Friday, June 29, 2012



Yes indeed, according to ROLL CALL 411 on H.R. 711, Donald “Coconut Grove” Young voted to find Eric H. Holder, our Attorney General for the U.S. Department of Justice and an Obama administration appointee in good standing the American public, “in contempt of Congress for refusal to comply with a subpoena duly issued by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.” I hope now the DJ goes forward to indict Young for his VECO pigsty affairs! Yes, an eye-for-an-eye, tooth-for-a-tooth street fighting man duel.

They're coming to take me away,
Haha, they're coming to take me away,
Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha,
To the funny farm
Where Life is Beautiful all the time
And I'll be happy to see
Those Nice Young Men
In their Clean White Coats
And they're coming to take me AWAY,

And didn't we give Misshell Bachmann a one-way ticket to the house of fruitcakes, after her attempt at showing the world even an imbecile maggot can run for the office of the President. She voted like Young – an AYE to indict an individual that has been a role model Attorney General, in support of the laws of this nation. In support of equality, something the Rush Right is so afraid to accept. See, equality means that Limbaugh may have to go on a diet! Maybe Bachmann still gets to vote, a twitter vote from a straight jacket. I believe Don needs a new jacket, maybe Misshell can size one out for the “Don”. The realization, to allow this vote to even come to fruition, it is just another show of how pathetic the U.S. Congress has become - with “zero” integrity. How low can they go? Where in hell is the Sargent of Arms? Yes, “blackmailed into leaving his post”. Hey, “Fast & Furious”, sounds more like when Bush's terms of endangerment came to an end, and Obama was to take over the helm. Remember, the Bush administration trashed the Oval Office. Then again, it could be how Dick's fake heart reacts when he shoots someone in the face, mistaken as a wild turkey butt! And talk about a cover-up, how about the Iran Contra Gun Running affair, when Oliver North lied to Congress and was found in contempt and indicted on six felonies? Along with several other top state officials under the Reagan administration, but all set free by the Wally World president - George senior. We have as a nation come to the crossroads, there is no turning back, capitalism is doomed! So make way for socialism - thank God! We have no moral grounds to stand upon any longer. Look, the American flag is being held up by Ben Wa Balls. Really, I ran into a flag maintenance guy the other day, taking care of one of those mighty waving flags, on poles rising well over a hundred feet into the polluted air – what EPA? He tells me that due the “lift & drag” inherent in these massive kites “Made in China”, someone came up with the idea that using the “ball & chain” as a security rope around the pole, well it works. Imagine, Ben Wa Balls securing Liberty! And guess what, it is not “religion” that we should be turning too these dire strait days, it is “music” - like Reggae Music – wisdom that will get us through these trying times. Why so? I went to a Jimmy Cliff concert the other day. Look, old hippie shirts have more staying power then does the eroded foundation of the U.S. Constitution. Abe's roost is tilted! And when we see a place wherein people come together and are rejoicing, with no bipartisan bickering, the young and the old engaged together with “Love is my religion”, we have found a solution to the mayhem created by a representative body with no apparent agenda, then that of “total destruction is the only solution”, Masters of War they are. Maybe we need another “Woodstock”. Maybe it is time to re-visit what Dylan was trying to tell us way back then. Bottom-line, we have become a pathetic political and power-less regime, as the rest of civilization has come to grips that they no longer want to be like us – we are a minority now and survival is questionable. When we see the likes of Eric “Who Can't Be A Man” Cantor along with John “Got a Bonner for Obama” Boehner and Mitch “Turncoat” McConnell finding lemming followers like Mr. Young, to support a nut roll selfish agenda based on discrimination, then we deserve to go down the cesspool. And when the sewage dries up, it is music that we will hear, instead of the verbal explosive diarrhea of a Congressmen delivering disgracing speeches and resolutions bent on the destruction of Liberty.

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