Sunday, July 1, 2012

National Enemy #1

I work out of Fairbanks, Alaska. No I cannot see Russia, even on a clear day. But what I can see, so clearly even on the cloudiest of days, that being the remnants of the George Bush Presidency, 2001 through 2009 - the most destructive and decrepit years for America without a president “With the People”. The other day, Bush was passing time with a beer out at the Texas Rangers' Stadium, sitting in preferential box office seats, along with several rich friends. He didn't look as though he was enjoying himself, matter of fact he looked like he was suffering from deep down depression. Maybe it is starting to sink in, how and what he left this nation and its leaders to contend with, a sinking ship. The joy of a dictatorship was George's back then, now the pain of a nation on “tilt” is his pain of remembrance - it is his to contend with. That pain and suffering he got us into and left us failed as a once great nation, even though not what we voted for, it remains with us as a very sad reminder of what can happen when we allow the “Vote of the People” to be attacked, a coup by the Supreme Court. Then when it was finally over with, Bush and his pathetic administration retired away. George to the “Ranch” to write his memoirs, still “Intentionally Left Blank”, as what is there to write about? It would be self-incrimination, which even to an outlaw, unconstitutional. So what I do see day in and day out is the price of WAR front and center, and I am just a sideliner this tear jerking scene, and see just a smidgen of the true conflict casualties. In Alaska, Fairbanks is home to the 172nd Stryker Brigade, the foot soldiers that seem to show up to end the conflicts, to police the scene, door-to-door combat sweeping operations. Casualties are many, as it is boots to the ground for the men and women that join the ARMY and become part of this elite assault “Team”. In and around Fairbanks, it is not unusual to see returning troops walking around at 50 below, in shorts. Not that they have become immune to the “heat” of the battle grounds or the “cold” of rugged mountain scouting expeditions when on the look-out for terrorists, the fact of the matter sinks-in that hi-tech limbs do not succumb to the bone chilling cold that is found in interior Alaska. It is a shame to see so many young kids, with the full mobility for life's enjoyment compromised – shrapnel casualties, from something the enemy checked us on, known as “Improved Explosive Devices”! And it is not unusual to see the returning troops lined up at one of the many localities under the umbrella of “Check Mate” - just modern day pawn shops wherein a troop can auction off some of his hard earned pay, auction off some of his danger pay incentive, just to provide bread and milk for his family. Sure there is hunger here in Americas, but why in hell are our troops and family members going hungry? “My belly full but me hungry”, how about that for a new American anthem! It seems that since the Iran Kuwait conflict, these thrift stop loan shark joints have increased. Yes, Mr. Bush senior may be credited to finding a war theater that would bring the troop count up, but I wonder how both George and George would feel if either one had to fish with a “hook” arm! It ain't easy. WAR has casualties, war has unforgiving debilitating results, war threatens the “trinity”, that of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for many engaged on the battlefield. Sure it is by choice that the troops brave the camouflaged fatigues and body armer, but isn't it a duty that should find at least a decent pay, wherein their families can live in a somewhat decent lifestyle without worry? Don't the spouses have enough to worry about when their loved ones are far and away, defending the Bush doctrine? But when our troops must resort to “loan sharks” just to make it through, a pay check to pay check existence, it is bothersome this taxpayer. Now when one looks at the defense appropriations budget, its immensity, why in hell is so little going out as a decent wage for those engaged in hand-to-hand combat? They receive such meager pay for such dangerous work. Soldiers for hire with outfits like “Black Stallion”, well they get paid three times as much, have a huge life insurance policy and get time off. And these wannabe GI Joe Rambo soldiers can say no to their boss, if dangerous work beckons the call, just give it to the “grunts” over at Charlie Camp is the sentiment. Now we owe it to these kids that have signed up from those “I WANT YOU” advertisements, at least a decent day's pay for such miserable work. So what gives? Wow, this is so sad. The “cash cow” lobby, through high powered law firms are engaged in doing the bidding, and this “lobby” has time after time opposed any wage increases for the troops. Why? Simple, it interferes with what has become a very lucrative business, once out-lawed, called “Loan Sharking”! These are not fly by night dungeon corner or end alley joints, but a network of wealthy investors, making a killing on those out trying to make a killing. Alarmed, you shouldn't be, as Congress is broke! The list on donations for political contributions those that own this decrepit business, it is mind boggling. But Congress doesn't care, as it has immunity, “What War”? Matter of fact, in Anchorage when due to municipal building codes these “jip joints” were still off limits within so many circular miles of any military base approach, guess what, the laws were changed - with no longer any barriers. That is why you see so many of these outfits that look more like a “whore” hangout then a legitimate business sprouting up at every damn installation entry point, from sea to shinning sea. These outfits are making a killing with our troops and their families. Through the “lobby”, this country has gone down the tubes. When we have a Congress that is under so much pressure from a lobby that it instills a “Treason” like dereliction of duty upon out troops, maybe the kids should turn on the very establishment that places them in harms way. Look, the things happening in Iraq and Afghanistan, these are conflicts, as the real Hatfield & McCoy war is right here in the Homeland. It is close to the 4th of July, Independence Day. We value our Independence, in that drive for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But Independence comes at a cost, and it shouldn't be the cost of getting a loan to survive, wherein some investors are making it rich and continue to control the “Lobby” for their own selfish wellbeing - “Greed” has sickened the very foundation that made this country once so great. The “Great Emancipator” is bloated with disdain, as it has become a class war here in the Homeland. Isn't it time to outlaw the “LOBBY”? I watched an old RAMBO flick the other night, called “RAMBO III”. It is the flick wherein this Vietnam worrier returns to America, when times were tough for soldiers, due the unpopularity of the WAR. When Sylvester meets up with the police chief – Brian Dennehy – the chief makes comments to the worrier like “take a bath, clean your clothes, then get a job... Sound familiar, as this is where Dick Cheney found that same and similar familiar line of attack, “Go get a job right after you take a bath….” Maybe that is what Dick was thinking about, our troops, as he is making a killing, through his affiliation with defense contractors. Anyway with Independence Day upon us, time to highlight what it all means:
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, – That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness...when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Wow, an over-throw, by and for our own TROOPS! The time has come of age.

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