Thursday, December 1, 2011

Don't Go There!

So U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski wants to initiate a probe upon the U.S. Justice Department as to why this law abiding Taxpayer funded institute will not investigate Alaska's Bill Allen, over confident and credible charges of deviant sexual behavior upon little girls! And with the JD showing no interest this pedophile like activity, it places any state action against this crime on hold, as Bill has been rewarded with prosecutionaltory immunity – as a whistle-blower while aiding and abetting the JD's investigation into Alaska's corrupt political scene. Now Bill is on the loose and does not have to register as a sex offender having already served his time and fine, for his affiliation as the ring leader for the well known but still as of yet abolished “Corrupt Bastards' Club”. This was a conglomerate of wealthy Alaskans made wealthy through political affiliations, local politicians on the take along with the Alaskan delegation on the make that tried in effort to demolish Alaska's political scene, through corrupt cronyism and nepotism like tactics which included bribery, money laundering, Cuban cigars, fine wine, drugs, whores and underage victims. And when one looks at the fallout, when this club's membership was taken down for the count, some finding jail time away from their cohorts in crime, all told the entire investigative caper stinks of a conspiracy. The fallout was but a minuscule blow deterrent to the damage that was done with political favoritism, before the “Club” was raided by the authorities. I just happened to be on a plane headed back to Alaska one evening and there was a count of 86 Special Agents being reassigned to handle the evidence gathered during the raids. It was a big deal that ended up with but a luke warm smoldering ember like conviction. I am not a conspiracy theory follower or exciter of such, yet every so often something comes along that seems out of whack. In this case gone cold, the entire criminal investigation by the Justice Department found credibility gaps since the day the Fed.'s went involved and raided Ted's villa down in Girdwood, like that was a turning point of something gone haywire. Now it wasn't due to the Justice Department's incompetence that some of the criminals' cases were forfeited, it was due because of something “ugly”, to which we as citizens should be but have not as of yet been privied with such knowledge. Even with all the government transparency supposedly in effect today, like through Freedom of Information Act requests, there is something not quite right the outcome of this investigation. And if we don't know what to ask for or how to ask for with respect to a certain subject matter, like this investigation's history and withheld information that could clear any controversy, it is more likely then not that something has been covered up to the point it may be impossible to recall. So not even a Freedom of Information Act would suffice to shed light on “what went so wrong”. Of course, maybe that is it, as what may have gone wrong may mean that something has gone right in efforts to hide something of value away for safe keeping. So Uncle Sam has become smart upon this transparency, with the FOIA burden and its inherent at their convenience obstacles when the public tries to gather information that is better off concealed, as it can have bothersome ramifications if that certain information were to be made public. Now most of the Corrupt Bastards' Club member crooks that were indicted, most of their convictions have been scrubbed. Ben Stevens is a free man and from what we are gathering from bits and pieces let loose by the guy at the helm of the law here in America, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Ben will always be a free man. Like already mentioned, Bill Allen became a state's witness, so he plea bargained a pettily time behind bars, and is now free to enjoy his life and millions made as the kingpin of the VECO Corporation. He deserves it, the loot that is, as he was a good business man, even though he let that power go to his head, or other body extremities! All told, Bill spent most of his plea bargain basement sentencing under “House Arrest” and when the ball, chain and stripes became his friend, it was but for a minimal time of incarceration at a facility in New Mexico that sounds more in tune to a retirement home. And some in the know will tell you his time away from freedom was not at all a deterrent, consistent with like crimes – preferential treatment it was, courtesy the U.S. Justice Department. And now that he is free at last, Senator Lisa wants too take on the Justice Department to see if Bill can be sent away again. A word of warning to Lisa, “Be careful”! Better yet, “Don't go there”. I will get to why this hands-off approach is appropriate this case further on this writing. Yes, there is something rotten written in invisible ink all over this case, but there comes a reason to let it all disappear into thin air. When this “government” is at risk due to activity with criminal intent gone way overboard, strange things occur in efforts not to bring justice where justice is due, as a ways and means to protect this “government”. I guess it can be likened to the “Cat out of the bag” scenario or the proverbial “Can of worms”. In challenging criminal behavior that may inflict harm to the government, the government may be justified in calming the situation through preferential treatment upon those that cheated with criminal intent, as image is so very, very important. Repercussions for a system infiltrated through weakness can be devastating, so the government must access what it can withhold and what it can divulge, based on damage control tactics. Regardless of what we are taught with respect to any freedom of information clause still Constitutional. Government in some respects is a very fragile institute, and some things made public could have a chilling effect to the point of rebellion if all out transparency was paramount. So yes, government plays games with some things when it determines that the game option is too the best interest of continued control or wherein secrecy is required. That may be the case with this case. And then we have U.S. Senator for a long time Ted Stevens, his criminal indictment, the conviction almost then the case was thrown out, for what we were led to believe was inappropriate behavior by the Federal prosecutors, for withholding evidence. That seems to be the “Ticket to Freedom”, this evidence boondoggle, like a premeditated act of weakness to make sure things went screwed up, which means cases overturned! The withholding of evidence excuse is a textbook ways and means to turn a case bold to a case cold. So what was so valuable to the government that allowed criminal activity sentencing to be watered down from time behind bars for time already served? And with Scott Free Ben, it appears just a waste of time and taxpayers' money looking into what Ted's son may have been involved with along with a little help from “Dad”. Look, if even today some 5-years after Ben was placed under the investigator's microscope a poll vote were held, wherein the public acted as the jury, Ben would find a vote of no confidence, a guilty verdict on all counts. Look, we still to this day have no clear or definitive picture as to why that plane crashed, with Ted on-board as a passenger. That plane belonged to long time friend and Alaska communication's icon Ron Duncan, a pilot himself, so this plane was most likely in great shape. And it wasn't no ordinary “Alaska Bush” plane, but a Cadillac Coup de Ville type of “bush” plane. A millionaires dream! The pilot of the doomed plane was a long time aviator and well respected in the flying community, with many hours in the cockpit, in Alaska. The weather was normal marginal, but not suspect in this crash scene. In this day and age of aircraft crash forensics, especially here in Alaska, there is no excuse to see an FAA report that claims “inconclusive” as the conclusion. And the FAA usually takes a whole lot of time to complete with assurances an investigation, years in the making sometimes, so to investigate then close a case so quickly - it is bothersome towards suspect. If a “Conspiracy Theory” evolves around “suspect” outcomes in numbers, this case finds itself just that, as it tilts the scale with inaccuracies. I guess silence is golden all around this entire state of affairs with the CBC. And just when Bill was to testify in the Kott and Kohring bribery trials, with Bill still under control of Holder's Worriers, all of a sudden these two clowns plead guilty, and get leniency sentencing – basically set free! Bill knows a little too much and with Ted dead and gone, Bill holds the Ace! He is a free man, with no threat of intimidation, even through calls of concern from Lisa Murkowski, a U.S. Senator! And did you see that smile of Bill's when he was released from the New Mexico country club? So Allen may know what went on behind closed doors, besides bribery with state of Alaska legislators, but now that he is a free man, there is no way he is going to deny that benefit to himself, by talking out of line and spilling the beans. If he were to say the wrong thing, it would mean more time behind bars. Ted is gone, so his knowledge of what really went down, that also is gone forever. And since he didn't have time to write his own memoirs? It brings us to this conclusion, there is little evidence so far made public as to what really went on, or too what the Justice Department found out that chilled this investigation to nothing more then what appears to be a farce waste of time. Hey, one investigator hung himself! Has that been investigated fully? Others have been reassigned, to forever hold their peace. Let's face the facts, you don't mess with Uncle Sam when it comes to keeping quiet. Ted may have found himself augered into a mountainside grave due his knowledge. When one looks at where this investigation has come and gone, of course it raises that eyebrow of suspicion. And the Fed.'s are smart, using the time element to make sure citizens let time deal a blow, making the entire ordeal “old and forgotten” information wherein nobody really cares anymore. And this should be that “Red Flag” that makes us not forget, but overly suspicious to what really went down during the investigation. They found something “ugly”, and like already eluded upon, it meant an outcome of silence is golden. Now about the only thread of evidence that points to the fact that something really rotten was going on with Allen and the CBC, was the fact that a piece of government property was found way up north with a VECO property sticker, at the same time it bore a property sticker of the United States government, the kind that are indestructible and are so removed if and when such equipment is auctioned off to the general public. If you have ever been to a government auction, it is done right, every “i” dotted and every “t” crossed. Wouldn't want to give away a secret! So many may ask, what in hell can a property sticker have to do with anything credible this investigation? Well one tries to figure out the puzzle, this relationship between VECO and Uncle Sam. For some reason VECO had acquired U.S. Government property that was not properly disposed of. Like maybe VECO had access to something it was not supposed to have privilege upon. And herein finds the call of suspicion upon this entire case of affairs. Now those of us that are familiar with Alaska, familiar with Anchorage, we realize the money that Ted Stevens swayed this way, for just about everything. Some of that money went towards crazed things, like to study the penis size of the male Musk Ox, the results are still AWOL! Then again, there came money well deserved for genuine and responsible reasonable projects. Downtown Anchorage sports many new Federal buildings. Like the Federal courthouse and jail, the FBI crime facility that is hidden away on Tudor. The many Land Management facilities. The list goes on and on, as securing taxpayers' money through the various appropriation bills approved by Congress for building Federal asset value, it is an easy thing to accomplish, as it is money well spent to increase Uncle Sam's assets at the same time creating construction jobs. It is probably the greatest of “stimulus” motives, as all local businesses also benefit, by supplying materials. And it is a well known psychological fact that people in positions in new surroundings, they put out more. So building new facilities was a win-on-win situation, not only here but everywhere. But there was a single entity that never saw the likes of a new facility and remained operating in a run-down almost dilapidated facility for way too long during this build anew era, when Ted and Don held the reigns of seniority in the U.S. Congress. The Internal Revenue Service was crammed into a modest sized building of old located on 36th Avenue, called the VECO Building. This property was owned and controlled by Bill Allen as it was the main headquarters of VECO, nothing else, except the IRS. So it meant that Bill collected a yearly revenue, for renting space to the revenue collectors - the auditors. And it appears that the 2nd rate accommodation goes along with the territory, as this agency is very low on almost everyone's radar. And why the IRS never saw a Real McCoy facility it could call home like every other agency was gifted with, wherein utmost security would be paramount considering the information available and instead wasted away taxpayers' loot for rental and at the mercy of the “Landlord”, it raises the possibility that Bill Allen had ties to something else. Think of the possibilities if somebody had unrestricted access to individual tax records wherein that access also meant the possibility of manipulating things. I cannot at this time go into what other evidence I have at my disposal that points to the possibility that members or confidants of the CBC had access to the IRS offices and files, thus access to critical computers that held information that could be manipulated. That will be forthcoming in a report titled “1st and Goal”. But here is some evidence to consider that supports the ultimate “Conspiracy Theory”, Alaskan style corruption that will one day make the CBC historically equal to “Jesse James' Gang”. Since the entire communications infrastructure for this building was controlled by VECO, it is more likely then not that outsiders had access to this critical infrastructure and private taxpayers information, as today networking is how business is done. The access may have been utilized as a clearing house to clear records of tax problems for privileged individuals. And that is the reason that this case is so well protected. With the slightest scent that this Allen & Stevens relationship could lead to opening up a can of worms, one that could not be contested as the statute of limitations ceases to exist any past problems for taxpayers, and since it was done as a favor, wherein there is no criminal behavior attributable to those that may have found convenient loopholes to settle tax matters, there is no smoking gun available! Except that it would paint such an ugly picture upon an institute that has commonality all Americans, an institute that has over-time made great headway in trying to be fair. I have the proof that indicates that tax problems were cleared outside what is available through the existing “Tax Code” and it could only happen wherein there was a back-door available, and that back-door was right there in Anchorage. And it may not have been just a clearing house for Alaskans in bed with the CBC, as when this case started gaining momentum, there was just too damn much commingling evidence between the state and the Fed.'s. So if this information could be released, if an individual knew what to ask for and the force of destruction has not invaded, we may find that the worst thing that ever occurred when the CBC was in session, not when it was trying to change local government with preferential treatment toward resource taxation and corrections institute policies, but something even more corrupt, the devastation of a system that is the baseline for America. If a single individual tax return found preferential treatment – outside manipulation inconsistent with the tax code – if forces the entire system to “Tilt”. It happened, but the truth remains silent and we may never find out the truth, that through all the years that Ted & Don were applauding that money was being spent to upgrade the IRS and its mission, behind the scenes changes were indeed taking place, for the privileged as tax problems are probably the worse enemy a politician can carry along as baggage! If the evidence is gone, we will never know! So in ending, it is my belief through discovery that there came a scam wherein preferential treatment was administered to the tax accounts of the privileged, those with connections to the Corrupt Bastards' Club. It happened, and it is something that points to a sad state of affairs, consistent with the preferential treatment that today brings us the “Occupy” movement, as why is it that some things benefit a few, when we are supposed to be in this all together. So Bill may hold more than an ACE, as with Ted dead and gone, who else is there to believe, or not believe? By the way, that bookshelf that held a VECO property tag along with a U.S. Government property tag, it was found in an abandoned VECO construction trailer up in Prudhoe Bay, and yes, there were discarded tax returns also in this book shelf! The IRS is not this careless, unless there came a security breach, and that is the only way something like this could occur. So I ask, just how safe is the tax system if we have evidence eluding to the fact that the system has security risks, wherein it may have been manipulated by outsiders for a select audience in bed with powerful U.S. Senators and Congressmen?

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