Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Health Risk Coverage

In this day and age of a “do nothing” Congress enjoying an approval rating providing a “Divide by Zero” error output to the rating's community computer algorithm, I must admit one specialty Congress plays favor with, our health! Especially if it is something that poses a risk, wherein Congress finds it necessary to provide coverage. Now this doesn't involve ObamaCare! But when something comes along and for a longtime we become the guinea pigs, then we find out it is something of an addiction hazardous to our health, Uncle Sam realizes that the “Addiction” aspect means money - through heavy taxation upon this crutch. Take cigarettes for instance. The present day Federal Excise Tax per pack is $1.05, or about 20% of total cost. Designed in efforts to reduce consumer demand – kicking the habit – it brings in approximately $10-Billion dollars of extra income to the U.S. Treasury. Wow! Take motor gasoline for instance. With an 18-cent per gallon Federal Excise Tax, designed in efforts to reduce consumer demands – kicking the habit – the U.S. Treasury enjoys about $30-Billion in extra income had not this commodity been taxed. Wow some more! Take alcohol for instance. With a 58-cent Federal Excise Tax on a bottle of beer, along with a $1.00 FET to enjoy a bottle of vino, along with $13.50 FET on the Jack, an additional $10-Billion makes its way to the vault. Wow again! So habit forming things that prove to be detrimental upon this country's social order, it finds a tax burden, once again all designed in efforts to “Reduce Consumer Demands”. The demand thing never works, but the money keeps on coming. Why should Congress get overly involved with the real problem, as that may mean reduced taxation, which means less money for the “pork” giveaway promises. So it can be said that “habit” forming things makes money, for the “pushers” and the Tax-man. Now we have before us today like yesterday another thing upon which we have played the guinea pig foolhardy roll for way too long, something that has proven to be hazardous to our wellbeing, and something that needs one of those taxation fixations applied. It is called the “Lobbyistsas the “pusher-man” and our representatives as the addicts – an addiction for the lobbyists' boot full of loot. Look, Congress bends way down to kiss their feet, so yes “Boot” loot. So it is a simple fix. Look we can't even get the Supreme Court Justices to realize America has and continues to be sold to the highest donation of campaign bucks, for the politicians' RICO war-chests! RICO, for Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization act. If the “K Street” hoodlums ain't crooks and our representatives ain't cohorts in crime, then Newt Gingrich is an American! We my as well take advantage this “hazard” associated with Congress by the “House's” affiliation with this scumbag buyout favoritism legislation. It is allowed because of the “legislation” the “lawbreaking lawmakers” insist upon their own actions – or inactions! From now on all campaign donations should be taxed, just like we find has been done with tobacco products, for motor gasoline and for alcohol. Just think of the opportunities to generate much needed income, through this taxation that “We the People” find immunity, someone else's dime this time around. And maybe, maybe just for once, this “New” taxation designed to “Reduce Demand” will be something that finds success upon the “demand” aspect. If not, it is estimated that the U.S. Treasury could take in an extra $350-Billion, when the campaign donations are subject to the same degree of taxation as TAG – tobacco, alcohol and gasoline, this income during routine years. And during a Presidential election year? How about an amount that “tilts” the collectors register. Bottom-line, it could be used to lower the existing deficit then some. And when those responsible for the tax, the pursuers and recipients - Congress - when they see the tax bill, maybe some of them will think not once but twice too who they are supposed to represent, without the burden of campaign donation taxation. But then again, the Congress continues to show its bad habit traits that are passed down for generations, especially when nepotism enters to extinguish righteousness, like occurs way too often in Alaska, but maybe “We the People” can benefit financially this one particular bad habit, through “Demand Taxation” upon the Lobby's “Buy Them” program.

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