even more refined products required, just import some less expensive “crap” from a nation that treats its workers with exposure! This is the fallout of outsourcing. It worked as a crusade against jobs, now it is being tested as a means to strangle not only workers rights, but used as a ways and means to continue the effort to crash the American spirit, that we as a nation care about our fellow men. In fact, when Williams was a vibrant and well respected corporation about this town, but went under due the hi-tech bubble bust, the management was thinking ahead of the curve when it bought into the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline-System, as a ways and means to deliver cheaper crude oil to the refinery when it went shipped down the pipeline from up north. It worked, to reduce the cost of getting the “black gold” to the refinery gate. When “Koch” took over the Williams' assets in bankruptcy court proceedings, bottom basement pricing, it maintained that 3% ownership of the pipeline - as like before, a way to provide cheaper transport costs which in turn would provide cheaper refined products costs. But now, with “IN-sourcing”, why keep the asset? So “Koch” is selling out, like it will never be used again with imports maintaining an unhealthy jobs market, yet the “Koch” brothers will continue to make a killing, with the military, with the electric power generators, an all around windfall profit scam at the expense of American workers. And with most of the refining capacity “shut-in” due to “IN-sourcing”, the ramifications of jobs “lost” becomes multiplied, with a hit upon the contractor sector that performed maintenance “turnarounds”. It is estimated that “Koch's” malfeasance will ruin the local economy some more, in the area of $6-million each year following this decision. That is a whole lot of lost loot for a place like North Pole! So Alaskans must remain vigilant to what is really going on here in this state, to vote against this tyranny, this distrust that “Corporate America” has been polluted with conscientious objectors, those from the board rooms that believe outsiders equipped with preferential treatment can do it better – NOT. Which means our jobs go threatened. KOCH and ROMNEY are one in the same “blood”. Look, if “Koch” can get away with this malfeasance in Alaska, it can get away with it in other places, it could be the start of a “new age” trend wherein refineries from the mountain states to the prairie states start handing out pink slips! Look, it's all about money. They don't give a rat's ass about “your” employment situation! If the “Koch” brothers' dynasty can spend $400-million in efforts to furnish the Supreme Court with evidential feedback to Citizens United, surely that loot could have gone toward wages, to employ the “best of the best”. Americans I am talking about. These bastards that shed jobs in efforts to support a political agenda, they are not true grit and genuine Americans. They want totalitarian control, through slave like conditions and continued control in a Mitt Romney “Puppet Circus”. Obama is a free-thinker, and that hurts the GOP. If we don't get on board to what is really going down, then we will continue to walk the plank. If Alaskans vote their party affiliation over their conscious, then we object NOT to the workings of a dysfunctional dynasty that is in it for one reason only, all for themselves. Wherein VIP treatment will be reserved for the few that can manage to pay their way, and the rest of us will maintain by enjoying “Hamburger Helper”. Wow, imagine if we all stood together, by taking the snake's strangulating wealth by the neck and crusade, perform a Joan of Arc, wherein we could be heard singing the victory theme song: “VIP, RIP”!

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