Monday, March 19, 2012

Ode To Theodore

If anybody is shell-shocked over the Schuelke report admitted to the House of Horrors - a.k.a. the United States Congress - with respect to what appears to support an inebriated prosecution while deliberating the “Corruption” trial of U.S. senator for a long time too long Theodore “Uncle Ted” Stevens, then “thou art naïve” and persecuted by self inflicted wounds of denial upon “true” righteousness. The bottom-line, the outcome was and is justice served “For the People” as Ted was under indictment during his 7th attempt at hijacking the Alaskan senate seat when his relationship with pervert Bill Allen became front and center news. The citizens of the “Last Frontier” rested the verdict and spoke their peace when Ted was voted out of office, as Alaskans may like hunting, may like fishing, may like guns & booze, but when a representative of a “porkcoholic” state becomes a cigar smoking buddy of perversion, this goes beyond the border of decency. And so what, that the United States attorneys assigned to this case did some unethical things behind the scenes, which in time would be cited as non-criminal behavior yet prosecutional malfeasance, stuff that would set Ted free so he could continue his roll on of corruption infused terror, as a whore for Ron Duncan – the GCI maggot magnate. I toast the prosecution team, for justice served. Ted fondled in the “good ol' boy buddy” system network, which was how and why Alaska today finds many “home-made” millionaires, affiliated with the “Corrupt Bastards Club”. Sure the people of Alaska benefited from Ted's generosity with the U.S. Treasury loot, but 33-cents on our dollar is highway robbery. What do you mean senators aren’t inherently corrupt? Sure they are, but they use the “immunity” clause to get away with murder she wrote. Just think, had Ted been sharing a cello with Bill, he would still be alive today. Just think if he had admitted his guilt front and center and did his time for doing the crime. Stealing money from the taxpayers is a crime. I work hard for my money, so do most middle-class Americans. When that money is garnished away as a bonafide tax of necessity and senators and congressmen think they own it and can dispose of it without any responsibility and only for their own seedy greed addictions, it is the highest of crimes as it is a crime upon the citizenry. Now what the prosecutors used to their advantage and are now getting beat up by in the Schuelke report - paid for by Ted’s high rolling attorneys - it may not have been righteous according to “rules of the court”, but there comes a time when the prosecution must be derelict their duties in efforts to protect the American interest – as is the case herein this case. The outcome serves justice beyond a shadow of doubt. And don't try to invoke “innocent until proven guilty” herein this case, as guilt was a mainstream qualifier for indictment. They thought they were the untouchables, Ted and his fan-club! The sad fact of the matter, their exists a whole lot more guilt out there, but with the pressure on the justice, it is more likely then not that any future probing will be but a lukewarm page holder. So like the behind the scenes shenanigans or not, in the end it sent Ted away from a position of power that was abused. These prosecutors should be commended for walking that fine line between legal and illegal, as justice for Ted does not equate to justice for all, and that is what a Federal prosecutor stands for, that “And justice for all”, which doesn’t necessarily mean freedom for all. It ain’t for the loot that these educated legalese take on this “Badge of Courage” to protect what is left standing the American dream, as they could make a whole lot of extra loot in private practice. And Ted had done enough damage over the years, with enough background that incites the fact that “term limits” are more then ever needed today in efforts to save America. Hey, term limits are designed into the Constitution! OK so MoanaLisa MurCowski - Alaska's nepotism senator - is upset over this supposedly “injustice” report, that paints a picture of the prosecution with-holding information during Ted's trial – trivial information at that according to reliable sources. But she doesn’t understand the definition of justice unless it is signed by Bob Penny. Yet she is wasting the taxpayers' time and money to author a bill through Congress that would demand justice turn over any and all evidence so this doesn't ever happen again. Why is it only a problem when something interferes with their right to life, liberty and that pursuit of happiness and the “Corrupt Bastards” deem it necessary to take action? Look, Ted's attorney at lodge Brendan Sullivan was quoted as saying, “If this happen to a United States senator…in the District of Columbia, than it can happen anywhere to anyone”. Dear Mr. Naive, it is happening and has been happening for eons, to minorities. There are thousands that have been incarcerated for life due with-held evidence and the color of their skin. Put that in your Georgetown University pipe and smoke it! Oh, I forgot. You are the despicable attorney that represented Oliver North! Isn’t he the guy that lied to Congress? Look, I am glad that Ted is no longer representing Alaska or representing the U.S. Congress. It was on his watch wherein the “House” power came under attack and became an evil power broker while the Constitution was held hostage. Yes, treason may be a better definition of how some members of Congress act when sworn in, due that “immunity” crap. So once again, cheers to the prosecution team, for doing what was right for America. In my book, Ted will always be guilty, of Constitutional neglect.

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