Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Alaska Escort Service

So the United States Senate is about to cut the balls off the Moose Gooser – a.k.a. Alaska Railroad. See, this state is loosing its cool with respect to per capita gains - escort service - as MoanaLisa MurCowski and Mark Begich aren't as corrupt, powerful or stingy as past Washingtonites, so are now forced to do things according to the book. Amazing what competition can do, or loose. Honesty and loss of power equates to less money coming to Alaska. “Do you honestly need a rocket launch facility with no rockets to launch”? No SIR! Do you really need an M.V. Susitna amphibious assault ferry with no passengers? No SIR! “Do you think Federal funding is necessary to study the penis size of the male Musk Oxen”? No SIR. “Do you still want Don Young's bridge to Nowhere? No SIR! For years, the “Last Frontier” was the poster-child for “pork” when at the same time this state held the largest crude oil producing fields in America and supplied 20% of the nation's energy needs. That fact was used as a trump card, to get back more then what was rightfully ours, with respect to distribution of income from taxable income. Yes, powerful senate seat hoarders used strangulation as a ways and means to rob the U.S. Treasury. This meant the state could go lenient on the oil corporations' taxation and royalty income rate, so even though we had oil, we became the welfare state extraordinaire and went addicted to “pork”. We weaned our kids away from self-sustainability and taught them to go down the same damn path of destruction. Teaching them a sad fact of this matter that we needed to keep re-electing the “pushers”, as they did bring home relief – for our addiction. Now things are changing, the oil is gone, so is the “pork”. Blame it on Uncle Ted, his mean methods, as what he did for this state is about to backfire and cause a whole lot of headaches and mass murder possibilities. With the railroad loosing its free-for-all funding, it means jobs may be cut - according to the ding-bat CEO. Look, keep the jobs and cut the salaries of those at the top. I can't understand how a “State Corporation” that has never made any money can pay the past and present CEO and underling staff exorbitant salaries. That sentiment that it takes money to keep the best doesn't work in this case, as with the ARR it is year after year of continued failure with the finances. Hire someone that tells it like it is, that “It won't work”! Correction: The ARR did see a profit once upon a time, when FEMA delivered a “disaster declaration” check because of a derailment. Since the mess was already cleaned up through insurance coverage, the check was on the books as a profit. So Bill Sheffield decided to quit as the CEO, as his retirement was tied to the ARR “profits”, and he walked away with a good chunk of the handout - courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers. Somebody should write a book about Bill, his career, his impeachment, his nose bleeds! Title it the “Unethical Eunuch”! Now with the “rail” we should have seen the writing on the wall when the state tried to sell this hunk of junk back in the early 80s, as required by the state-hood act. But due the fact that the entire right-of-way is a candidate for “Super Fund” jurisdiction, there came no takers to take the rail under consideration. The state was stuck with the heap and in efforts to keep it running, it meant Federal subsidies. That is why one can see empty coal cars going back and forth to “Nowhere” during summer, to chalk up miles for the yearly “pork” hauling – yes empty cars wasting time and energy. Now we find out that for years, due another case of fraudulent intent, the “rail” was defined as a “commuter transit” and allowed to claim 60% of the rail for purposes of more subsidies - wherein the Feds were not told the truth of the matter. Isn't there a crime against this? So who benefited from this fleecing of the U.S. Taxpayers? It surely wasn't the “commuters” as the price tag to ride this thing was above my pay grade. I guess the Princess benefited! About the only thing that is transported these days on the rail is expensive coal from Joe's mine. Why is it that the Koreans can buy coal cheaper that that sold to the U.S. ARMY here in Alaska? Isn't there a crime against this also? No wonder the brass are reconsidering placing Alaska's military bases back on the BRAC “Black” list. So even though the “rail” was subsidized by the U.S. Taxpayers, like almost everything else in Alaska that was somehow or another tied to Ted's influence, tied to “pork”, the taxpayers were screwed over. By god, it is still going on, as Ted's legacy lives on. And they call themselves “AMERICAN”, those that see fit to creep through the loopholes, ripping off the system? Now with $30-Million in cuts coming the Moose Gooser way, do we really need to be spending $190-Million on a railroad bridge to nowhere? It is happening right now, a bridge across the Tanana River for no apparent good reason. No, the ARMY doesn't need a bridge for purposes of training the troops, they can build bridges! To continue to use the good name of the military in efforts to steal away money from the Treasury, I've had enough. Look, we didn't need to disgrace the NAVY either, for that ferry that never showed up? The M.V. Susitna has been a no-show and was a total waste of money from its inception. But friends of Don made a killing on this waste as 30% of the Federal funding - part of the defense budget - went to jobs and 70% went to the back pockets of Alaska's GOP PAC supporters. Now with this Tanana River bridge shovel ready, Simple Simon math and with the help of my dear friend, Mr. Phineas J. Whoopee and his 3D-BB, shelve this ridiculous bridge idea and keep the rail running for at least another 6-years – without the “pork”! Look, we here in Alaska better brace for the impact. Not from some wayward comet or Sarah returning on her broom, but cuts in Federal spending are coming to a neighborhood near you. We went addicted to something that wasn't ours to begin with, remember that when Ted's day of glory comes around again next year. He screwed us over big time, got us addicted to Federal pork then went corrupt and the rest is history. For the railroad, put it up for sale, if no takers, then re-think the oil taxes! And then we can use the train to help the Independent oil companies engaged in total destruction of the environment pack up and move out and that last car home can enjoy the “Red Lantern” special. Doom & Gloom? You Betcha!

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