Friday, March 23, 2012

I'll Betcha!

So this state's crookedness is about to sink, I mean risk waste, another $25-Million on the so far “totally” failed Kodiak Launch Facility. Sure Lockheed has announced that the KLF meets the Athena Rocket launch criteria and would be considered as a viable alternative, when modifications are in place to accommodate the so far shelved project. On its inception in competition for lobbing communication satellites into space, this project failed but has been given a breather and has come alive once again. But read between the lines of what is happening, as we are only getting a piece of the picture. Why is it that the Alaskan news' media only prints the “bright” side of things possible and misses out providing the true facts of the matter at issue? Yes, the “bright” is awesome, but we must also brace for the worst, if things fail, like has come the normalcy when this state gets involved in places wherein no practical business venture has gone before. Name a single state “Corporation” that can claim success? It's the same old thing, like building bridges to “Nowhere” here in Alaska. Somebody gets a bright idea to build a bridge but we don't know what for, so the legislatures get an erection and by the time we see an erection, the money runners have left town. Sure jobs are created, but we are then left with a piece of junk that requires years and years of state funding for basically nothing in return, just in-case we find out why we went engaged in such an affair to begin with. It's the same old thing with the "Dream" bridge from Anchorage to Pt. McKenzie. There is still money being wasted on a bridge that Bill Allen thought necessary. Yes Bill the “pervert” once had a voice on Alaska's future. This bridge was supposed to be used to ferry workers over to a world class oil field module production facility. Yes ferry, as before the bridge was to be constructed, we ended up with a ferry that never showed up, paid for by the U.S. Taxpayers at a cost of $75-Million. It was called the HMS Don Young. Yet money is still being wasted on this scam. And haven't they heard, BP and Conoco are moving out and about the only thing they need is a moving van safe! This state should be re-named the “Taxpayer Abused State”. Even though this state may see $3 dollars in return for every single dollar collected by the Tax-man cometh, by the time the crooks get their share, we aren't even left a fair share! The loot confiscation that takes place here in the “Last Frontier” makes what is happening in Afghanistan and Iran with “our” money look tame in comparison. Same old story here with this excitement over the possibility that the wasted launch facility will generate some income now that the Athena project is taking a second gamble. Take that back, about the KLF making a profit. This facility will never produce any “positive” income, as it will take another 10000 years to pay it off at the rate we are going. See, it is yet another smokescreen loosing money proposition, I'll bet my PFD on it. Lockheed has already booked Cape Canaveral for its upcoming launch schedule with respect to the Athena Project. The state of Florida had anticipated this project moving forward and made accommodations already. All it took was a few new coats of paint, and “Blastoff”! So as launches progress along the way down east, as we waste money on the upgrades necessary, it means costs savings there will make Alaska an unattractive alternative - just like in the past. Look, besides other downfalls, Kodiak is a logistics nightmare for this type of endeavor. At best, it would be but a seasonal undertaking. Does any Alaskan citizen realize how much state payola was wasted on exorbitant salaries for the dim-wits that thought Alaska could be an attractive place for space travel? Think of what could have been by now if all that money was placed in good hands instead of in the hands of crooks, like funding the future of the Polka Flats facility? But no, build a piece of junk launch tower where nobody is looking, like Kodiak, and guess what? It has failure written all over, then and now. Maybe that is why U.S. Nepotism Senator MoanaLisa MurCowski no longer “trusts” the Air Force brass. Honestly, she went on record questioning the “brass”, on issues of trust and telling the truth! To bad she doesn't understand the “truth & trust” concept for her own undertakings. So I'll make a “I'll Betcha”, that Kodiak will never see the likes of an Athena missile launch undertaking that makes sense. But just in-case, lets rush to judgment and fix the place up, just in-case! With all the money that has been wasted on failed project after failed project, because this state is going bankrupt trying to support all the state's “Corporations” that under normal circumstances would be under bankruptcy receivership, we could have seen pipe in the ditch from Prudhoe Bay to Anchorage delivering low cost natural gas. But like a disciple cautioned, why build a natural gas pipeline that could benefit all the people when a few can take advantage of nothing happening, as when that pipe does enter the ground and the spigot opened, well guess what, those do nothing high paid jobs go away! And that is what it is all about here in Alaska. Steal away some money, throw a few pennies of the stash for seasonal jobs creation to keep the bread-winners happy, set-aside most of the loot for the “brotherhood” and keep the momentum going. The "Corrupt Bastards" are alive and well and learned well from the likes of Ted and Bill. Look, there are crooks that will retire from a job of nothingness here in Alaska. Take the Pt. McKenzie Port Authority, or the Bill Sheffield NoseBleed Authority and let us not forget the Alaska AeroSpace Corporation. Just what the hell is the “mission”? There isn't any! And all we really have is a “missing statement” the “mission” wherein accountability and ethics is but a suggestion, just like an Anchorage Red light!

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