Saturday, June 30, 2012

AYES 255

Wow, Obama wins again, two days in a row! What a 4th for the Left Wing! The momentum for another 4-years at the helm is becoming an unbeatable reality, as the AYEsavers are leaving Misfit Mitt in the dust. Failure upon the GOP to unseat Obama can be blamed on a corrupt Congress infiltrated by “Traitors”, bearing the GOP insignia. With Congress running on empty with a “reasonableness & responsibility” rating in the negative, who would believe anything they say - can't even trust them as weathermen! See, just yesterday the House wanted to send a message to Obama, following the Supreme Court finally trumping Donald Trump with respect to his endless rant over the “birther” issue, as the high court has ruled that Obama's signature on the health care plan was “Constitutional” - which means we finally have clear cut evidence that Obama is a bonafide U.S. citizen. So with this win, the “House of Horrors” tried to hold U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt, for the “Fast & Furious” gun peddling operation, a “hoax” fabricated to add insult to injury. Yes a “hoax” orchestrated by the GOP Bigotry Commission. But based on “precedence set” when Reagan was at the helm, well guess what, what goes around comes around. As expected, the Justice Department cannot and will not prosecute Mr. Holder for contempt of Congress, which means the GOP's Issa finds a devastating defeat. Good luck Darrel when your California seat comes up for new upholstery! Accordingly, "The longstanding position of the Department of Justice has been and remains that we will not prosecute an executive branch official under the contempt of Congress statute for withholding subpoenaed documents pursuant to a presidential assertion of executive privilege." This letter made the Tan Man very upset. That letter notes that “during the Reagan administration, DOJ took the position that the contempt statute could not constitutionally be applied to an official who asserts the president's claim of executive privilege. That policy was first articulated in a memo written by Ted Olson when he was at DOJ in 1984.” Go Ted! And Holder knew this was to be the outcome, and socked it too the GOP following the Hitlerstoric “contempt” vote, and mocked the Congressional GOP for the witch-hunt based on the fact that it was an election year. So Issa's rage, it was a waste of time and energy from the beginning, this “hoax”, which seems to be the case in its entirety with the 112th Congress. AWOL has taken on an entirely different meaning with the Congressional thugs. But we as U.S. Taxpayers should start to be reimbursed because of politics that targets nothing but harassment. So here it is. For the AYES 255, those that voted in favor of this ridiculous resolution promoted by Mr. Issa, those representatives that caved into to this nothingness legislation, you owe us retribution for wasted time. So as officiated on the Roll Call 441, it is estimated that over $500000 in taxpayers' hard earned garnished income went wasted, on a failed “witch hunt”. Each AYEsayer shall immediately hand over to the Sargent of Arms a reimbursement check for $1000, sorry no credit cards allowed. As an alternative, those that cannot afford the out-of-pocket payback due money wasted away on Citizen's United hand outs, “We the People” will also allow community service, in the amount of 4-hours per AYE vote, to be accounted for by shoe-shinning the “Hubbards” worm by the members of the Congressional Black caucus!

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