Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cloak & Dagger Dangles

Wow, the right wing fruitcakes are up in arms! This 4th of July may be hazardous to the liberals' life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. So stay home lefties, and boycott the oil cartels. Even Sarah Palin – a.k.a. Playboy Magazine's true-to-life “Naughty Granny” wannabe – she has come out of hiding and is providing once again comic fodder for late night entertainment – embarrassing to America. What the hell did she say? It's always worth a good laugh, as is it comical the way some GOP grown-ups are reacting to the realization that Marco Rubio still has his “Illegal Nanny” change his spoiled diapers. If he is the future of the GOP...damn, almost choked with laughter! Still the best medicine, keep it coming. So with the smoke signals of victory fading away, what really happened on the 28th over at the Supreme Court, on Thursday, T-Day according to Nostradamus Limbaugh. Now that the “High Court” has given Obama the thumbs up, on the legality of socialized health care, the Court and its “opinion” are now indicted as “Traitor” and “Treason” respectfully, by Limbaugh's apocalyptic following. Sure, the justices' majority “opinion” secured the constitutionality of the “Patient Protection & Affordable Health Care Act(PPAHCA)”, but was there more involvement and meaning with Chief Justice Roberts this time around, in proceedings before the Court? Those in attendance this much awaited opinion delivery, well many said that Justice Antonin Scalia was acting like a little kid that dropped his ice cream cone as he knew all too well what was about to come down. But put aside the health care issues, put aside the fact that Rush wants those that sided with the Obama administration hung at high noon on FOX TV, what was the truth of the matter behind this decision to let ObamaCare stand? Look, 26-states of this UNION were behind defeating Obama on this legislation. Mitch McConnell has said time and time again without the slightest remorse that it is his job as a U.S. Senator to defeat and destroy ObamaCare, to defeat and destroy the Obama administration and send the 44th president and his entourage packing come the 2012 election, a “Seek & Destroy Obama” mission campaign – orchestrated by a sitting U.S. Senator? Why the Sargent of Arms has not incarcerated Mitch is unacceptable. Now had the Court ruled against Obama, well it would have set the stage for a Mitt & the Misfits. Hey, maybe that hooker is right, that Mitt has a “BAIN” tattoo on his right testicle and the lefty has been outsourced. Show us the goods Mitt! And many thought they had this “seek and destroy” already tried and tied up, from precedence set by the Bush appointed bench - just like in the outcome of Citizen's United, and not to forget Gore vs. Bush. These major cases before the Court have more political ramifications then do the actual surface proceedings, as the Court has not been able to separate its duties. This decision may be the turning point, that there is hope! It is possible that Robert's saved America! So now that all the brilliant constitutional scholars on both sides of the aisle have provided thoughts as to what went wrong, or what went right this time around, nobody seems to have figured out the underground reason as to why the “Chief” swayed the Court to rule in Obama's favor, on the health care “Act” signed into law back in March, 2010. Is Rush having a heart attack yet? So here is my take on the “opinion”. First and foremost, change the proceeding's syllabus from the “NATIONAL FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS ET AL. v. SEBELIUS, SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES” to “TRUMP BIRTHERS Inc. v. The LEGITAMACY of BARACK OBAMA. When Obama signed, sealed and delivered the “PPAHCA”, his signature meant something. With the Court taking up the case, as to whether or not the “Act” violated the Constitution, it was the first time that evidence of Obama's official “Handcock” had come before the high court. Falsifying records, it is a felony. So the Court had something before it that was undeniable evidence, that signature, and if it were not the official “authority vested” signature, then it could be construed as “Impersonating a President”. Now had the “Court” had even the slightest bit of hesitation that Obama was “NOT” a legitimate U.S. President, by virtue his birthright wherein many believe he was not born in this country, well this was the time that the whole thing could have been put to rest, as the “Court” could have used the opportunity to make it clear and convincing that Obama was “Not” qualified to carry out the powers of the Office. So in essence, this “opinion” sets the “Trump Birther” concern as MOOT. When the “High Court” makes an opinion based on issues of Constitutionality, with Obama's signature on the “Act”, it means it is an order by a legitimate President. End of story! This is what has many on the left upset about, and a reason that Trump and the Koch Brothers have been so quiet this “opinion”. Now Mitch was out beating the liarbush, as the Koch Suckers “Bitch”. So sad it is when we have attacks upon decency, attacks that should not be allowed under any excuse, or under any “immunity” clause, especially when under cover the true meaning and freedom found in the 1st Amendment. It is NOT free speech, as inherent in many state constitutions under “free speech” is the fact that we may have and rightfully exercise this right, but we are at the same time responsible for the actions orchestrated by that freedom, to be heard. The main reason that Palin left Alaska, as she realized she could be tried for crimes against the state, especially with the “cross-hairs” incident and following a rage attack by a Palin follower upon another representative. Look, had Gabrielle Gifford been an Alaskan representative, Palin would be doing FOX commentary's in a “pink” jumpsuit! So this opinion by the high Court, it has implications far reaching that for many will never be swallowed without a choke. With respect to the “Act”, sure socialism is coming too a health clinic near you, so what I ask? Socialism is the only way of survival, its called “sharing”! Why is that so hard to accept? And as far as the underground movement by the Court, rest assured that Obama is the Commander-in-Chief, and it appears with this most recent victory, the Court has signaled a “mission accomplished”. May the TRUMP BIRTERS RIP!

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the ‘‘Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’’ (Public Law 111-148), I hereby order as follows:
Barack Obama
The White House,
Washington, March 24, 2010.

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