Thursday, December 1, 2011


It's here, the Quarterly Review of the AUGH, I mean ARRA – a.k.a. American Recovery & Reinvestment Act and its a free publication courtesy Barack Obama. Now when finding nothing better to do with one's time, try to sort through and analyze this “Obama Stimulus” plan to date, as it is rather amusing, yet seems to be a valuable piece of Presidential legislation with historical merit. Consuming a few Sam Adams beforehand helps meander through the mob mentality documentation. Matter of fact, if you are having doubts about your Presidential preference for the upcoming 2012 slug-fest, a read of this “bailout” plan may erase any doubts, as this plan of attack has merit and if nothing else, it points to a plan that is redistributing the wealth without approval from Mitch McConnell. Take that back, it is redistributing the American working class' sweat equity instead of allowing it to be amassed as wealth some more to the wealthy already. So now we have before us enough credible transparency data to understand what the “Recovery” means along with why it was considered a “Reinvestment” act at the same time. I can only speak for Alaska, as that is where I still see nothing different, business as usual. And please, will the person that is hiding the M.V. Susitna please come forward! Honestly, I had a proposition from the Japanese consulate to lease out this amphibious landing craft with nothing else to do, in efforts to help that country's recovery following the devastating earthquake. But now that the Review has been published, it gives me something else to solve, instead of trying to find an AWOL boat that cost the taxpayers how many millions? This review upon the ARRA is complicated and it can be used as a road-map to investigate how this program is fairing or fondling here in the “Lost Frontier”. Yes, we changed the motto due the fact Don Young wants to sell-out the wilderness, to the evilest bidder. Anyway, Alaska has so far to date been the recipient of $2.4-Billion dollars from the “ObamaCares” project. Even though Alaska was listed as the 35th state when it came to regurgitated Taxpayer loot doled out in the “Per Capita” scale ranking, like usual, this state tipped the scale as the highest $$ recipient totaling close to $3,000 bucks per person still breathing. Damn, we know Don is still breathing, heavily! Now the national average was closer to $1000 per capita, and that is why the GOP wants to let the working class tax credits expire, as they want “their” money back that was given back by Obama, given back to its rightful owner. A big thanks to Barack. Look, politicians truly believe that once your weekly paycheck is garnished for that income tax, that they own it? Along with the sentiment that they own us due the IRS's mightier then Thou attitude. It is your hard working money, not theirs! Wouldn't it be nice to see Congress work hard, for once. Imagine a job wherein all you have to worry about is giving away someone else's loot! Now with those billions delivered to Juneau under the auspices of the ARRA, which is nothing more then a typical Ted Stevens' bacon wrapped pork chop giveaway, the top pan handler was the DOT, raking in about $252-Million, and you thought the “Bridge To Nowhere” was just a thought? The highway robbery was followed by the University of Alaska, raking in $190-Million for research, which may include expenditures for a 2nd attempt to measure the penis size of the male Musk Ox and $140-Million went to the Carol Comeau School District. Now the list goes on forever, but of those billions delivered to Juneau, about $1-billion is earmarked to the “Broad-Band”, wherein every nook and cranny nationwide will realize high-speed data exchange capabilities, so no wonder FaceBook is going “Public”. But this project may have merit, get to that later in this broadcast! Look, everybody that owns a business license in Alaska has benefited from this “ObamaCares” program. And here is where one finds that the money has contributed to “Economic Recovery” efforts and at the same time has acted as a deterrent to the wealth hoarders. Since this program came fast and furious after the run-amuck GOP fantasized destroying Obama through economic turmoil, it means the loot is provided in the category of Grants, Contracts and Loans. The latter is supposed to be paid back, but the verdict seekers are still trying to find a competent jury to access the payback. So basically speaking, the money is given away, but through the “Bid” process which has some merit with respect to a coordinated effort to track each and every penny spent - it finds some credibility this process. It's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but something with loose teeth that could bite if provoked. At least that was the intent. Now anybody familiar with “government contracting”, it is a very lucrative concept once you get through the bureaucratic paperwork, even with the “Paper Work Reduction Act” still in effect. Inherent in every government bid or contract is a “mission creep” additive, to lubricate the gears of commerce past neutral. Before the ARRA era, the “ObamaCares” program, most government contracts were controlled and out-of-reach the normal checks and balance criteria, especially true with the “Big Defense Contractor Contracts”, those that rely on the “War Machine” as a means to continued profit margins better then that of a Senator turned lobbyist. Especially even truer, the lucrative “No-Bid” contracts made famous by the Alaska delegation, wherein an entity didn't even need to be qualified, just “disadvantaged”. That is the key, as an entity can bid on a project, say to build a road yet have not a shovel at its disposal, but can subcontract out for that shovel and the labor, at the same time realize there is a profit to be had, through the escalation clause. That “clause” allows for a rapid “Over Estimation” according to a 25% “Mock-up” factor, a 30% “Scope Allowance”, a 5% “Government Contingency” factor topped off with a 6% “Escalation” factor, so factor all this into the “Outcome Equation”. That is why a gold plated toilet seat can be found in every U.S. Senate Office crapateria! What do you mean a gift? So the executives understand how much they can legally charge Uncle Sam, for anything and everything as these escalation factors are allowed, without any questions and are usually taken to the maximum strength. Now even though “monopolizing” is against government regulations and Qui Tam legislation is supposed to eliminate such racketeering, it doesn't always work so well, as that demarcation between a monopoly and fair play is cloudy. Regardless, if there comes a jet fighter that costs Uncle Sam $75-Million, the defense contractor gets approximately $39-million above and beyond. And it is like a trickle down theory, as subcontractors enjoy the same exclusive escalation costs. So, using the same jet fighter principle, in reality without the “mission creep” monies built into the contracts, a $75-Million dollar bird's true cost is something closer to 1/3rd or for reasons of sanity this “mission”, $26-Million! But to behave honestly and only take the dip into the “escalation clause” when necessary, that hurts the bottom line, especially with the CEOs, as extra profit is what makes that year end bonus so inviting. Bottom-line, good intention “mission creep” has been taken advantage of and that is costing the U.S. Taxpayer above and beyond, so someone else can enjoy the wealth and these same crooks cry out loud when someone sees it fit and proper to raise taxes upon the wealthy. Do you realize how many “millionaires” the war machine has generated? You don't want to know. So overtime, it is the “Big Government Contractors” that have amassed a fortune and even though the wage earners may have benefited from these contracts, not at the same degree as the executable branch. There's crooks and workers. So with the “ObamaCares” project in full swing, the “BGCs” are losing out, as this program is for everyone. As an example, in Alaska there came a contract to supply military housing at the tune of $52-million. Now in the past, this “contract” would have been reserved for an entity well versed in political piracy, a.k.a. lobbying and a direct link tunnel that ends under a senator's desk. But under the “ObamaCares” program, this project was available to a podunk outfit which was quick to find acceptance for delivering the goods. This “Fast Track” project was implemented through ARRA for the troops coming home, as somebody forgot to realize they need a place to sleep! There are not enough beds for the troops coming home because Congress thought they would never return! See if not deployed for a war approved by Congress, it is “What war”? Now the recipient of this contract had not the resources to perform even building a chicken coop, so subcontracted out the project at a cost of $48-Million. Which means the “General Contractor” retained approximately $4-million to create 1.5 jobs and because of “transparency” we find out that it accounts to paying some jerk off artist handsomely, to do nothing except file a monthly blurb about “Progress”. Now with transparency, we see that the “General” pays itself for four executive salaries free-ranging from $328,000 for the top dog and $265,000 for the water boy and being a job estimated to take 4-years, it will provide wealth like income for these bastards with a responsibility to do nothing but gain financially, just like what has been going down too damn long – wherein Uncle Sam continues to be victimized. As a nation once enjoying great statute, we have become our own worst enemy, as greed seems to be the bible of choice. Maybe the sentiment “Can't beat them, Join them” is what future generations will aspire upon. But I am glad to see that the Alaska Railroad benefits this “ObamaCares” program, taking in $26-million, for important things like a $1.6-million foot bridge across the Placer River. Just don't let Don know we are spending Obama bucks to build trail bridges! Lord help us. But here is my take in a nutshell. Eliminate the Corporate Tax, as that will be the litmus test to see if the GOP likes to lie. Elimination of the CIT should allow the business environment to reinvest, which should create jobs. On top of that, demand a stop-gap measure provision in which there comes reasonable wages from the top down, especially for the Defense Contractors. For the janitor - those 5-year olds that the Newt wants to put to work - and the guy at the helm, the CEOs, a wage difference that is not a Helter Skelter like disenfranchising of the wealth. Look, where would a defense contractor be without the generosity of Uncle Sam? Is it fit and proper that a war machine CEO benefit above and beyond any other hard working American? NO. If we can have Congress vote-in a minimum wage, so be it a maximum wage also. And come the end of the year, the corporate balance sheet must balance as any money not re-invested will be “painfully” distributed as a dividend. But before that money can be loophole laundered to the stakeholders' secret piggy-bank or shareholders' offshore tax shelters, it “shall” be taxed at 50% by the corporation and the proceeds delivered to the Treasury. And with this, eliminate the “mission creep” upon “government” contracts that has become the norm and just a ways and means for the wealth to be confiscated by a few at the top. If a “government” contract falls behind, then it is up to the contractor to dip into his insurers pockets for a bailout. It is a simple economic model, one that allows the GOP to have it their way, one that allows the liberal party to have it their way and at the same time allows for a fair and equitable recovery as the strangulation upon America is so far by now nauseating, sickening, and I am sick and tired of research that finds a continued “mission accomplished” by performing abuse upon the U.S. Treasury, which is supposed to protect my money! Why do some Americans feel that the opportunistic like attitude to steal is vogue, to take advantage thy fellow man, as an acceptable American trait and maybe tradition? It isn't and whomever tells you differently, he or she must be a senator or congressional buffoon. In ending, the solutions to this country's economic woes are not complicated, but simple, yet unfortunately therein exists the problem, as that makes it too easy and “Equitable” a solution and that my friend is the true meaning of Socialism. If we only had a Congress that cared! And what is so wrong with an equitable society, wherein we all have a shelter to call home and not have to worry about getting an eviction notice signed by a clown named Gingrich, how happy for a non-leaking roof over our heads in efforts to enjoy that little “freedom” time left over after a long day at the mine or in the fields, with warm food on the table that nourishes instead of providing a generation of obesity because we cannot afford the decency that is enjoyed by the wealthy class and maybe once in a while a sniff of Don Perignon. As no matter what, there will always remain a class system, call it the good and the bad, us against them, you pick as right now the picking on is ripe! And with that “Broad-Band” plan as part of the “ObamaCares” project becoming a reality allowing service on demand all across America, from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans, why not demand service from Congress? Better yet, abolish Congress and let “The People” vote on each and every issue, a direct connection to the guy at the helm. Wow, imagine a day without a Congress, nothing lost, everything to gain, as when nothing is accomplished due bipartisan bickering, we are basically on our own - just like it has been for a pretty long time by now! So we must give credit where credit is due, as the “ObamaCares” project is something that came to fruition not through friendly relationships across the isles, but because this country was invaded, by “House” hypocrites. And if we all just started off tomorrow by asking ourselves what John Kennedy targeted attention upon, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” and realized that ripping off Uncle Sam has done enough damage and those guilty can except leniency and change such evil ways, then maybe we have something to look forward too, besides the doom and gloom climate of a dysfunctional Congress. Imagine, not enough beds for our returning military men and women? That is why Congress is looking for another “war” and the “War Machine” generals, the Defense Contractor CEOs, are busily working overtime to convince this option, as their pot of gold may be a thing of the past!

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