Monday, November 28, 2011

Don Young, Shut Up Again

I was recently under relentless road rage attacks, while driving through conservative controlled country during the time that Don Young was under the influence – from lingering side effects caused by getting hit on the head with a coconut a few years back while lobbying down in Florida. Don is Alaska’s lone-star congressmen, and due this behavior promoting fits of rage against his fellow men and women, he is considered alarmed and cantankerous, so approach with caution. Do not try waving a peace sign to calm things down as the “Don” thinks that retreat means “Target Practice”! Do not try to comprehend, leave that to the TSA. Now these attacks upon my wellbeing, it was promoted by numskull Don’s ego gone wild, wherein he pissed off the “Conservatives” because he pissed on a righteous American citizen trying to opinion true facts of the matter under consideration during a Congressional debate on ANWR. So the conservatives put out a subliminal APB to harass Alaskans, to get back at Don, as it appears guilty by association wins favor. See, with every vote counting these days, even little outbursts can cause a party crash. Wow this harassment, it must work and is cheap political assassination! It meant a whole bunch of close calls, dodging cow pies and all kinds of rotting fruit thrown my way, due the fact my vehicle sports Alaskan “Last Frontier” plates and I was traveling in the lower-48. Enough is enough, as why the hell should I have to suffer for Don’s ignorant ignoramus like behavior? Now in efforts to fend off this truly unprovoked harassment, as I am not in any way shape or form a Don Young apostle, it meant an on the sneak creeping back to Alaska, through the back woods back roads of America. Wow, this is true America, like an Alice in Wonderland adventure. Was it an LSD flashback? No! This is for real. Thanks Don, as had you remained cool, calm and collective, I never would have found this “American Secret”! Fertile like lands embracing a breadbasket of fruits and vegetables as far as the eye could see, then some. So that is what finds meaning by “Free Range”! And people wore smiles! It was truly an agricultural society in harmony with Nature. See, Don and his cohorts in crime – environmental crimes – think preserving nature is for pussies, thus ANWR in their vision is nothing but a wasteland so who really cares if we attack it with over-flowing “Porta-Johns”. Look, when men assemble to exploit natural resources, there comes a whole lot of bull-shit and “thy cup do runneth over”! But here in the back country of America, one can see that nature is something we need to preserve, away from oil development and today's crusade to over developing. With the “Good Earth”, soil and water from the heavens, and the seeds of time still on our side, good flourishes, providing a cornucopia of nourishment. Wow, it is autumn still here in God's country - that sentiment according to the “natural” sign - and the great migration is in full bloom. And a whole lot of these winged ones came back from Alaska, from ANWR, as this refuge still under protection acts as a Serengeti for a very short birthing season. So why in hell do we plan to disrupt this beauty, there or here? Now besides food network central, here before my very eyes was a work of art with the varying colors from the varying species of all living things, from the legged species to the winged resting their wary wings. And the bird life that exists, mind-boggling to say the least, like a never tiring symphony. Maybe herein exists the answer to modern day mans’ future. No chaos around here, as life revolves around the seasons which revolves around fields of gold. And with winter time, it meant a slow down time. As far as my well-being, it appeared that I was now out of harms way, from the previous attacks fostered by my affiliation with Alaska and Don Young's outrageous rage on behaviors - how humiliating an experience that was! Imagine, a congressional hearing rage wherein he attacked decency to the point that it boiled over and people, good American citizens, went on the warpath. And those on the warpath are the conservative right, realizing that when idiots like Don go on the warpath, it derails the entire system of merits. Wow, this is nice. I haven’t read a paper for a few days or listened in to the news, so maybe Young was placed under “House” arrest and that is the reason for the calming. Then again, maybe it has something to do with my where-abouts. Wow, there are all these fruit stands and vegetable stands offering all kinds of fresh and succulent varieties, the bounty's last round as nature begins to dig in for winter. And being a Sunday, it is all on an “Honor System” basis, to purchase this God given resource. Honestly, in this day and age of gang warfare and bipartisan warfare, here in the cornucopia we find people still insisting on the “Honor System”. Wow, fresh eggs for a dollar. I felt bad, so I left 2-dollars! And that rings a bell and brings up a very interesting subject matter. The “Honor System”. What happened to the U.S. Congress with respect to “Honor”? That is in effect what we expect isn't it when these supposedly statesmen with some semblance of home-grown ethics and honor make it to the “House”, instead of the end-around massacre, that affiliation with lobbyists that continues to derail our freedoms. Look at what is coming out of Wall Street, now that “whistle-blowers” are running scared their occupations with the “Occupy” movement. There is an un-written rule that a WS investment meeting cannot allow more then 3-blacks at any given time? And it is well established that any trader that doesn't change party affiliation to that of the GOP, he or she is a trader and gets paid less and is scared into believing that the democrats want to tax the yearly bonus awards. And it is Congress that allows this egregious behavior to continue on, no different that what the Sargent of Arms allows Don Young to get away with. I am sure that somewhere in the rule making book there is something that protects American's from the likes of Don and such outrageous behavior – it is called censuring! But it has become a ship of fools, this “House” and they all defend themselves, because of all the skeletons! We vote the idiots in, then we expect them to abide by some semblance of honor, but that becomes just a suggestion. There is only one thing that the representative body preys upon, a job for life is the game. Look, we don’t ask for a report card before we pay out big bucks for their honor gone missing. We don’t look at the goods delivered before we disperse their pay. And maybe that is where we as Americans have gone wrong. Maybe it is time to hold back paying the representative body until such time they produce. It is a contract isn't it? Maybe they should have to send every voting citizen a report card, and that is where we can rate their performance, thus their pay. Say a scale of 1 to 10, and the average of all ratings cast determines their worth, wherein a 10 gets the maximum allowed Congressional payout, a 1 finds a minimum wage payment. Yes, they will be on trial until they can prove that they have done something constructive. With todays ratings so bad, the money we taxpayers would save, it would help eliminate some of that deficit they allowed, by being AWOL! Yes indeed, it would be nice to be able to use an honor system, but we can see that doesn’t work any longer and even if we did demand something in return, they would just make more “immunity” legislation, behind our backs to protect their interests - which has “In Bed with the Lobby” written all over. Lost cause, it appears so as nowadays an AWOL 112th is all we see. It is nothing short a pathetic slug-fest, bent on no accountability whatsoever. So maybe we need to dig deep into America, to see what is still working for this country. Like this “Honor System” that appears to work, in an agricultural scene that is, that is “Socialistic”, as that is the outcome of a system that works with such “Honor”. But for now, I need to pay attention to road rage, as the honey moon is done with and I am back in enemy territory, thanks to Don, for being so stupid upon his fellow man! And Don, you do work for us as it is the taxpayers that puts bread on your table, don't forget it. And if you disagree, then credit to Tom Delay for teaching you how to disenfranchise American decency and transforming the “House of Honor” into a “House” full of fools, with yours truly a member in good standing!

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