Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Letter to Mark Begich

To: The “Honorable” Mark Begich/U.S. Senator - Alaska
Subject: Request for “Force Majeure” Ownership of the M.V. Susitna
It has been many days since our corresponding with respect to the M.V. Susitna “Missing In Action”. I had the opportunity to see the Susitna, when I was on a state run ferry out of Ketchikan in early October. The ship nobody wants was sitting at the dock, wasting space and I am sure dormant docking fees accumulating. It appeared as if even the Ravens and gulls shied away this hull? Lets face the facts. The building of this amphibious assault vessel was for no apparent reason, except to create jobs in a state that has failed at designing a future with respect to a sustainable jobs infrastructure. You know it, as does anybody with a lick of sense. The M.V. Susitna - since inception - was but a waste of the U.S. Taxpayers' money and due the fact it is still a “ship without a home”, it is time to cut the loses. I am asking you through powers inherent in your position as a U.S. Senator, to initiate a “Force Majeure” takeover of the M.V. Susitna, and through this confiscation in efforts to protect the taxpayers - sell it to a state or foreign entity wherein it can be utilized. Even if you can get but a few pennies on “our” dollars, say from an E-Bay auction, it is still better than letting her rot to rust down in Ketchikan. I am serious this matter, as it points to a “Fleecing of America” at a time wherein economic challenges should see this kind of waste sidelined. Look, there is no need for this ship in and around Anchorage. It will never be used for its original intent, whatever that was! It is time to stand up against yet another waste situation and make good from what can be salvaged. If you cannot perform this maneuver, then maybe the U.S. Taxpayers should bring a law suit against the State of Alaska, for “waste not want” violations. So please, use your Congressional power to take ownership the M.V. Susitna and help soften the Federal deficit. Or, take the salvage money and utilize it for something worthwhile. Once again, I represent a growing concern over this “waste” and ready to take action should you refuse to except our demands. Since it was money from the U.S. Treasury, it is really your responsibility to demand retribution, and through a “Force Majeure” confiscation - a simple maneuver allowed by governments - we can begin to cut our loses and at the same time point out that the government can demand action when inaction demonstrates malfeasance upon the taxpayers. I look forward to seeing a “For Sale” notice soon.

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