Monday, November 28, 2011

Something Stinks!

What the hell is that stench? Wow, there goes Newt Gingrich and his entourage in a hurry through the airport, must be body guard generated body odor from his recent engagements and in a hurry to get to Tiffany's – for the “Black Friday” sales extravaganza. Then again, it appears that Newt is walking crooked with a limp, like something is stuck to the bottom of his shoes? Dog crap it is and he is tracking it everywhere he goes. It stinks, this trail assassination of his, left behind for the “servants” to contend with. Maybe that's what he was talking about, that rift about taking a bath and allowing 9-year young kids to become janitors! See, the news' media re-defined this ED out of context, as Newt was complaining about himself with the odor ordeal. Can you imagine this “statesmen” supposedly, once upon a time Speaker of the House complaining about other American citizens “stinking”? People have problems, but don’t use this handicap as a political advantage. And Newt went on a rage about getting a job as he hasn't been gainfully employed since his days as a historian for Fredrick's of Hollywood, or whatever it was that paid him handsomely, in the tune of a few million for nothing. So besides a bath, he yearns for a job that does something for this country, other than rape thy neighbor. But getting paid for nothing? Par for the course with ex-politicians on the loose and on a trail of abuse. I would have to say that incarceration is a bonafide post-requisite for all politicians once they leave or loose office, just so they can re-learn how to contain their egos back to normal. For real, this Newt relationship with FreddieMAC scandal stinks its own stench, just how many foreclosures could have been avoided with this loot Newt confiscated, had it been used on righteousness instead of aiding and abetting the “right”? “Take it with you”, the GOP motto. I hope the Pearly Gate has a tax collector present or a confiscation policy. Honestly, if a single penny ever makes it past the Master, Heaven is doomed. What is a historian needed for anyway, for a federal institute that should survive and thrive not by sending people to the homeless ranks, but polices that American spirit to own a home? So his position was nothing short a scam, courtesy in part the U.S. Taxpayers loot – getting taken again! If Newt thinks he has what it takes to lead this country, we all know what road he will take us down – Doomsday Alley, just follow the dog crap. And what is with this “Red Tag” concept Newt embraces, wherein illegal aliens will be given a chance to stay in America, if one has been here 25-years, has paid income taxes, has not broken the law and is a member in good standing with a local church. What the hell does religion have to do with it? But it is pretty pathetic, with the GOP run for the Presidency contenders. In reality, look at the money we save from not having to buy comic books! In fact with all the available political fodder behind the runners, SNL is thinking about show-time every other night instead of just on the weekends. And if laughter is the best medicine, this phenomenon before us fresh could make Americans healthy again, so stay tuned. Honestly, I can hear Twain rolling with laughter in his grave over what is going down with the GOP candidates. Now what is funny but at the same time bothersome is the fact that these runners are true grit liars. They lie to cover up lies and don't even realize that lies covered up by another lie can only lead to the attribute of a Congressional member. Just think of the “Not the whole truth, so help me God” qualifier for a U.S. Senator then multiply that times ten and you get the true picture of GOP available presidential material. That is why these goons are making waves in the polls, all told together it accounts for an approval rating of George Bush's IQ. Really, “Mission Accomplished” finds an IQ equal to that of a “peon” – measurement impossible. I understand that George is in deep, deep desperado depression, as nobody read his book - his pathetic memoirs - and the fact that Dick Cheney “Dicked” him. I hope Dick tries smoking marijuana some day, as that was his downfall, when instead of enjoying life as a college kid he was plotting against America during the “Assemble Peacefully” Vietnam era, and that is why we have Gingrich off-springs running around with crap on their shoes, as they were never taught to clean up after themselves. I did take a gander at George's memoirs, but every page was “Intentionally left Blank”? Maybe it was a misprint, but is was a signed copy, in Pig Latin! I do believe that the GOP is trying to help George’s approval rating, for history’s sake, by finding numskulls to lead the party. So far they make George a genius in comparison. Now Godfather Cain doesn't have anything to sweat with all the money he is spending to convince the world he is a moron and no sweat not only because he has the taxpayers footing the bill for “Security” detail, as the Congress has come to his aid, with Pizza now a bonafide “vegetable” that can be served at schools - in efforts to eradicate child obesity? Yes indeed, Congress doesn't have anything better to do but must do something to collect their $175,000 dollar salary, so decided to waste time debating the merits of including “Pizza” in the list of “healthy” things allowed in a school lunch program. Congress gets involved in junk food approval because the taxpayers foot the bill for nutrition AWOL from homes. It appears Congress can't get anything right. And then there is Rick Perry, reminds me of roll playing Colonel Kurtz of Apocalypse Now – move over Brando! Romney is living proof that when a man is desperate, try to buy your way to the top. Look, if Romney makes it to the helm, get used to “Minimum Wage”, as it will become a reality. Servants we will become at his beckon call and within reach through class-warfare and freedoms restricted. He must have Hitler DNA! Buchmann, lost for words of advice as nothing could help this fruit-case nut-case. Is she really a member of the Congressional “Intelligence Committee”? And how in hell does she get so much time off her job as a wack-whore and still get paid? Bottom-line, she should have taken a sabbatical, just like all the other members of Congress practice with pay. I feel sorry for her husband, but maybe he is happy, “Freedom at last” on the road again. Sabbatical, yes indeed. Congress is on a paid Sabbatical, as they cannot get anything accomplished, except redefining “Pizza” in the vegetable category. Hey, you got any pizza seeds? And here is the sad fact of the matter. There is a guy named Huntsman in the running but he is getting “zero” traction as that stench attacking decency is the GOP rotting to death. Why you may ask this ignoring? Because he has some intelligence, not that he would garnish my vote, but let’s get real this Presidential aspiration instead of showing the rest of the world more laughter. But it all boils down to misfit politics that over-time by now is showing its patheticness. This party lost, by allowing the likes of Tom Delay and others to disenfranchise the American spirit and destroy all party credibility. The Delay Era was the time when the “Plumber” saw to it that America was not the home of the brave, but the paradise of the lobby-reform-movement and had all his buddies rallied around his lost cause. I hope his buddies, those on that sabbatical or in hiding, visit his sorry ass when the bars & stripes become his retirement time. It backfired and now the GOP is desperate and trying to save face by ruining the other party, and eye-for-an-eye mentality and this comes about at the expense of our kids and their future, which is on hold because of what is happening. In the mean time, fill up on “Pizza”! But the sad fact of the matter, the other party was derailed when Bill Clinton ruined the office of the Presidency, by LYING! Since then this country ends up with individuals not even fit for a position as an ambulance chaser, take George Bush for instance. Obama, well he tells us things that are borderline fibbing, not quite to the “Liar, liar pants on fire” stage, so there is hope. Maybe we all need to be placed in detention, a kindergarten refresher, just so this county can get back to a baseline decency wherein we care about each-other, regardless of one's beliefs. And yes, religion has a whole lot to do with what is going on and down today. Wherein we as Americans once upon a time a nation not of lemmings but of individuals, could awaken each and every morning to not find more and more homegrown turmoil, it stinks. Snake oil medicine at its best utilizing the power of the pulpit to further a segregated agenda has become a ways and means to justify “No” separation, and that is a dangerous proposition. But we find no one willing to take on this domain, a hands off approach it is, when in reality it is time to defend the “Separation” clause - at any expense. If it takes a revolution, so be it. Religion has become the damning factor upon this nation, and instead of nation building, it is destroying decency and allowing this once great nation to slide down the scale, almost to the status of a 3rd world nation with respect to liberties. And when it came to pass, when this nation was at its weakest period, when the Presidential helm was under attack that the pulpit attacked and today we find freedom is at risk. Religion, get out of politics! Politics, get out of religion. To all those preachers, mind your own business. Get a life and get out of our lives and if bored, go pray for sanity, as the GOP candidates need something besides wealth to prophetize their portfolios. For those that are still trying to figure out what the ED is all about? Explosive Diarrhea, defined as opening ones mouth and letting out not intelligent thought, but premeditated hate, and it stinks.

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