Sunday, April 8, 2012

Free Comic Book

Wow a genuine Alaskan funny. And the slogan this great 47-page read filled with Alaskan Style “Corrupt Bastard Club” laughter goes like this: “We’re with you all the way!” I am talking the greatest rip-off show of the century, right here in the “Lost Frontier” making Mad Magazine a second rate consideration. See, it was supposed to be the Alaska Railroad’s 2011 Annual Report, but what went printed was pure laughter. Is it really that bad, or “good” if laughter is the best medicine. OK, let me share some of the reason for the laughter. Last year, 46% of the rail’s income came from a Federal “grant”, included as “revenue” in the balance sheet. And like any scam artist corporation, the balance sheet is just that, a balance towards “zero” income. So add in the taxpayers’ loot, in the tune of $40-Million, then spend spree it away as rainy days don’t exist in Alaska – waste the loot on exorbitant salaries for the chiefs and let the workers survive on Hamburger Helper. And when tough times come, instead of sending the workers to the unemployment line, cut the “filth fluff”! Look, Bill Sheffield is the “Vice Chair” of the rail’s board of directors, need I say anymore! Now the real income, from utilizing the railroad for what it’s worth – not really much – well it was freight that made some income, once again at the expense of the taxpayers. See, coal accounts for 50% of the freight. If you ever saw how much it costs Uncle Sam to keep the military bases warm, from outrageous coal costs along with outrageous rail transport costs, you would vote to send the Alaskan military bases to the BRAC attack brass. In fact, it is a sad day for America when Korea can buy coal cheaper from Joe and transported down to Seward on the rail, cheaper then what the ARMY must dish out. Capitalism? How about disgusting cronyism like went on the other night over at the PenAir Hangar, in honor of horrible Ted. Yes, Bill was in attendance! And some of the general and administrative costs for the rail were allocated as expenses tagged upon capital projects, which means some of the state workers are in reality Federal employees, as once again said, projects paid for by the U.S. Taxpayers. What the hell gives? Hey, with film credits making crap documentaries about Alaska, maybe an “American Greed” segment about the Alaska Railroad would have merit and truly earn those credits. And the laughter goes on! Under some obscure rule making allowed by the recently modified Internal Revenue Code, the rail through an agreement with a customer – either Joe Usibelli or the Koch Brothers – the railroad was allowed $4.8-Million tax offset for “qualified track maintenance” and turned over the savings to that customer, in the tune of $2.7-Million in shipping credits – once again the “Fleecing of America”. If that customer was Joe, well he sure didn’t pass on any savings to the U.S. Army, for shipping all that coal to the bases. If the customer meant the Koch Brothers, they sure didn’t give the military a break, for jet fuel deliveries. What do you mean the rail has only two paying customers? This “annual report” reeks of madness and it is not at all supposed to provide such laughter on such a serious matter – my tax dollars at work. Are there any true Americans left around? Whatever happened to JFK’s calling, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”, which doesn’t include treason in the form of fraud! And whoopee-cushion-doodoo, as the Alaska Railroad enjoys a Standard & Poor’s bond rating of “A+”. Guess what, take away the “grant” and the rating tanks to “D-“. In fact, if one looks at the annual report and takes the handout away, the ARR goes broke, to bankrupt status. Guess what people, it isn’t only the auto industry being bailed out by the U.S. Taxpayers, as this rail-bail has been going down now for 25-years! And what the hell gives with “grant funded depreciation”? This annual report is crazy every which way but loose, and that appears to be the case, the crooks on the loose! If the tax code allows this, we have been blinded by the Congress. Now the rail is running scared, not because the U.S. Senate Bill 1813 will restrict the rail from receiving only 12% for passenger service instead of 60%, in reality it means instead of stealing $36-Million from the U.S. Treasury only $2-Million will be allowed. For the past decades this state has been reporting with fraudulent intent, the actual rail miles providing transportation to workers day in and day out – commuter service is what it’s called. Where in hell is that taking place today, this commuter thing? Maybe the M.V. Susitna finally showed up and is in competition with the railroad men, who “drink up your blood like wine”. What do you mean Don Young’s ship has been sold on E-bay? Now this attempt to tell the world that Alaska has a commuter rail service, this doesn’t include seasonal tourists, like the rail’s management was attempting to fraudulently report.  It’s called fraud, and should be punishable by jail time instead of rail play time!  They went overboard with respect to reported rail service for commuter passengers verses a freight service and got caught. That is why on a quiet summer day down at West Chester lagoon, that peace and quiet would be disrupted by hundreds of empty coal cars going back and forth for no apparent reason but to waste expensive fuel so the rail could chalk up “ghost car miles” for the “grant” requirement. Empty cars at that, when at the same time the railroad boss thinks the outfit is a bonafide “Green” machine? Maybe an ugly green. Maybe she meant green from the U.S. Taxpayers generosity. What happened to being honest? Asked that already, but a reiteration was necessary. And here is my take on the entire state of affairs the Alaskan Railroad that could not be sold or for that matter ever be considered sellable as there isn’t a business man around crazed enough to waste away even a penny on an investment with “zero” returns. Want to do something that helps out the Alaskans who care, post the salaries of the top management, like what does Susan Bell get out of this boondoggle. Or what does John Binkley get out of this abuse. The list goes on, and like already mentioned, when Bill Sheffield is involved, we know where that goes. Look, if this “Comic Book”, enchanting us with “We are with you all the way” dishes out not your kind of humor, then according to Bill Sheffield, the Vice Chair, “This comic book is designed to provide residents of the State of Alaska and customers and creditors with a false sense and false hope overview of the ARRC’s finances and to demonstrate selective accountability for the U.S. Taxpayer monies it receives. If you have not received enough laughter from this report or need additional laughter, contact the Alaska railroad Corporation, P.O. Box 107500, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7500, 907-265-2300 or visit the website at or words to that effect, as I am tearing so much this laughter that it is messing up my sight.  And no, Casey Jones is not high on cocaine but it makes me wonder…..

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