Friday, March 30, 2012

Hate Crime?

At this stage in the fight and flight as to who is at blame, I am amazed, take that back, I am amused at the American “Black Caucus” and many others so concerned calling the Trayvon tragedy a “Hate Crime”! Al Sharpton, to whom I owe respect beyond bounds for many reasons other than blueberry pie smiles, this icon I revere as society’s modern day MLK spokesperson hero-at-arms, he too is out beating the pavement calling the murder of a young black kid on the streets of Florida a “Hate Crime”. A kid still, minding his own business enjoying life, while eating some Skittles! What a waste. And is a “hoody” really to blame! Has it come to a point in history wherein a person’s style of clothing persecutes that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness? Hey, I live in Alaska and a “hoody” is a necessity all year long, but not fair game! With Trayvon vs. Zimmerman, it is not that type of horror crime availing itself to that premise of “Hate”, wherein a trigger happy coward promulgated this challenging event through a “Hate Crime” streak for the moment. Why so? The “Hate Crime” trump card has lost its luster, it is no longer a viable defense in efforts to sway public opinion or a jury, especially in this senseless killing. Yes indeed, the Zimmerman guilt stems to a certain degree from guns out of control and the sentiment that “when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will be well armed”, but there is a deeper problem this killing, as guns are here to stay – through support forever from the U.S. Constitution. And guns do not shoot people! Look, for anybody upset and contemplating revenge over my dispelling the “Hate Crime” verdict due lack of material and admissible evidence, here is my reason against such deliberation in a nutshell. A little over a year ago Gabrielle Gifford was gunned down on a neighborhood street, during a cold-blooded attack by the likes of the Zimmerman mentality, somebody on a crazed “mission”. Premeditated, yes, as all “missions” have a planning stage. Gifford, a United States Representative in “good standing” was not by any stretch of the imagination provoking any legislation that targeted or with intent to disenfranchise an individual’s rights, but she was targeted on a Sarah Palin web-site, targeted by the cross-hairs so defined by a lethal weapon’s gun sights – what other message besides murder she wrote exists. There existed only one single “mission”. Revenge? Maybe George Bush was right about that “mission accomplished”, as we see before us today a rather disturbing movement, the “mission” at hand accompanied by guns in those hands - loaded up with destructive intent to harm this nation. And it is a “mission” as we are so learned and instructed, no secret about it. When we have Mitch McConnell out bragging to the world that he has one and only one job to accomplish, to make sure Barack Obama fails at the presidency and is not re-elected for a 2nd term, there is something wrong with this picture. The U.S. Taxpayers are paying this guy to cause harm against a “sitting” United States' President! Where the hell is that allowed under any circumstances? How does he get away with it, to broadcast this message as a means to promote rage, to motion the calling through this free-speech the command to kill? See, Mitch has constitutional immunity, one of those perks enjoyed as a U.S. senator. He can go over the line to promote and provoke this message of destruction upon the Commander-in-Chief and when the smoke clears and the blood flows, Mitch can retreat for cover and allow someone else to face the punishment of “his” crime spree. Remember what Dylan taught us, the “executioner’s face is always well hidden”. And that is what we have before us today. The “Hate” crime scene is not cause for concern isolated incidents, but a movement with a “mission” that started in earnest following the reign of George Bush. Its cataclysmic peak and a no-turning back upon this movement came about during the 2008 presidential election. The “shots” that rang out upon Obama back then, before he succeeded to the safety of the oval office, it became so ugly that the Secret Service police had to warm the GOP candidate John McCain and running mate Sarah Palin to cool things off, as their selfish and personal rage cast down upon their idiotic and imbecile IQ following, this rage was starting to worry the security detail, because of credible attacks against Obama. John McCain lost out to a “black man”, it was a slap in the face for many hard-core bigots. This started the “Hate Crime” movement and it is well on a clash course, not through isolated crimes, but a bonafide movement. Today, the mandate to fail Obama continues, and it is way beyond the stage set for a simple “Hate Crime” when young black kids are gunned down – by a militia mentality just following orders. The movement is here, on the safe heaven streets of this “my” America, not in the ghettos, but in gated communities! Not the gunman’s home, but a home no longer safe for our future, as McConnell’s edict has infiltrated tranquility. What the hell is going on? Why are not those in power doing all that can be done to stop this out-of-control abuse, this movement? Once again, it is what some want, what some dictate and direct from the safety of their bigot boardroom. We have the strongest military in the world, equipped with the highest caliber of weaponry technology through money can buy, yet those promoting this destruction have taken it upon themselves to breed this destruction, through this raged militia following as cheap hand guns are a dime a dozen on every street corner in America. If they could, they would command the military to take up arms for their “mission’s” sake, to take down Obama, but since they realize that force and strength belongs to Barack, they must resort to other forms of destruction. And at least America still maintains that military strength to defend the “Union” against this tyranny in motion. So what does it take for the Commander-in-Chief to declare war against those in Congress that promote destruction? Deny the truth of the matter what is really going down here in America, then brace yourself and take sides now, as there will come soon the midnight hour wherein all hell will break loose. So this movement promulgated from the House podium, it has momentum and McConnell must like what is going down – as his silence is golden his apocalyptic ways and means. It may be not direct language that is calling for all able bodied white men to take up arms against any face or race different, wherein the color of a man’s teeth does indeed show a difference the color of one’s skin color, but the subliminal message from the Congress against Obama Orchestrating such Negativity, it is tyranny and the time bomb is ticking. The other day when a women supporter behind Rick Santorum yelled out “think like it’s Obama” - or words to that effect - while Rick was getting out his frustrations at a shooting range, why the Secret Service is a no show such incidents, it goes to show that this country is at a cross-roads - the race war has finally made its heyday. For years, it wasn’t an acceptance, but tolerated and we were getting better with respect to “brotherly” love. So it takes just a little push and shove to turn back the advancements made so far and now that the “once” minority population is front and center, things have changed, something the “White Caucus” cannot stand and demonstrates the will to upset the “movement” through their own “movement” – a counter-attack it is wherein the excuse allows for the 2nd Amendment to show its ugly face. So this country is beyond the “Hate Crime” scene and the movement, this “mission” has been so defined by a corrupt Congress. Everything possible is being thrown against the system from the pathetic “Right”, and when it is all said and done, Obama continues to trump the GOP plan of attack - to fail his presidency. Let's hope that his time does not run out, but it appears a stacked deck when members of Congress resort to approve such premeditated attacks against the Commander-on-Chief, which is an attack against America wherein we find today Trayvon a victim. All based on “Hate”, not a crime, but a movement beyond isolated incidents. In ending, to re-iterate, Bigot Mitch is too blame this Trayvon tragedy, Bigot John Boehner is also with blame as is Bigot Eric Cantor, all head spokesmen for the “Assassinate Obama” campaign. I fear for Obama’s safety, I fear for the future of this country with respect to “Brotherly Love” when a “movement” like this survives the justice system and gains popularity, which is what the Trayvon case finds itself confronting. Since the Trayvon vs. Zimmerman street chaos clash, scholars are coming front and center and discussing if the “Hate Crime” statutes can be used as a defense or will the “Cover your ass castle” laws of Florida – as smiled upon by Jeb Bush - will it trump the negotians to who was at fault? Give it up, as I don’t care how much Harvard education you have, bottom-line the race war is here and when a guy like Zimmerman is still a free man, days almost weeks after unloading his gun, I am sure that Mitch and his “special interest” war lord cartel whores are smiling all the way to the safety of their “Congressional” chambers protected by that immunity clause – that they got away with it once again so will continue to promote it behind closed doors and also at the podium. If this movement is not stopped at the top, then we will see more and more before enough is enough. It is a pathetic America we have before us today, stuck up from prejudice still, but there is hope, as the COON movement is but a minority stand, and stands not a chance to be part of the next generation. Like “war”, prejudice is no longer a ways and means to advance a “modern man” civilization. And Mitch, enjoy the Skittles, as if you continue down this road of destruction, one day it may be your only form of protection and your only negotiation when confronted may be to “share”. And someday, your NRA and concerted drafting of “nut-case” assassins will be but just a bad dream remembrance, just like the KKK! Hey Mitch. you still pay dues don't you and I bet that “hoody” still fits!

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