Thursday, December 8, 2011

Little Red Hen

And you thought Carrot Top was funny? It appears that Newt Gingrich is trying out not only for the kingpin position as the GOP presidential nominee, but also enjoying a class act stand on Comedy Central. According to Newt, he is the one that made Romney “Rich”, by steering legislation Romney's direction when Newt was in the Congress, wherein Romney's vise to the hoarding of the riches this country once shared, it meant “job” killing would became the Number 1 killer of the American Dream. What the hell gives when the criminals are no longer afraid to admit “criminal activity”? When is enough evidence enough, their admittance is credible, not entered through force, just downright guilty! And it comes not as guilty “plea” bargaining to reduce sentencing, just a smack down slap in the face. For Newt to take a bow along with a self-inflicted pat on the back for such shenanigans, where are the cuffs? It is called “Congressional Immunity”. In fact if this day goes by without Joe Leiberman announcing strict new laws of guidance that forbids a Senator or Congressmen from exercising “Insider Trading” without any violation of law, the same laws that would place you and I behind bars if we tried it, if silence is golden this atrocity windfall through ethics missing in action then we have indeed a “House” of crooks! Yes, we are now finding out the truth, that Congress was behind the 1% Club and wants to enjoy the same preferential treatment. See, initiation into that “Club” means proving themselves, by screwing over the 99%. Maybe we should have not been so naïve this fact of the matter. Blood on the tracks it is. And Bush is the individual under attack, for the tax cuts also that allowed this union between the 1% and then the rest of us, nothing in between but devastation upon “our” right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Bush is gown away, it is “Congress” that is to blame. Yes indeed 1% comedians the rest filling the ranks of the “proletariat” ranks, defined as “Hard Working Americans”, the salt of the earth. Look, the 1% cannot and will not survive without us. The 1% fills the audience with no future, prime seating but it's raining out, a “Hard Rain”, and high winds are also predicted, maybe for us the “Blowin' in the Wind” storm that will devastate their domain and wash away their fortune, which has shown up as our misfortune. This just in
Said the Little Red Hen: Who will help me plant the wheat?
Not I, barked the Senator .
Not I, purred the Congressmen .
Not I, quacked the Lobbyist .

Then I will, said the Little Red Hen.
When the seeds had grown, said the Little Red Hen: Who will help me cut the wheat ?
Not I, barked the lazy Senator .
Not I, purred the sleepy Congressmen .
Not I, quacked the noisy Lobbyist.

Then I will, said the Little Red Hen.
When all the wheat was cut, said the Little Red Hen: Who will help me take the wheat to the mill to be ground into flour ?
Not I, barked the sleazy lazy Senator .
Not I, purred the sleepy drunken Congressmen.
Not I, quacked the noisy yellow belly Lobbyist.

Then I will, said the Little Red Hen .
Said the tired Little Red Hen: "Who will help me bake the bread?"
Not I, barked the sleazy lazy drunken Senator .
Not I, purred the sleepy hung over puking Congressmen .
Not I, quacked the noisy yellow belly wino Lobbyist.

Then I will, said the Little Red Hen.
When the bread was finished, said the tired Little Red Hen: Who will help me eat the bread ?
I will, barked the Senator, banishing his loaded gun.
I will, purred the Congressmen, banishing his loaded gun.
I will, quacked the Lobbyist, banishing his loaded gun.

No! said the Little Red Hen . "I will." And the Little Red Hen commenced to eat the bread all by herself, until the Senator and Congressmen as directed by the Lobbyist , all fully loaded, gang raped her innocence, ate all the bread, then to get rid of the evidence, torched the Little Red Hen's “hen-house”. Then with smiles called it a day on the “Hill”!

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