Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Congressional RICO

Dear Joe Leiberman;

As chairman of the U.S. Senate committee investigating what appears to be widespread and a genuine violation of the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization act, with respect to this “Congressional” insider trading scam, I was very excited when from that hearing you said that by this day's end - Wednesday, December 7th - that you would have moved a bill out of committee that would abolish this egregious behavior. Oh, I stand corrected, as the official date for something constructive this issue was December 15th, not today. Give me a break, what does it take or for that matter how long does it take to make legislation that says “Congressmen” fall under the same laws, rules and regulations as all Americans? Even the Wall Streeters don't get away with this type of thievery. Look, one man's gain is another man's loss. To not have a law front and center by now, it points to a culture of corruption. Why is it taking so long, or is it a ways and means to construct very complicated legislation that doesn't do anything to ban this practice and allows it to be enjoyed by those that missed out on the opportunity? This is what we know is going down, for sure, as you guys don't give a rat's ass what we think. Just because we found out what was going on, and called your bluff, now you sit behind closed doors thinking up a way just to fool Americans into believing you guys care. I'm from Alaska, and when Mark Begich introduced his thoughts, that like Wall Street disclosure would be required within 48-hours so “Congressmen” could enjoy the benefits of playing the stock market, I threw away my voter registration card! What is with this guy, is there something in the water there with the Potomac? Maybe you should invest in bottled water. Disclosure? Like its OK as long as you tell us up front that you are ripping off the system of merits? And if I wanted to waste time tracking you bastards, if I saw a disclosed “Trade” that was suspicious, what the hell would one do? File a complaint? Look and you know this so true, there is a thing called “Ethics”, pure and simple. Bottom-line, even if something comes out of committee that bans this occupation, the reputation is already tarnished, as it went on, on your watch. I ask, what other illegal acts, illegal from the standpoint of how the rest of us must act, what else is going on today up on the “Hill” that is questionable with respect to law abiding citizenship? Look, and you know this from your years at the podium. Congress can approve an act of war in a heartbeat if need be. And I guess that is my point, as Congress has indeed approved an act of war, upon America! Sure there is the 1% and the rest of us, but it is indeed a 3-party race, the 1%, the 99% and the Congress. What side are you really on?

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