Friday, April 6, 2012

The VECO Grill

Wow, what an event, just like old times! I am talking the “Alaskan’s For Justice” shindig in honor of Ted Stevens and a move to castrate the U.S. Justice Department.  You just watch, as they will find Trayvon was a victim and Zimmerman the perpetrator. What is wrong with this country? Put that aside, it’s time to celebrate, as Dan has been re-elected and Proposition 5 is history. Gays, mind you! And what made this event at the PenAir Hangar on Boeing Drive all worth the time and effort was the re-appearance of the VECO barbecue grill! This grill has a history, but was last seen at a crime scene and confiscated as evidence, by the damn Justice Department. Not only did they take down Ted, they took away our fun! I don’t know why Ted was so good to these jerks, earmarked an entire new crime lab for the bastards, which they used to indict him. Hey, it’s time to celebrate! Wow, I sure missed that barbecue, as when it gave off smoke and heat, it meant a gathering of the 1% contingency here in Anchorage, and good’ol American steel keeps its promise, as the names of the innocent until proven guilty are “slag” welded onto the frame of this famed piece of Alaskan history.  Even a little rust from slack use can’t erase the image behind this historical icon. Don Young’s hand-cock, along with Bill Sheffield, of course Ted’s and Bill Allen’s, to name but a few. And those branding slashes on that wooden handle, a tally of every underage girl lured to their knees by Bill with a “hot” wiener. Look, Bill helped these young street whores find themselves, shame on anybody who finds his inkling for little girls out of bounds. Give him a break. Do you know how much good he did for Alaska? He is Scott Walker’s protégé! Wow, just like old times it is tonight. And kudos to the blogger that keeps calling Lisa by MoanaLisa MurCowpie, as she seemed to get a kick over that! See, Lisa and Don used a government plane to attend this benefit for Dead Ted. What’s an extra $50k on the Federal deficit? We deserve it. And remember the times when the VECO barbeque was used to cook steak for the privileged class, over at Bill Sheffield’s mansion, steak hauled here from back east on one of those government planes, a Coconut kickback. Then when we had our Friday night fill, it was used to cook “pink slime” for the proletariats at the Alaska Congressional delegation’s summertime re-election campaign down on the Park Strip. I remember one evening we went so drunk on Don Perignon that we pissed on the grill, that’s when Bill slipped and got that horrible nose bleed. And in the confusion, nobody cared to clean the grill top! The peons didn’t know the difference when it was used at the park. Piss on them and their democratic ways and means. You don’t see them standing up for Ted. I guess in the old days, the VECO grill came out of hiding only for a reason political and being an election year, wow it’s going to be a great summer here in Anchorage. Gee, everybody of importance is here celebrating, and those party favor hats, the KKK cones with CBC. May the Corrupt Bastards’ Club reign forever, that cheer is starting to fill the airwaves. I am so proud to be an Alaskan 1%! Looks like the Archbishop Shametebury, I need to congratulate him, for helping us reject the gays! Go Catholics Go. And there’s Jerry Prevo and Jim Minnery, their creepy! Someone just yelled out it was a “bigot” reunion, everybody is laughing out loud. And there’s Dan Sullivan. Three chairs for Dan! And isn’t that Ron Duncan, Ted’s pimp? Wow, it is so great to be here tonight. Look at Don, I didn’t know he was a comedian. And MoanaLisa is rehearsing for her wicked witch of the North act. Check out the pictures. 
MoanaLisa MurCowpie as Wicked Witch of the North

Don demonstrating hidden condom trick with Bill Sheffield.

1 comment:

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