Friday, December 2, 2011

$3-Dollar Light Bulb

I received a bunch of E-mail threats over a recent blog wherein I tried instilling some fascination over what it costs “government” to do business these days, as business has over time found a ways and means to get “blood out of a turnip” - especially when Uncle Sam is footing the bill. I believe most of the threats received originated from sitting representatives, as my E-mail Guardian sent these threats to quarantine. And the only thing that usually finds its way to this safety bin, it is either “Penis Enlargement” stuff or Congressmen Don Young's newsletter. Now with that in mind, I do not hesitate to convince that this “blood out of a turnip” act is nothing shy the up and up, as the “lobbyists” have infiltrated common sense, by forcing the Congress to manipulate the rules so what was once upon a time illegal, it is now acceptable. That is the ultimate lobbyists' “Saturday Night Special”. Case in point is this light-bulb replacement example. Since much of the government infrastructure has been “Privatized”, it means sending the bill to Uncle Sam for anything and everything, even the time spent unclogging a toilet. So Utility Joe has to change a burnt out light-bulb in the crapper at the utility plant. He runs over to Home depot and purchases a replacement bulb for $1.00. Now according to “government approved” procurement reimbursement rules and regulations in effect today, Utility Joe can sub-contract out the bulb replacement, as he is busy with the latrine duty. But in doing so, he gets to apply what is called a “Sub-Contractor Markup”, so now the $1.00 bulb has escalated in cost to a $1.45. Now the task is turned over to the Prime Contractor Project Manager, the guy Joe retains and hires to change the bulb and who likes donuts, so the “Prime” adds a “Management Fee” of 14% along with a Time Development Fee” of 16% and of course the task wouldn't be complete without a documented “Test & Commissioning Fee” of an additional 5% and wait there's more, a 20% “Prime Contractor Markup”, which brings the $1.00 Home Depot light-bulb to $2.25! Yet it is still dark in the “crapper”. With that, there comes a “Scope Allowance” of 30%, an “Engineering Fee” of 2%, a “Contingency Fee” of 5% and in ending, an “Escalation Fee” of 5.5%. Which brings this gifted light-bulb to $3.00, installed and turned on, just so Utility Joe can crap with some light! So in this simple case, a $1.00 dollar light-bulb escalates to $3.00 dollars, billed to Uncle Sam and paid without any questions or objections. No different for anything procured by Uncle Sam, which is everything, as “government” does not provide anything but a “service”, an expensive service according to even this simple light-bulb replacement example, as all contracts follow the same “Allowed For” costs mentality. So if a jet fighter indeed costs Uncle Sam $75-million delivered, in reality the cost to the Defense Contractor is more likely 1/3rd that amount, or $25-million. That extra $50-million pocketed by the crooks, it is “Pure Profit” that allows for shinning bonuses for the CEOs and those in the executive ranks, thus a confiscation of wealth to those at the top. Look, that “extra” is not reflected in the paychecks of the production line workers! See, if we just policed the greed factor, we could lower this “our” government's operating costs by a factor of 2/3rds – it is that simple Simon. With the most recent defense contract approved by Congress, in the tune of $882-billion, it would mean a whopping $588-billion left in the Treasury. See, that is what is wrong with the wealth hoarders. This money could be used to create jobs, instead of finding its way towards an offshore shelter and wherein things like the “Bush Tax Haven Cuts” hinder this country's growth. Money held captive by the wealthy does not circulate, it stagnates the recovery. Matter of fact, it is what caused the economic turmoil we face today. It is simple math providing a simple solution to this country's economic woes, but when we have a Congress that is controlled not by the people, this is the outcome, even for a light-bulb!

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

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