Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A New Age War

Who in hell is bombing Iran? Just a few weeks ago, a missile test facility was destroyed and now we find out that a top secret U.S. drone took a wrong “hard right” turn and augured into the Iranian desert, and was soon apprehended by the Iran government for trespassing. No big deal, as there isn't much they can do with the junk. It's a small plane without a pilot and some camera equipment. Look, if it were indeed “Top Secret” stuff, it would have been equipped with on-board destruct instructions. Loss of communications, boom! Loss of flight maneuverability, boom! It is well known that “espionage efforts” in the form of a Siemen's S7 computer virus” have been infiltrating the “back-door” sovereignty of Iran, in efforts to cause chaos upon industrial processing equipment – underwear making plants, etc. Look, want to cause a nation to revolt, take away the underwear! Now that kind of Spy vs. Spy stuff makes for good movie making and goes on, boys will be boys! But it appears things are starting to escalate in that theater, a hot-bed with respect to Israel's peace and quiet. So who is behind this escalation, as surely it is not the Obama administration, as too get involved now with 2012 on the horizon, not a good game plan? Then again, no secret and not a tough question with answer as too who is behind this escalation. See, it is the American made “War Machine” that is getting scared so involved, wherein it should just mind its own business. But when no laws are present to prevent it, as it is not treason, there is no stopping this Casey Jones extravaganza. And this “secret” involvement is not promulgated upon the fact that Iran is close to producing a deterrent, its own nuclear warhead, but the “War Machine” is running scared because the “golden goose” is going home. With the Iraq conflict's closing arguments finished and the jury verdict sentencing the American troops home, it won't be long before the NATO conflict in Afghanistan finds the same “Happy” ending. “Ding Dong the...” In Afghanistan, like occurred in Iraq, the American “War Machine” has received a hefty-helping handout, from Uncle Sam. What is still awaiting approval by Congress as an “Act of War”, the overseas conflicts generate over $350-Billion yearly in revenues for the “private” entities engaged in the “fight”. With that said, the defense contractors can not come to grips the realization that what has been feeding their addiction to money for profits is about to take a breather - that scenario the wives' of the CEOs cannot stand. Gone will be the $10-million dollar bonus, for husbands that work all day long trying to keep the war efforts going then go home at night to their gated communities and hug their “piggy banks”, what family? With “privatized” military men armed with the same weapons as found carried around by an American troop and the “privates” not armed by any Code of Conduct when in theater, they have all the reasons in their unsupervised play book to let the American “Occupation” and military presence fall under the auspices of “Mission Creep”. Paid for Soldiers and their subordinates are getting filthy rich upon this “New Age” war, a.k.a. Soldiers of Fortune! And when one considers the fact that besides no beds for our returning troops at the dilapidated military bases around this nation, gone to ruins due the fact the money has been spent abroad to defend something that is still questionable and the fact that the jobs' market for kids only qualified to carry out reconnaissance missions is dwindling here in the states, there isn't much future hope for the troops coming home. They have served their time and now they face the ugly facts of what to do for the rest of their lives, if they still have their limbs in tact. So with the “Billionaires' War”, it is easy too see not only a “privatized” army excited about their next “mission”, but from the executive ranks a secret agent agenda, to keep the heat on, like secretly attacking Iran to raise the blood pressure. And if they have it their way, it will continue as they know they have a qualified and unemployed workforce at their disposal. How sick this mentality, that “War” is for profit only these days. See, that is what is so wrong with “War” today. It is honored as a profit making scene, wherein “death” and “collateral damage” is but the accepted fallout of a sick society. Look, we all know that we have no control, as these private militias are armed to the gill and are today a match upon our own men in uniform. War, shame on US! It has created a “monster” and to be honest with you, war is outdated! In honor of John Lennon, “War is over if you want it”, how true! War had its chance, it proved its point, now maybe it is time to give “Peace” a chance, just too see the outcome of smiles over death stares between the eyes. So here it is in a nutshell, let Iran acquire a nuclear warhead, for two reasons. Our country has been haunted for years over its participation in the “Little Boy” singeing of the Hiroshima landscape and the “Fat Man” singeing of the Nagasaki landscape and leaving behind radioactive contaminated destruction, which is something we will never be allowed to forget, a scar that we will never forget in which 200,000 victims were burned alive. Secondly, if Iran is stupid enough to attack any other country with a nuke, think of the wrath attack from neighboring nations, including the U.S. The history books will be able to inform future generations that there was at one time an “Under-wear” factory in a place that will for years be a super landscaped “glass onion”, as the entire desert will be fused together. But reasoning to the contrary pushes us in that direction, because of another kind of “greed”, that of “Power”. When PNAC - Project for the New American Century - tried to engage then U.S. President Bill Clinton upon its selfish agenda, Iran was the target. Bill laughed and they were forever banned from the White-house, until Bush was given the keys. Since then the neo-Conservatives have been using Iraq as a testing grounds, so there is pressure, not upon the administration, but pressure on these “private” defense agents that can carry out the PNAC secret agenda. It boils down to “greed”, America's greatest disease, as we realize today that it is not an individual nation that predicates war upon others, it is fostered through internal factions, like the Taliban and Al Qaeda, no different then the players behind the present day American “War Machine”. Outfits like “Blackwater” have gotten too damn big and powerful as a “War Machine” instigator, a 20,000 plus army and its own air force. And since they have the means and dedication, it becomes a convenient outlet for someone within an organization that has the money to buy their service. They are only in it for the money, the power brokers only in it for the power, a couple made for each-other. In the case of PNAC, which now hides under the umbrella of the Foreign Policy Initiative, there comes a wealth of wealth, and since they do not like Obama, we will see an escalation. The War Machine continues to profit, through the PNAC agenda, that of taking over the world because of our "Democratic Republic” and its appearance second to none. Sure, make us all the same, a cloned nation. Just ask the Native American Indians what they think about this plan of attack?

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