Tuesday, December 6, 2011

America's Report Card #2

The #2 rings a bell of stench, with respect to how America is fairing. Everywhere I turn during these holiday times, there is indeed overwhelming evidence of a near pandemic in the making and well on its way out-of-control, as outreach for helping those in need is reaching way out of bounds. It appears that the Grinch and Scrooge have been successful, as what other fathomable reason promotes panhandling and begging to become a national pastime for many one time prosperous Americans? Street corners are no longer reserved for somebody trying to hock some extra change for a bottle of MD20/20, as family men must resort to this dangerous occupation just to enjoy a warm bath once a week. It is dangerous, as not only is there stiff competition from the back alley Bowery Boys, but the road rage from irate “please don't bother me” drivers can have its toll. See, drivers are in a hurry to get to the market, or liquor store, or get back to that warm home after a day at the office! Wow, what a concept, a job, a shelter, food, booze and a car that runs – the essentials? In Anchorage, with Dan Sullivan's new and approved “SideWalk-er” eviction policy - as Dan is a fan of Scott Walker's insensitive political disenfranchising laws - sitting down while panhandling could bring a fine, maybe jail time. I just don't get it, that “voice” that is not hearing the “voice” - of destitution for those of us on “Desolation Row”. It is loud and clear, so it is selective hearing as to give a little away means less squandered away. In America, It used to be when somebody yelled “Help”, assistance was front and center above and around any hurdles, when “brother can you spare a dime” was something we as Americans could be proud upon and that great tune rang with pride. And other nations respected that fact, even nations that were not on our side, it was something even our enemies found appreciation with. Today, we have lost a whole lot that was gained form our parents' generation, following the world wars and the re-constructive era. It appears they may have put in all that hard work for nothing. Whose fault is it? I began a conversation with a gentlemen up in Fairbanks, at a local wash-a-teria that also provides showers for rent. He had his entire family in tow, to do laundry and also for the hygiene duty. That was this family's Saturday night out! What happened to the good old days when families went out for pizza, or a good burger? Sad, as here was this dedicated dad, a carpenter by trade, a mom and 7-siblings all tucked into a dilapidated cab-over camper as their primary residence, wherein dad goes form day job to no job then back to a day job, just to get enough loot for a meal and a shower once a week and maybe some laundry duty. After searching every pocket several times, many pockets as it was winter here in the interior, he couldn't find enough spare change to give himself a bath, so I handed over some spare change. Count my blessings, I can still afford the American dream - with limitations. It is not like it used too be or how it is supposed too be. Let's face the facts, as the Congress continues to feed their fat faces with caviar and washing it down to their over-bloated guts with Don Perignon, courtesy of the “Lobby Transform”, they are being treated as 1st Class passengers, so why should they care about reality on the streets of America? They don't, because if that sentiment was false - that they don't care - then we would not have this dilemma facing us today, especially during the holidays. Even the pet stores are accepting donations, for pets needing assistance. The strangulation that Mitch McConnell and the John Boehner society have designed and bombarded us with, from help their wealthy friends, it is treason and they are traitors. If we could set the clock back to 1800 and the Congress acted this way then, we would all be out on the street on Saturday night, for a stoning! I have no other reaction or definition, it is pure “Treason” from turncoats, with the “Lobby Transform” helping to “transform” America into the likes of a nuclear fallout zone – a dead desert wherein the only thing that survives are the “scorpions”. What Congress has done for America the past few sessions is nothing short a nuclear attack! I call it the “Lobby Transform” as it is indeed like one of those toy transformers, all so innocent on the outside, but when provoked, we find a monster in disguise. Lobbyist look like Americans, but they do not act like Americans. It is a sickness that continuous to wreck havoc on civility. The fact that they have no conscious so pay out to buy the conscious of Congress places this nation at risk, as once down that “Lobby Transform” detour dead-end, there is no turning back. Just like if they were in bed with the Mafia, and if they don't perform accordingly, then their families may be targeted. Look, the drug lords provide better living condition south of the border then to what we are finding in some state's cities here in America. While traveling across America on Turkey Day and listening to Alice's Restaurant, I was angry when a roadside turnoff directed me to a squatters camp, and this used to be a motorist's rest area. Not anymore, as America has been chastised and disenfranchised beyond decency, all because of a Congress that is AWOL. From food drives to clothing drives, it appears that America the great has found its enemy, one that has taken it down for the count. And that enemy of the ”People”, we all understand who the culprits are. It is not the “Lobbyist Transform” movement, as there is only a single entity that holds the reigns of blame and that is the Congress. Congress-of-Corruption? Sure appears to be what has caused this dreadful era, one that I am ashamed upon and in reality a real embarrassment. To sum it all up, take this with you the next time you enter that voting booth. Down in the lower-48, some tire salesmen guy has this commercial worth mentioning, as it has meaning. It starts off with doctors conversing about some guy who isn't going to make it, with the camera now showing some bed-ridden “Mummy” lookalike with a zillion tubes protruding from every God given orifice then some, and all these electronic gizmo's monitoring his pulse, which is but a luke warm “blip”. He looks like a vegetable. Then we hear the commercial on the bedside radio, a great tire sale and this guy thought to be dead gets up and runs out the room, with all these tubes dangling behind, the doctors smile and run with him, as this is one hell of a sale. In the case that mirrors association, that dead guy almost is Congress, and that call for a sale that provokes “new life” into the almost dead, “K Street” offering up a Christmas bonus, money for giving away liberty! In ending, what could be more appropriate then to re-visit Dylan's Desolation Row, maybe America's new National anthem:

They're selling postcards of the hanging
They're painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor is filled with sailors
The circus is in town
Here comes the blind commissioner
They've got him in a trance
One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker
The other is in his pants
And the riot squad they're restless
They need somewhere to go
As Lady and I look out tonight
From Desolation Row.

Cinderella, she seems so easy
"It takes one to know one," she smiles
And puts her hands in her back pockets
Bette Davis style
And in comes Romeo, he's moaning
"You belong to Me I Believe"
And someone says, "You're in the wrong place, my friend
You better leave"
And the only sound that's left
After the ambulances go
Is Cinderella sweeping up
On Desolation Row.

Now the moon is almost hidden
The stars are beginning to hide
The fortunetelling lady
Has even taken all her things inside
All except for Cain and Abel
And the hunchback of Notre Dame
Everybody is making love
Or else expecting rain
And the Good Samaritan, he's dressing
He's getting ready for the show
He's going to the carnival tonight
On Desolation Row.
Now Ophelia, she's 'neath the window
For her I feel so afraid
On her twenty-second birthday
She already is an old maid
To her, death is quite romantic
She wears an iron vest
Her profession's her religion
Her sin is her lifelessness
And though her eyes are fixed upon
Noah's great rainbow
She spends her time peeking
Into Desolation Row.

Einstein, disguised as Robin Hood
With his memories in a trunk
Passed this way an hour ago
With his friend, a jealous monk
He looked so immaculately frightful
As he bummed a cigarette
Then he went off sniffing drainpipes
And reciting the alphabet
You would not think to look at him
But he was famous long ago
For playing the electric violin
On Desolation Row.

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