Monday, July 9, 2012

Tax Break Cowards!

“We the People”, no matter what party affiliation, have not the chance at seeing the Congress act towards the “good”, “For the People” with “goodwill” intentions. The power of the “People” has been reduced to Play-Doh. It smells good, it feels good, but is basically worthless. The 99% “Club” is paying out way too much in dues, for much less in return then what should be expected – from the Constitutional mandate. When at the same time the rest of the membership, those that sport the “VIP” label along with private country club access, wherein discrimination is a privilege, those enjoying this preferential treatment are getting by with empty handed handouts when it comes to paying a fair share of what it takes to keep things in order. This all by order the 1% faction. How can only 1% of the voice have 99% of the Congress at their beckon call? Mark Twain was right, that when “not making laws in Washington the senate should be doing time”. Over the years, due our inability to fight what has gone down, the disconnect between the “Real People” and “Fake People”, it has become bothersome, that our representation would fall for such a stance. When “fake” makes more sense their relationship to represent, “mission control, we have a problem”. What happened to the “representation” clause in the Constitution, wherein “No taxation without Representation” was paramount, as an inherent right? What about “No taxation for inept and incompetent representation”? Can we legally stop paying taxes for miss-representation? In realty, yes. But when we see how the “Tax code” has been manipulated by Congressional dereliction, how the “ethics code” has been manipulated by the same, how the ”immunity clause” has been manipulated by yet the same bunch of misfits, we have allowed this “Band of Bastards” to pass legislation that lets them get away with murder, get away with borderline “Treason”, and gives us no recourse except “rebellion”. How sad, how we have been “shat” upon by the very body that is supposed to protect our liberties, at any expense. Ted Nugent was wrong, to voice his opinion that maybe this nation called United States would have been better off under the “Confederacy”. Better yet, maybe we would have been better off under the “Bloke” regime, as brawling would still be a viable option when we have before us a body of idiots hiding under the auspices of the Red, White and Blue “We Care, Trust Us” umbrella and in favor of supporting a “minority” opinion, a government “By the Minority, For the Minority”, wherein the rest of us not part the segregated and gated community party - the 1% faction - the rest of us continue to tread water. But it is the “Tax Break Cowards”, like John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor that continue a “Treason” like affair with the lobby. You can't have it both ways, as the “lobby” continues to use the Bush doctrine exciter, “Either with us or against us”, and we know what side the cowards are on. Until such time we see no more this cowardly suppression upon our liberties, it is just more of the same, or for lack a better argument, they act against us like “Turds on the Run”!
“Diamond rings, vaseline,
You give me disease.
Tie your hands,
Tie your feet,
Throw you to the sharks...”

Thanks Mick!

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