Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Conniption Fit

Wow, talk about a bunch of hoodlums that never learned about respect, the 112th Congress I am talking about. Remember, “We learned it all in kindergarten”. And I don't care about Barack Obama's birth right certificate “authenticity” and “Trump the Turnip's” decertification attempts – as there are more pressing issues that need addressing. What I would really like to see from each and every member of Congress - House and Senate members included - to make available their “K” grade report cards, that diploma from Miss Fisher! To see how they made the grade with the important things, like sharing, fair play, NO biting or hitting or pulling ponytails, the consequences of stealing from others and last but not least, “Flushing”! Do we actually pay these guys and gals, with generous salaries along with ludicrous health care benefits, to act as if “Decency in Office” was stolen by the troll under the bridge. Just this morning, John “The Tan Man” Boehner had a conniption fit, when he found out that the Supreme Court ruled in Obama's favor with the “Affordable Health Care Act”, that it was Constitutional to impose a “Tanning Booth Tax”. This was hidden away in “fine print”! Sure this was payback from the “Left” upon the “Right”, but wow, what behavior unbecoming even a maggot. Note: The sound bite this outburst was banned due its horrible content and X-rated like side effects, like from an ignoramus having an organism. 

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